Really wish I could make those warpers fuck off
I like my base location but it's always swarming with the fuckers
>you're gathering uraninite in the blood kelp trench
>you have a high oxygen capacity so you've strayed a bit far from your seamoth
>suddenly this nigger teleports behind you and slaps your ass
What do?
What's he doing, flashing you?
Stuttering simulator
Optimization when?
alright but can we just take a moment to talk about how the game devs are sjw's for not having guns in the game? i am so triggered by their decision to not have guns, like omg
That's what they're working on, isn't it?
AMD fix when?
>i am so triggered by their decision to not have guns, like omg
Are all scifi works SJW according to you if they don't have guns? Seems plausible to me for some future societies to forego personal weapons.
I think he was being sarcastic but if so, why bring up something you don't want to talk about
We can't go one thread without this bullshit
Reminder that posts of this nature are just as bad and contribute zero discussion in these threads
I wish it had a harpoon or net gun at least. Something to ward large predators as a knife ain't great or fun
That is true. Knife is as much a tool as a harpoon could be a hunting implement at least.
A net gun would be good and lore friendly
bake the meshes then we'll talk
Shitposters like you should be banned on sight
I've been looking for moonpool's shards for ages and I can't find them still.
Also fuck the two ghost leviathans that spawn when you get into the void now. I've been killed tons of times because I didn't want to check the net for a map, and now that I did and know for sure that there is nothing on the other side of the Aurora I feel like the game isn't fun anymore
Currently a bug in the experimental branch where you can overheal yourself with medkits.
Currently sitting at 101% health after one of the exploding fish clipped me
Have they finally went live? I'm not going back to this goddamn game until it leaves EA
Wait, This game runs poor on amd hadware? explains the jaggies for me
Unity uses phys-x
I have no problem with the lack of guns, it adds to the "you're not the apex predator here'' feel. Their decision to put politics into it was beyond idiotic and was actually very irritating though.
>Pod has spawned ridiculously close to the aurora
>aurora's about to explode
wish me luck, brehs
the way it's put in makes it into a corporatist dystopia that's really fucking shit, and that they basically cover everything in a layer of happyfeelgood to keep people calm and sedentary
even if they did it politically it makes them look like the bad guys
What if it's a positive statement about guns because holy fuck look how fucked you are without them and shit. Imagine how easy it could've been if you at least had some goddamn harpoon launchers, instead you gotta hide like a little bitch.
One thing I'm liking in experimental is that the signals no longer take up inventory space. You can just stack up on them and handle them in the 'ping manager' menu
Screenshot, how close?
I thought there was only one spawn
The pod can spawn anywhere in the safe shallows
As someone who has an xbone for the dumbest reason in the world I'm glad they're porting it over. Now I'll have a total of "two" xbone games to play. This and the rareware collection.
Nothing happens if you're too close, I was right beside it when it blew up and it teleported me back to the lifepod
Pretty fucking close
Post the spooky monsters.
Bonus if link to a webm with sound
You can survive it if you go directly behind hit and use the engines for cover
That meant you died son and that you probably lost all your scavenge for that trip
Cant remember if I lost anything
Does the ship always crash at a different angle too?
Cry in despair
ship always crashes in the same place
Only your spawn point changes and because of the size and distance of the aurora it's surprisingly hard to get your bearings
nope, not yet
I have hundreds of hours in this and have never seen a mesmer
Why is the cyclops only good for transporting the prawn. Dissapointing.
I wish it was possible to fish, like off an island or above sea base. I also wish there were one or two more islands
Underwater spearfishing would be neat
>get pretty much every upgrade
>no longer feel a need to explore
>supposed motivation if curing an infection doesn't mechanically motivate me to do anything
Send help
Nope. B77 update was originally titled "B77: Rocket" but it was changed to "B77: Ghost" and now the next update is "B78: Cutefish" :^)
It's good to transport the prawn and to locomote in the deeper biomes.
Get the sonar upgrade, it's the closest you'll ever get to cheating in game
Anyone else here fell into the botomless abyss ?
>be me
>dicking around in creative mode
>using cyclops to transport prawn
>start going deep without entering any hole
(I had just followed the terrain, I was aprox 2,5k meters deep)
>start descending while facing them
>+/-3.5k meters down, the cliffs stop
>nothing under
It was pretty fucking spooky. I dropped the prawn to see jow far it would go, and as I am talking, it keeps descending.
would the whole underwater continent be on massive purple floaters? Will there be a 10k deep floor???
This is literally what you've typed except in image format.
For some reason that was happening to me when I first launched it on a new PC a couple of weeks ago, but now it's way better.
Now I stopped playing, probably because I have every vehicle and spoiled the story of the last place I had to visit for myself.