Visual Novel thread

Visual Novel thread.
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18+ patch never ever ever never


Finally finished Hatsukoi. Maya is fucking 10/10

Did they finish doing an English patch on this yet?

it's on STEAM m8

like months ago you fucking retard

Im waiting for subahibi translation patch and playing お兄ちゃんは私たちのおもちゃ with the speed of a snail

haven't found a decent yuri VN in a while so im a little bummed out

I never touch VNs on steam due to how they rip most apart and censor it. Meant english +18 patch

no, the patch isn't out yet

Wow you really are braindead

Is Eiyuu Senki good?

Try Flowers

Same, it suck.
I had enough feeling cucked as fuck by playing regular VNs.

Please Bang my Guillotine!

>Visual Novel
Pick one

Coming from a guy who's reading o e right now

The version on steam right now is the definitive version that was released in Japan which cut out the awkward sex scenes.

Root Double.
>this some nasty ass slice-of-life but the sci-fi game ridiculous

I've finished up everything but the last route, have to put in the escape box codes
I've liked some of the individual scenes with D and C team, but they clearly lost their minds trying to keep this shit together
I look forward to the shenanigans in the final leg, if only to laugh at the absurdity of it

>start thread with Diesposting
>it dies
Like pottery

Should have used Fate instead

I'd rather have a slow VN thread than a modern fate thread



How good is "If my heart had wings"?

Xblaze: Lost Memories

It's scratching my weird Yume Nikki itch

The House in Fata Morgana

I'm playing YU-NO and finishing the question arc of Umineko.

Does the next arc have the nice translation project PS3 sprites?

Daily reminder to stop reading Umineko after 6

>modern fate thread

daily reminder that this user is a goat

mobile games and anime posting

You are gay and your father left you.

Just finished my first route of Shuffle. Decided to go with Mayumi because she is simply the best girl.

Okay I guess. The official English translation is understandable but full of errors.

Are you playing On the Stage? I want a Mayumi route but not on that version. Too bad Essence+ never.
If you still like the cast afterward, maybe you can try the fandisks.

Is there a translation of the Steins;Gate dating spin off?


Give me the comfiest VNs you've ever played.

Started Chaos;Child. What the fuck why is it so creepy, or at least trying to be?

Majikoi A-3 translations NEVER EVER

Probably because it's a sequel to Chaos;Head.

if my heart had wings was pretty comfy in my opinion. got that whole school club thing going on

What one will distract me from my loneliness?

I'm a retard. Meant that I started Chaos;Head. I mixed the titles.


Whats it about?

>school shit
Is there anything that isn't based on schoolkids?

Group of friends being dumb and doing dumb shit, with ridiculously strong girls (think of Dragon Ball, but less serious).

Fun times, silly hijinks, top tier bros, cute girls, and a bunch of over the top action that doesn't take itself seriously at all (in one route, the protagonist enters a huge battle royale where is team is himself, that route's heroine, a robot and the president of Japan).

I unno the begginning of 8 is great with the logic puzzles

But yeah the rest is garbage

>doesn't take itself seriously
What about Wanko and Miyako route?

They're both generally considered the worst routes, but even then the drama lasts 20 minutes after hours of common route hijinks and h-scenes.

Started Chaos;Head a while ago.

Dies Irae on Steam worth the price? Or should I wait for SubaHibi?

What do you mean "worth the price"? It's a normal VN, 4 routes, not the longest VN but still a few dozen hours I guess.

That sounds alright, where can I download it?

Sell me on House in Fata Morgana. I've seen it get shilled every now and then.

Nothing. Just waiting for Utawa 3.

The music is excellent, I am still at the start of the real story now but it's good so far except for the second door dragging on for too long


mahoyo when?

>people recommend something they like
Anyway it's a crazy ride with a unique artstyle and beautiful music. You should definitely check it out even if it's not your kind of genre.

Is there any way to read these on my phone or something? I don't really have enough "real" free time to sit in front of my PC reading a 50 hour long VN, but I spend 2 hours per day in a train and I'm running out of shitty fantasy ebooks.

There are phone VNs but they rarely are translated
Maybe if you could get a shitty notebook

Just finished what's trasnlated of mahoyo, for the first time in my life i'm considering learning jap because I don't think this is gonna be translated anytime soon

Thanks... its not in English is it?
I wish I wasn't an EOP

you can always check in VNDB whether a game is translated or not. it usually links to the patch as well.

Cant you just get windows xp running on your phone?

Can I? How?

>Hang yourself
>Hang yourself
Pick one

Absolute lol at EOPs.

Why are you still one?

Because fuck Kanji

I started Dies Irae not long ago, I've done Bakasumi and Kei route so far.

Bey and Shirou are the best characters by miles.

EOP excuses.

>can read fine but can't understand spoken japanese in any usable capacity
They told me I just had to read more, they lied

Shirou is pure cringe. Those fight scenes where the author feels the need to mention that the deagle is THE HEAVIEST STRONGEST MOST HARDCORE DIFFICULT TO USE GUN IN THE UNIVERSE and Shurou is handling it flawlessly while fingering my mom and dad at the same time were painfull to read. I get it, I'm supposed to think Shirou is cool. That obnoxious narration isn't what's gonna do the trick.


I was using Anki but after a while everything looks the same

That's what you get for being a DJT EOP.

>hating based Shirou whose ultimate power is summoning his waifu from the dead
What did he mean by this?

It's not censored.

The sex scenes are completely irrelevant to the plot, they're short as fuck too.

Hell the romance is irrelevant in Dies Irae, it's literally all about the chuuni

His ultimate power is doing whatever the fuck the route calls for, he does that once and it's not even in the final route

Anyone played Mamatoto. How is it?

Decent for what it is. Don't expect a masterpiece of literatura, everything is straighforward and the gameplay is kinda fun, but that's it.

donde esta el bano??

what is the best comedy that is translated or uses furigana?

There are no straight up comedy VNs.

>EOP thinks knowing few Japanese words from anime means he knows Japanese

>On the Stage
Just the Steam release.

>president of Japan
There's based and then there's Minister Wakamoto.

What bout majikoi and 90% of all other daily life VN's?

Just finish Dies Irae and really loved it. What VN should I read next that's translated because I'm a filthy EOP

I wouldn't call them comedy VNs, they're just normal stories that happen to have funny scenes in them.

Since you have shit taste you'd probably enjoy those awful Sakura games.

Steins Gate. When does it get good?
I'm tired of watching the protagonist act like a retard.

>play that Sakura game for the ps2
>all the girls are bitches as the gameplay is ass
It reminded me off Vampire bride.