Gabe Newell

Do you think Gabe Newell liked Nine Inch Nails

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What's with 90s and early 2000s fps game developers and tront reznor?

Because NIN is/was sick as fuck

Now here's a good OP. I say yes: he looks sad all the time, he was probably powerless as a young adult, and he likes knives.

Wasn't he able to go to college and get a job at Microsoft? It does not sound powerless to me.

Yes. Gabe was a code monkey at Microsoft and decided that instead of working on Windows he wanted to make games, so he quit and cofounded Valve.

Good background music for programming/mapping?

Not as much as John Romero

Trent likes Vidya.

No, but id software sure did.

NIN was probably too emo for Romero


everyone who is currently over the age of 28 at one point liked NIN. even if it was just head like a hole, terrible lie, or perfect drug, or even just the wretched instrumental from Q3A.

Pretty mopey compared to the metal I'd imagine Romero listened to

Probably. The HL1 soundtrack has a few songs that sound similar to stuff Trent has made. He was a pretty big influence, and Trent has similar thoughts on piracy, or he did. Not sure how they both feel about it now.

There are some mopey NIN songs but not all, or even most of them are like that.

Listen to some emo rock, and you'll hear the difference.

Pretty sure he uploaded a torrent of one of his albums a while back in 08 ( I think). But I dunno how he feels now

Not entirely accurate. If you liked Tool, you were excused from that class.


>I own every NIN CD
>I've been working on the vinyl collection for around 8 years
> I unironically spend 3 hours a day on trents subreddit
>I have memorized every lyric of every song save Add Violence

I have pics of my collection if anyone wants them.

I started listening to Trent when I was 10 and never stopped. I'm not joking, I don't listen to any other music.


Essential NiN stuff?

I have a copy of the broken movie but that's it

You should try listening to other music... although in a little jealous you found a band you like so much you could listen to only them for 10 years. Although that kind of sounds like an obsession

Well, Not a The Actual Events is having a Vinyl release and it's fucking fantastic.

The Fragile is a must have, even if you're not a fan.

Simply put, even if you don't like indistrial music, The Fragile is the single greatest work of audio-art ever made.

I've tried listening to other music. I don't know, I really just don't like anything else. NiN has a song/Album for however I'm feeling, and I've never really felt that I need more than NiN. I've been a fan for as long a I continue, fuck I could recite Trents fucking biography from memory. I guess everybody just has something they're really into.

Yeah and I remember him telling people to pirate one of his albums because the distributor jacked up the price in some locations, not sure if that's the same one he uploaded. He probably just saw the benefits of piracy, that some people just pirate because they can and don't want to pay, but that it also helps prevent people being screwed over by some companies.

You can try listening to stuff Trent liked. You know, Bowie, Numan, etc.

The Downward Spiral is their best album and it's no doubt the most influential on video games

The Downward Spiral.

>The Downward Spiral is their best album

Look at this guy with his shitty opinions.

Not even a shill, Fragile beat it by a long shot in every conceivable way.

And I love TDS.

Marilyn Manson>NIN. Reznor is overrated as fuck.

Eh, it's not really so strange. I mean, I personally don't get it, with the ridiculous range of shit I like, but it's not really different from Elvis addicts, or people who only listen to The Who(or KISS I guess, but I've never met one. I assume the kiss army meme had to come from somewhere though.)

That's cool, I was a similar way with Nirvana for a long time, although I eventually stopped. They were highly influential people who made music that shaped the way people think and act, it's worth understand them.

Do you make any of your own music though? Once I started making my own music and art, I stopped wanting to only listen to Nirvana.

Yeah, that's why Reznor did the music and sound effects for Quake, no one at id liked him, especially Romero and McGee.

Yeah I prefer TDS too.

Get out of here, Brian, you goth faggot.


More like Nine Inch Subs amirite

>code monkey

gabe was a product director who was partially responsible for a lot of the good things about windows 9x that brought computers into the modern era. He wasn't a "code monkey" and didn't get rich on accident

Google has him listed as a 'producer,' but to be fair, was it possible to be a producer at fucking Microsoft in the 1980's and not know anything about coding?

>trent reznor has some playboy chink wife now
>continuing to come out with albums

add violence is like some guy who took trents face laughing at real trent while he pisses on his cuts

i feel especially sad for the rabid nin fan guy in the thread, the people who stop distinguishing between the quality of things because of rabid fanship

Hmm. I seem to have been partially mistaken in my original post. Perhaps Gabe Newell did not like Nine Inch Nails after all.

he was a product director. of course he programmed. you don't refer to a programmer as a "code monkey"

diminutive terms are used to insult people, gabe is a talent in his field

>most mechanics are cool being callled grease monkeys, many do it themselves
>programmers sperg the fuck out IT'S BELITTLING MY TALENTS REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Not too surprising I guess.

mechanics aren't programmers little buddy.

This absolute masterpiece.
I actually kind of like it and think it was a perfect prelude to the episode that followed in twin peaks.


Stop deflecting calling Newell a code monkey is a retard move

Code monkey is not equivalent to grease monkey. A code monkey is far closer to something like a factory line worker. Half the code they did write is automatically generated these days, that is how mindless their labor is.

I don't care for that term. I don't know how many monkeys could take apart a fuel injector.

What you actually do while programming ranges from mindless shit to extremely complex task depending on what language, purpose of the sw, and other things.
Of course if you are writing shit in java for some meme app you are doing poo in loo tier stuff.

The past tense in the OP post scared me, I was scared he died without me hearing about it.