Just another 8 hours and 1 day til we can play as /ourgirl/ for the first time

Just another 8 hours and 1 day til we can play as /ourgirl/ for the first time.
You hyped?

reviews when

She is a shitty character and Life is Strange is an awful and shallow game. Go back to Tumblr, cucks.

Spot the hetfag.

Kys, normalfag.

Yes, I am very hyped to follow the love life of a lesbian teenage girl

spot the redditor/leafyfag/underage/cuckold

Your post is so much emotion and lack of logic its unintelligible.

You are incompatible with a thriving society. You provide no benefit to the economy, science, or advancement of humanity.

You have no purpose, and no amount of video game shitposting will ever change this.

It doesn't matter if you kill yourself, because your life is equally as meaningless the longer you continue, you'll just enjoy sucking off the social liberal programs of the government, ignoring the excruciating irony.


I just barely cared enough to pirate it

Fuck yeah man, im going to be pretty busy so i cant play it as soon as it comes out, gonna drive me insane.


Why are blue haired girls so cute?

She's the worst character in any game ever except for Nadine in UC4


why is she /ourgirl/?


idk, but i love them, i used to be into pink haired girls but now im all blue

>8 hours and 1 day

Are you blind ?

With Denuvo (Current Version : 6) its more like 6 months


Unpopular opinion:
They actually made me like Nadine in Lost Legacy

I'm gonna be disappointed if they don't play Obstacles at some point

>There are people who will have Chloe be lesbian

>Life is stronge

How much is the first episode? Or is it just straight up a full game on release?

Denuvo for a movie, wew lad

$3.99 an episode

>playing hipster trash 'games'



Giving me double (You)'s is no defence of your lack of taste.

Remind me why they changed all of the voice actors?

Yes it is



Just a little reminder, who is the pest pony