*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Other urls found in this thread:


Can you move?

>[SPEECH 100/90] If you don't move now, you will never move. It's not where you are that you have to worry about, it's where you won't be in the future

>[Survival 100/100] I've got this rad deathclaw omelette recipe. If we just go back inside your tent, I will show you how to make it.

[INT 1] Scorpin

That fucking guy
>Used HELIOS on him and barely takes out 1/3rd of his hp

>[charisma 12/80]


[MELEE WEAPONS [100/100] Quote from man stabbed

>uses ARCHIMEDES II on Lanius
>doesn't even go off
>game crashes

If you take all the drugs in your inventory and shoot him with explosive rounds from the anti-materiel rifle, his head just explodes rather disappointingly.

>[Terrifying Presence] I'm gonna fuck your skull's eye sockets bloody after I slowly gut you with a dull arrowhead, fuckstick.

This sounds like what I do before going postal on the strip
>consume everything in my inventory
>pull out fat man
>"hey asshole, wanna sign my petition?"

[Luck 7] Ice Cream


That's basically what this guy does in these videos.
He wipes out the entire BoS with the Ranger Sequoia by oding on every drug in his inventory and going John Wick on those uppity, technophile cunts.


*unzips Two Step Goodbye*

*unzips superheated saturnite power fist*

*unzips Slayer perk*


>(BARTER 100/90)i pay you 200 caps to fuck off.

Unarmed 100 + Slayer perk + Piercing Strike perk + Paralyzing Palm perk + Super Slam! perk + Bloody Mess perk + Rushing water + Saturnite fist = pure rape

>use it czadores
>doesn't ever fire, laser beams just keep tracking my cross hair even after I change weapons
>die and game restarts
>laser fires and kills me

This is fucking crazy but what's your early game like for a build like this?

this shit happened to me too

weapon is fucking useless

>[Wild Wasteland] "Romanes Eunt Domus!"

Can you do those skill checks on him? It'd be pretty cool actually.

nah just speech and barter I believe

Speech 100 let's you tell him that he won't be able to hold both east and west and he's like "makes sense" and leaves
Barter 100 let's you tell him that the Mohave won't even be worth it after all of this war and suffering and despoiling of the land and he's like "makes sense" and leaves

I shouldn't be finding as funny as I do.

I love what they did to Barter checks in this game, there's a fair share of practical, but boring "pay more more" checks as you would expect, but there are also checks where your character comes off as a savvy merchant who knows all about trade routes, supply and demand and the economy of post-nuclear America. And it's glorious.

[Speech 100] Everything you believe is wrong, dummy.

Fallout New Vegas did unique dialogue options better than any other game imo
Even a skill like Survival, which is borderline useless on softcore mode, becomes semi-worthwhile because of the unique dialogue options you get

>pulls out ranger sequoia
>shoots up all drugs on inventory
>eats Wasteland Omelet
this goes out to you, doc Mitchell.

>when you unlock Hard Pete

>when the final boss doesn't get the memo about a script change and mistakenly believes you still got shot twice

Benny shot you in the head twice dingus.

He must have been using AP rounds...

He only shoots twice in the original, in-game opening

You're knocked out after the first retard.

Don't you listen to anything anyone in the game says? They tell you over and over about the two shot thing.

*gets cut up until he runs away like a little bitch throwing grenades everywhere*

>lol only 9mm

>[Speech 23/90] O-Ok you win, I surrender! The Legion is right, women are inferior. I'll do anything you want, please just don't kill me!

the first bullet bounced off your skull

>tfw no ending as a female courier where you crouch down and take his blade of the west in your mouth, becoming his loyal and dependable wife.


Beast of the West wins.


that line was was badass though

Does he even have dialogue where he's surprised you're a woman and just wants to cut your legs off so you'd make good obediant breading material?

>breading material

Why does he wear the mask?


Loved Fallout 3 a bit more for the setting and music, but holy fuck did New Vegas's story and true free roam dialogue blow my mind.

>Mr. House wants to meet you
>Naw fuck that, I gotta a score to settle with Benny
>Go after Benny and finally meet House in the underground bunker
>"Really wish you weren't so rude and came and said hello"
>Disable his defenses

>tfw wholemeal

He doesn't want to turn you into his breeding sow, no, but he does comment if the Courier is female. Whichever side you choose, he remarks how they must be weaker than he thought if the best of them is a woman. I think he does have a positive bit if you're a woman and sided with the Legion though.

>yfw your man likes you seedy

[barter 100/100] Something about supply lines basically fuck off.


>implying a godlike Courier wouldn't take his ass back to Big MT and turn him into lobotomized fuckstick with Darla
The things you can do with the worthless skinthropes man...

Tbh as a grill I'd have gone for that option. I went with the legion anyway.

[Medicine 60] If I take that mask off, will you die?

>white bread
I am man in love with plain janes, shoot me if you must but I have accepted my love wholeheartedly.

does this mean you're a grill in rl or you're just a roleplay fag

Rl and game.

pls be in swansea....

Huh, why did you go with the Legion? Was it for the lolz or because you thought the other two would be just as shit and lead to a second apocalypse?

>Woman of the West... you will learn your place - in my tent, and again, when you beg for release on the edge of my blade.

He says it when you fail to bluff him into fighting you one on one I think.

Talking him down insures that he will come back to wreck your shit and if you convinced him the west is a track(Like it actually is) he's going to just do it for shits and giggles.

I always knew Lamius was a tryhard. Hell most of the Legion are practically RPing neckbeards desu, Made it extra sweet when I went to town on them with Knock-Knock.



So if Caesar actually won and made Vegas his Rome who would be his successor?

I dunno. Some guy, I guess.

probably some tribal asshat who will fuck it all up. still its better then letting the NCR get a hold of it.

He'd fuck some slave girl and pump out a successor. Not that hard.


Dude's fifty, he probably cums dust.

Trump pumped out Barron when he was almost 60, I doubt Caesar would have a problem.

pretty sure caeser is gay. being rasied by a singal mother and being a manlet dose that too you.

and Barron is autistic.

>Caesar is gay
>when he outlawed homosexuality

and yet has no trouble with his legion givning eachother a reach around.

they have this greek kiss dont tell homosexuality going on.

>implying hes a man of his word
lol tell that to Jimmy

There are some side-effects but it's not something impossible.

>closet homo
>no homo

thats just called a friendly tug n plug desu, same as brojob. not gay in the slightest degree.

yeah bro. i mean, no homo right?

think of all the free boy pussy those legion leaders get. im jealous.

Watch yourself, profligate...

Im jealous that Legion fags get to have their own slaves of any kind desu. Sucks being scavfag.

What about that guy who has his own lolislave. The one you have to get the teddybear for? That questline and them dialogue options broke me man. No little girl should have to suffer like she did.

Are you talking about those two guys in West-side who sold families to the Fiends? Yeah that was incredibly fucked up.

Fags never cease to amaze me in how desperately they try and insist everyone is just like them.

>get dicked hard every night
>get pregnant
>have child
>ruthless husband trains kid to be a ruthless monster like him
>you resist having him be raised like that
>husband rapes you good enough to complete submit to him
>live out the rest of your days obediantly pumping out babies and getting good lays from your hubby

No I was talking about the little girl that lives up in the Legion camp shes one of the slaves there. You get a task to find her lost teddy that some legionfag took from her. You have the option of giving it back, keeping it or ripping it in half right in front of her. Thats just being a cunt for the sake of it.

I thought it was the best choice, or at least the one with the most results seen.

>"Gotta keep Saint James away from the little girls, even the Fiends won't touch them."
>get sold to Cook-Cook anyway
I killed the fuckers right there after I saw that shit.

Non consensual breeding feels so mean tho, wheres the fun in that if she can't enjoy it?

I can kind of understand that considering they're said to have the safest and most stable settlements in the east but the way they're shown in FNV they're all a bunch of misogynistic neckbeard LARPers.

>resisting husband's brutality
>not embracing it fully, whipping both your child and fellow slave-wives into shape so they can be dedicated mind, body and soul to the perpetuation and strength of the legion.


It's the post-apocalypse, women's rights are like the least important thing in the world at that point. As for the legion in game, I got the impression that you're seeing the frontline military of the faction, which isn't really a good representation of the faction as a whole. Like you wouldn't judge the NCR just because you saw the rangers, or else you'd make a bad judgement.

>maxed out speech, science or barter
>lose out on the most fun and challening boss fights in the entire game

Sounds perfect desu, making the wasteland a better place the best way you can, as a good wife and mother.

Just don't pick those options

You can't talk down Legendary monsters or the entirety of Deathclaw Promontory.