If Bethesda isn't forcing modders to use Creation Club...

If Bethesda isn't forcing modders to use Creation Club, why isn't the community lashing out at the modders that choose to use the service instead of Nexus-like services instead?

because modding is optional, and you can't be entitled about it. Especially since mods are buggy, doesn't always work and may require additional mods

Every modder who support creation club is a cuck.
All their mods will be pirated and uploaded on free mod sites rather they want it or not.
I don't mind if modder decides to put a link to his paypal if anyone would like to support him, but if he wants to make it mandatory then he should just leave modding, because this way it looses it's original meaning and find a 3d modelling job instead.
In other words - Fuck Bethesda and their cucks

>I don't mind if modder decides to put a link to his paypal if anyone would like to support him
Show us all of your donations to modders please.

>why isn't the community lashing out at the modders that choose to use the service
Because not everyone is an entitled nigger like you?

There seems to be more backlash at Bethesda than the modders. It's confusing to me.

I donated 15 bucks to the K9 modular body armor mod. So fucking dope.
I'd donate more if I had more disposable income.
We are out there.

I don't know, if I make a thing and want to get paid for it, I want to get paid for it.

If you think modding is something that someone should do for no pay you should make your own mods and provide them for free. If you don't do that you are just a nigger begging for some more gibsmedata.

>I donated 15 bucks to the K9 modular body armor mod
Nice proof you have there.

>not "gibsmedats"
And thus a new word was born.

Because idiots can't be saved. Also, everyone knows that people who do it for free have the most heart put into their mods.
People who make and copy/paste mods for money are jews and should die in a fire.

CC sales don't affect modders, they get paid out of pocket by Bethesda.

Kinda hard to prove as the PayPal transaction went to Robert Vogel (fadingsignal) and doesn't really say anything about the mod that I donated to.

>actually looking at the transaction to try and prove shit to me

LOL do you have nothing better to do you faggot loser?

The only people that this affects ultimately is PS4 users since they do not allow external assets in their mods unless it's backed by bethesda. Hence the creation club.

The absolute truth is that Sony allowed this to happen. Meanwhile PC gets everything for free still, best mods are made for PC, and xbox still get skimmed down external assets. Sony said fuck everyone and wants to maintain an entirely closed system. So no external assets on PS4. This has created a pocket space to extract money from a douchebag company with a douchebag userbase.

Congratulations. Blame Sony.

That is how I've always seen it. I don't understand why the backlash has gone the way it is.

No, blame Bethesda.

They tried it with the PC audience and got told to kill themselves. Now they're trying with an audience who otherwise has zero access to the content, otherwise, and are more casual in general, IE won't complain and have no knowledge of the controversy.

Bethesda should be buried up to the neck and stoned.

>heh retard, I was only pretending to be retarded
Sup Forumss finest it seems

>it's consolefags
Who gives a fuck?


Becase they're shit mods, but with a huge pricetag

And it wouldn't have made a come back if Sony just said yes to external assets like xbox did.
You can't sell the milk if it's free already.

It took like 5 seconds.
I didn't mind.

>all this puncutation
>reddit spacing

Le meltdown alert

>you should make your own mods and provide them for free
Good thing I've done that then. Even learned how to 3d model for that express purpose. Only payment I expected was a better experience for myself in the game Freelancer. You know, the reason people used to do mods.

>tfw the mods themselves are already installed via the update
>you just need to pay to have them unlocked.
I'll be waiting for the mandatory Fishing mod for SE or another re-textured fruit mod for 5 dollydoos.

Any proof that the mods are already downloaded via the update. And don't like the shitty cropped screenshot of a data folder. Because so far there has been no data eaten besides the creation kit itself. And if it was the case to download every mod on it. It would have been closer to 12-16gb not a few mb


Not him but I'm currently downloading the CC update for the Xbone and my overall modding limit is just under 2 gigs. From the stuff that I had seen on CC were mostly just texture reskins, a weapon mod and a backpack. Those would barely push past the gig mark let alone 12-16. But the fact that they want you to pay for a power armor reskin when you can pick up UCO for free just makes this so pathetic for anyone who isn't under the control of Sony. Why pay for the milk when I'm already getting it for free?

That's the only space in which creation club will thrive is for PS4 users who don't have access to external assets, because muh closed space system we still mad about people putting linux on ps2 and they're criminals sony dick hole faggotry.


>see 2 gb update
>oh boy bugfixes
>it's pay2unlock dlc
>f4se also stops working

Yeah thanks todd you cockgobbling retard.

Its still kinda sad that Sonybros have to pay for this shit though. At the end of the day PC gets mods if any since its a dying scene, Xbone gets the scarps from that and PS4 have to pay for it. Everyone is getting fucked one way or another.

Modding on PC is not a dying scene. You need to actually pay attention if you think that. Literally last month the largest quest mod for Skyrim was released Beyond Skyrim Bruma it's 1.5x the size of dragonborn dlc and has less bugs then all of the base game combined at a grand total of around 5 bugs 1 of which is only breaking one side quest in it. The downside is that the rest of the series of mods won't be on the oldrim version and will only be on SE in the future because oldrim optimization is nonexistent and bruma brings down the entire game by nearly 20 fps because engine limitations on 32 bit.

Modding is very much alive and well and still continues to this day for much older games such as fucking morrowind.

Dying in the sense that Fallout 4 in comparison to the other titles desu, but Skyrim nah that will never die because thats part of the reason for why paid mods exist. Its reminder to Beth/Zenimax that they missed out the chance of making big bucks on mods when it was big. Besides haven't you heard that the Script Extender has been put on hiatus for SE until someone can figure out how to properly tool it for use, everything is there its just the desire to complete it has been left.

the script extender is still coming however everyone that works on it has other real life commitments for now.
Fallout has always had a terrible mod scene compared to Elder Scrolls.
SKSE64 isn't needed to make most shit work on Skyrim SE also. Unless you get real indepth with sex mods, but havoc is actually native to gamebryo. All the reason SKSE exist is to shorten already set hooks and no one can just pick up the project either, because the team that works on it has specialized contracts with Bethesda and Steam to create a program that hooks into the exe.
So modders have to work a bit harder currently, but many modders are much more experience then what they were 6 years ago and the 64 bit version of skyrim is much better than the 32 bit version.

They are? The people who "betrayed" the community the last time when Steam introduced the paid workshop mods shit all essentially accomplished nothing more than to "out" themselves as fuckheads and regarded as black sheep of the true modding community in the aftermath of the failure that was the paid workshop shit.

>had a little browse through the CC to see whats on sale
>two weapon mods, a backup, two suits of power armor skins and a furniture pack
>total value: about 30 something dollydoos give or take
>tfw its roughly the same amount that I had paid for when I bought the Season Pass on special
Who is going to even pay for this shit? The

Sony fags will, because none of those mods work on their version, because muh closed space system and no external assets.
Sony overreacted to that one dude putting linux on his machine back during PS2 and won the court case saying that consoles are property of the company that produces them and not the consumer who purchases it. Ever since then they doubled down on the douchebaggery.

Because attacking individuals is harder than a company trying to normalize paid mods.

>tfw you checked beths forums every now and then for skse updates
>and saw the fucktarded mobile on a pc design they've changed over to now
I wish they'd update their page to some different place to look for progress. Fucking hell those boards are cancer in an aerojar now.

Try Nexus forums or even their own site skse.silverlock.org

Then stop complaining and keep doing that. Just because you are okay with being a cuck doesn't mean everyone else is.