>dyed hair
Valve really were ahead of their time
I wonder if EP3/HL3 got cancelled because the projects were getting infested by SJWs and they would have sucked.
>Sup Forums now getting triggered by Alyx
Fuck this timeline and fuck the demiurge.
alyx is proof of Sup Forums's hypocrisy as a collective culture, any time a minority pops up in a trailer they'll shitpost about it, but it's fine with older games like this and New Vegas where 2 or 3 of the companions are gay. Duke Nukem also falls into this as nobody minds him but if he was made as a character today, everybody would hate him for making fun of the alpha man.
nigga you know you wanted a piece of that ass, dont act like you didnt.
every fucking cuck on this board who is going about shitting from the mouth saying "oh half life 3 was gonna be shit im glad we're not getting it, fuck gabe", well yeah, fuck gabe, but fuck valve for not keeping on making games.
you'd have eaten up half life 3 even if it was a steaming pile of shit. admit it.
I'm starting to think that Sup Forumsfags are all actual fags in denial
Did anyone here actually even play HL2 when it was released or is everyone underage b&? The story and characters WERE NEVER THE MAIN FOCUS. Seeing the new physics, companion AI, facial animations, improved vehicle control, etc. is what made HL2 amazing at the time.
The story and music and everything are great, and I did read into the lore a bit, but it was never the main focus. The story isn't even entirely original as it was based on "The Mist".
A new HL game without a major engine upgrade like if it was made in virtual reality would be a disappointment for me.
I always thought she was cute ;)
Samus mod is essential
Can't hear you, too busy masturbating furiously to that tiny strip of visible midriff below her shirt. it's such a weird kink to have, fuck me
>the tiniest hint of pink/purple underwear
scuse me...
>New Vegas where 2 or 3 of the companions are gay
It wasn't in your face though.
Plus homosexuality can be tolerated if it's within a non-degenerate system like the legion want to enforce.
>Duke Nukem also falls into this as nobody minds him but if he was made as a character today, everybody would hate him for making fun of the alpha man.
>making fun of
The difference is Alyx is actually a good character and not just there to win political points.
How did Alyx keep her fingernails perfectly clean and trimmed?
>being this butthurt someone insulted your waifu
Why was she so quirky and upbeat despite only ever knowing Earth under Combine rule?
Do you have any proof of this? For all we know Valve could have just been shitty modlers. I mean even Gordon looks like a serial killer. I'm pretty sure she looked better than all the other women in half life 2.
>you know you wanted a piece of that ass, dont act like you didnt
not everyone in this site fantasies over 3d models/2d drawings
Where did she learn to make such horrible puns?
Damn just seeing her makes me feel autistic. She was my first vidya gf.
The fact that she's a mongrel blasian is never ever fucking brought up at any point ever in all of HL2, episodes included.
>Hey, Valve. Why did you include somone like Alyx in your game?
>Because her father is black and her mother is Malaysian.
>fast forward to 2017
>Hey Bioware, why is there a black person in your game?
>Because fuck white people. It's the current fucking year.
It's about intent as much as content. Alyx doesn't exist to push an agenda. Neither did the gay companions in New Vegas. Duke Nukem is joking, not chiding.
Frankly, they're overall much healthier portrayals of things. We should be at the point where it doesn't matter, not where it's a bullet point on the back of the box.
Here's your proof
It's not even about that. It's just that the new engine upgrades are what made HL2 amazing at the time, and people are completely ignoring that now and just wanted the story to continue. I think that's pretty bad for the future of video games if people aren't wanting innovation anymore, and are fine with it taking a backseat to a slightly generic story.
looks cute to me, except for the slightly off-kilter eyes, source does sometimes have an issue with that despite being so fucking good at facial animation otherwise
She mostly lived in Black Mesa East which was free of Combine oppression. And I guess she was just used to their reign, with no other frame of reference.
if you knew how earth was before and then lived under combine regime then you would be more pessimistic than if you had alyx's life
She's the most attractive person in the game.
I tried my best to make a white character in Andromeda's character creator after noticing how odd all the premade designs were. As far as me and my friend could work out, it's not actually possible.
She's looks kinda Mexican
If Half Life 2 was released today people would bitch and scream about Alyx being forced on you as a companion for all the reasons OP stated. In fact I doubt a lot of Sup Forums would have even given the character a chance and written her off as pandering garbage. But this was a different time, Alyx is really there for the most part to test Valve's AI and make sure it can fight alongside the player
i never liked alyx tho the triple double agent scientist was better i think her name was magnusson or something
>*blocks your path*
I just want them to finish what they fucking started. I wouldn't even give two shits if we never got hl 3 I just wanted episode 3. Like seriously the whole point of episodic content was so they could release faster.
A couple of the resistance grils are qts.
sorry, could you repeat that?
Leave Sup Forums and go outside for a bit
Gallows humor nigga
>Alyx's face and body were based on Jamil Giovanni Mullen, an American actress and television host. Mullen spent several days in a motion capture studio recording running, jumping, and combat animations, which were used as the starting point for Alyx's animation library.
>There's nothing Gordon can't handle... with the possible exception of you
what did he mean by this
Barney is dead on to the face model, goddamn.
Hey, the man wants grandkids.
Imagine meeting those guys in real life, and having them sound nothing like their characters.
>they could use the borealis and jump back to the events of HL and prevent everything
forced drama good thing HL3 will never happen
The sex minigame in Episode 3 is why it got cancelled.
there's no real way they could've stopped the g man from what we know, at least not without the help of the vortigaunts, but Gordon is the only one that would know about something like that
Alyx is actually G-Man who isn't bound by space and time so Gordon can't control her
>implying that wouldn't be a "not-cutscene" where you can jump around the room hitting shit with your crowbar while Alyx goes through her scripted lines and animations
You're fixed in place within a small bounding box. All you can do is jump, take half a step in each direction and fuck with physics objects.
>The Mist
Oh shit, I never made this connection, but I see it now.
Also you are partly wrong. Everything about the physics, ai, faces etc. is true, but the story and interactive cutscenes were also a big part not to mention the expansion of world building. It was all of this working together that made it such an incredible game.
I never felt attracted to Alyx though. She is not my kind of girl
Alyx's model reminds me of portal 1 chell.
>dyed hair
Am I the only one that's noticing this just now?
>mossman's model
Judith is as hot as her face model
>Eli was holding a sign and looking for work on the street
I always found it kind of funny that Half-Life and Silent Hill are both ripoffs of The Mist but they couldnt be more different
Mossman is essential mom-core.
I think the interactive cutscenes are a little exaggerated though. It's not much different from traditional cutscenes, it's just done in-game and you still have control over your character but it's in a locked room and you can't do anything until it's over.
But like I said, I like the story and everything else, I just don't remember anyone ever really talking about it when it was released. People were mostly talking about the new graphics, physics, and gravity gun. I don't recall anyone talking about the story much. I'm not trying to take anything away from it, but I just feel like people are forgetting or missing what made it so great when it was released.
So explain to me exactly why Sup Forums cares about HL3 still?
>Valve presents: BLACK-LIFE MATT3RS, written by Marc "IMPEACH ZRUMPF" Laidlaw
>Ayo wuz happenin Gordon bae yooooo wes finna do sum science n shiieeee- OH FUCK I'M DEAD [PAIN] [PAIN]
>Oh no... gordon I'm so sad... this is really sad I'm telling you the player exactly how to feel now...
>G(old)man: Sorry Gordon, you are a WHITE FUCKING MALE and we must leave you to die, the future is female... *teleports to collect space-shekels from the highest bidder*
Ah, the ol' Hot Casserole scandal.
Patrician taste, my dude.
If we can harness the power of this shitpost we can defeat the combine once and for all
I heard both. People were all crazy about the time jump/dystopianism twist when they started.
The other big thing was 'wow you can pick up a tv and pull out its plug then kill someone with it'.
I think the reason why people talk so much about the story is because in hindsight, it's surprisingly good compared to the miserable and grade-school dreck that passes for 'stories' in modern AAA titles.
You're about a decade and a half late.
Was it Kino?
Dyson cubes confirmed superior
yeah well thats just like your opinion man
That too. Half-Life 2 is overall some pretty alright sci-fi. Not fantastic, but the setting is interesting and well realized. And that's a fucking masterpiece compared to the competition.
>Not using mods
>I heard both. People were all crazy about the time jump/dystopianism twist when they started.
Possibly, but I think that would be more due to surprise at the change and the way they could set up a good atmospheric feeling than thinking the story was so incredible that people would be frothing at the mouth like they are now at the possibility of it not being concluded.
And yeah I knew a lot of people who were never into HLDM but they loved playing HL2DM because of the new physics. It really was incredible at the time.
True, but the new engine upgrades also helped with that at the time. The story is decent on its own but I think if it was released today it wouldn't gather so much attention. However, if it was released in VR I think it would.
Duke was not intended to "make fun of" the archetype.
They basically made this shit up as they went along too
>Dyson Shitpost
Why do you do this? Why can't you talk about vidya without politics anymore? Aren't you tired from arguing all day, every day?
no, just play the original on any computer from the last 7 years and enjoy 1440p and 144hz
>Creating time paradoxes
Oh yeah thats a great idea
>implying the G-man wouldn't have stop them if they tried
Half life 2 is full of jews. Jew cities, jew names. So mixed-rece whore is nothing new.
>dooms mankind
He's literally a parody
This 100%.
Once you open up the time travel box in a sci-fi story, things tend to go to shit incredibly quickly.
Half-Life 2 is a Christian game.
>City 17
Oy vey!
The fact that it probably takes place in Serbia confirms it
Where the fuck did he get converse 20 years after aliens enslaved the human race
who cares about paradox bullshit when you can potentially save the world?
>implying G-man wouldn't have stop them
>be Gordon
>go back in time and find G-man
>threaten him that you will an hero if you don't help them(g-man never gave that crystal that started everything)
>tell him the combine are gonna fuck shit up
>go back to the future
>His daughter is a feisty little thang
or he wants some fuckin grandkids. I'm pretty sure he actually jokes about Alyx and Gordon having kids after the suppression field is down.
He's an affectionate parody. The writers were clearly big fans of action movies and Duke was meant to embrace the silly parts of them.
The Combine chose them to make everybody's clothes
>implying the G-man wouldn't have stop them if they tried
He probably can't or he'd have just done what he wanted from the start without involving the Vances or Freeman. Whether it's a limit of their technology and physical power or their ideology, they don't seem able to directly alter the course of events.
They didn't know how to use the Borealis, yet, or if it would even work as they intended. Vance wanted to avoid fucking the world over again by meddling with technology beyond their comprehension, even if he was wrong and manipulated into that line of thinking.
>new little ((((odessa))))
>((((Isaac Kleiner)))))))
what are these american niggers and mutts doing in eastern europe