Apparently refunding a game that leaves EA was a "glitch" and not an option when the final product is less than satisfactory.
Glad I was early enough to refund this PoS
Apparently refunding a game that leaves EA was a "glitch" and not an option when the final product is less than satisfactory.
Glad I was early enough to refund this PoS
Did they really change how the refund timer worked because of ARK?
>community manager
>meaning anything
until a dev says it I'm pretty sure they knew it was shit and were offering refunds.
Even if it was unintentional, or they have to say it was unintentional to board members, good on them for giving them anyway. If they didn't want to give them, good on steam for doing it anyway.
The game isn't that bad either way. It was buggy back at release, but it's gotten a lot better since then. It's just something that's needlessly complex. Sort of like rust. Tons of dead end features, but no more critical errors.
Over 2 hours refunds were always a thing, which happened on a case to case basis.
But then again, people who buy the "early access survival crafting" shovelware in the first place don't deserve to be refunded.
They didn't change anything, you're not supposed to be able to refund any game you've put more than 2 hours into, be it early access or not.
No, the game was a new entry in steam, with a new ID, in that particular case the game was considering people who'd had the game for hundreds of hours as only having a few. They got refunds automatically, and not with any sort of account investigation.
I've gotten refunds with games that went full release from early access, and even major updates (hero siege) even with dozens of hours. This was still a bug. People would have gotten refunds, but exploiting this shit was pretty lame.
>play game for 500 hours
true neckbeardthink right here
I never refunded it though.
It's actually a pretty nice game with friends.
Nigga, fuck you if you think you deserve a refund for "unsatisfactory" gameplay after sinking 500 hours into it
tfw I refunded Killing Floor 2 with 125 hours played
I would have been really fucking mad if I couldn't though because Tripwire ruined that game throughout its early access period.
Agreed. I tried it recently after refunding it, on a friend's PS4, and it is a total fucking disaster.
>People would have gotten refunds, but exploiting this shit was pretty lame.
how is that exploitation
Same here, over 90h on KF2 and refunded it the moment I was able to
Fuck shitty devs
Because people who'd actively been playing it hours before early access because they were horrendously addicted to it wouldn't have gotten a refund, but they did through exploitation of the system. It's just pretty gay. Steam's really bad about that in general though, not telling devs when they give their game a new ID from a major change, usually a total overhaul of the game engine.
>put 1000 hours in a game
>refund it
fuck i hope i can still refund dayz
Early access is a scam and you should be able to refund at any point for any reason until release.
y'all going to be the reason when the refunding-scheme is going to be restricted to be almost useless.
>people refunding kf2
>no one cares
>now everyone refunding shit twitchbait
>maximum damage control
Loving every kek.
>implying it will ever come out
Fucking epic.
I put 200hours into ark in the first 2 weeks then never played it again, I got my refund accepted twice as they couldn't refund to my credit card as it had expired so I had to accept steam wallet funds.
there is no glitch, its quite clear in the wording, 2hours after release.
Well I dunno I had about 5 hours in it and I got my refund
>implying it will ever release
You didn't have to play Early Access.
I don't get how Early Access isn't counted as a pre-order or demo.
I guess the ability to refund would put some accountability on developers, and Steam isn't keen on this idea.
pretty much, early access was meant to help devs make a good game, if they then take your money and produce a steaming pile of shit and release it, you should be able to get your money back as it isn't the product you paid for
because people would abuse the everloving fuck out of it by renting a game, beating it or burning out on it, then refunding it at no cost to them, and a huge cost to steam/the developers to pay whatever fees might be incurred for the transfer of money both ways. The way the system is now, is pretty good.
But, it's Early access, the whole point is the game isn't out.
You can't rent something that isn't out. That'd be like cancelling your pre-order for a movie after watching a trailer. The trailer isn't the finished movie, it's just a taste of it.
but you can easily cancel a preorder. They allow you to do that even on steam, as many times as you want, no matter how long you've had it.
you mean like people have been doing since the 80's and probably earlier with video and game rentals?
Shit my parents taught me that if i beat the game in less than a week I could take it back and get a new one for free.
but this isn't the same, as not giving you the product you paid for, early access is just giving the company money in good faith to help with development, if they break that faith you damn well should and do deserve a refund
It's simple. If I get bored of a game, 1 hour or 1000 hours, they scammed me and it's my right as a customer and a gamer to get my money back. If they don't want to lose me, then keep me the fuck entertained. It's not hard.
hhahaha killing floor 2 had the exact same situation with refunds but nobody gave a shit. Gaben just saw how much money he was losing and immediately "fixed" the "bug"
holy fuck these people are completely shameless
t. consumer whore
Yeah, but, if they decide to go Early Access rather than full release, you've just waived right to a pre-order goodbye because the game is "Released" now, even though we all know Early Access isn't release.
This happened with that shitty Atari Rollercoaster game, and Steam wouldn't honour refunds.
I agree, and they do that, but they shouldn't, it's still exploitative.
But I agree, early access should have refunds when it goes full release, but it should require a look at the account in question, we have that capability now, why should someone who's put 40 hours into it over the last week get a refund?
you people justifying this scheme are crazy as hell
>and game rentals?
you do realise most game companies actually hated game rentals at first until they learned to work around them right?
To be fair if you've got hundreds of hours and asking for a refund you're just being a cheap asshole.
i would be playing ark right now if extinction servers were still popular enough to be fun.
The developers did add to much shit to the game though. advanced tribes are way to powerful now imo.
So don't play a game you think is shit for more then 2 hours then.
It's not that hard.
>Why should someone who's put 40 hours into it over the last week get a refund?
Because the developers mislead them with claims of things that would be in the final game and then aren't?
>1000 hours
>scammed out of entertainment
nigga please
so if they're still actively playing the game despite those shortcomings they deserve their money back?
Game is probably in the best state it's ever been in though. "Wasted potential" is a better choice of words, with resources being wasted on a shitty PvP mode nobody wanted, a stupid resistances system that ended up being dialed way back, and leaving almost no room to develop another solid perk thus creating the dreaded Survivalist. Implementing a marketplace before release is kinda shitty too, though at least that one is harmless to gameplay.
I am fine with the game except for those shitty medic weapon designs but I kinda guess TWI got off more easily than they should have.
>That WOULD be in the final game
So why aren't you waiting for the things you wanted in the game to be there before you bought the game?
Why are you even playing still playing when you realise they aren't there and not refunding straight away?
If a chef promises you a 5 course meal, the first 2 are good, and the remaining 3 are literally a plate of shit, do you not think you should get a refund?
If I eat it, no I won't get a refund nine times out of ten.
>Perfect refund concept to oblige developers to produce a quality game and somewhat fix the awful concept of early access
People are actually arguing against this?
>make a decent burger for 300 days
>make a shit burger suddenly the day after
>you don't deserve to get money back because you liked our burger before!
It goes each minute you enjoy. Not total minutes enjoyed. And it's my right to enjoy every minute without having to eat shit suddenly.
>you're not supposed to be able to refund any game you've put more than 2 hours into, be it early access or not.
That's where you're wrong
Why are you eating shit?
I don't know, why are they?
That wording is never used. You just made that up.
Not if you chose to eat it
You don't get refunded for the other 300 burgers you retard
People are used to corporate cocksucking.
Nah fuck Tripwire. I don't care what they have done to the game since release, they had something like eighteen months in Early Access and they blew it entirely. Glad I refunded and I'm never giving that game yet another chance.
Ah, the liberal parent teaching their fat future manchild about entitlement and that you should be free of consequences because poor babby was too busy doing research. No wonder this generation of pampered diapermales will be the fall.
But I should be. They're paying my loyalty in burgers, and if they can't continue to make them, they've wasted my time and I deserve money back and take my important business elsewhere to deserving cooks.
viva la revolucion
But, I haven't chosen to eat it. They've presented two decent courses, promises the remaining 3 will be excellent, and proceed to produce a plate of turds.
>tfw some user posted this was possible yesterday and I got my refund 30 mins after requesting it
BASED user
No you fucking shouldn't you entitled idiot
You chose to eat those 300 burgers before, you get that money back for your first one you didn't like and nothing more.
I understand arguing that in some cases 2 hours may not be enough, but if you seriously spent 500 hours on a game that's a bit excessive when it comes to demanding a refund.
Why is it that entitled autists who think they "deserve" money back after hundreds of hours always end up with food analogies?
Do they think they should get their car refunded at full value after it's expected lifetime expires and it stops working?
>Play a game for 500 hours
>an update breaks the game and devs refuse/can't fix it
like wow dude! how dare you even ask for refund! there's never a legitimate reason!
It's more accurate that you're given a car to test drive, that test drive ends up lasting 500 hours because the car manufacturers are slow as shit, and then when the car finally does come out, it's missing 4 wheels, and the engine is a lawnmower engine and you can't get the money back due to the time they gave you to test drive.
Depends on the car dealer promises, if it didn't fit them, then yes.
>>an update breaks the game and devs refuse/can't fix it
OK then explain what Ark did that's close to this
If you're test driving a car you haven't bought it yet.
in this case you have.
It's more like if you bought a car, took it home, then woke up and the dealership had taken the wheels off, poured sugar in your gas tank and cut your brakes.
they aren't playing the game though, they are play testing an incomplete demo
I don't think that is the argument you two anons were having silly
They banned cheat engine. I'm not playing 20 hours just to get decent gear only to be killed in my sleep. That's fucking criminal. And nowhere do they say that you can't use cheat engine. That's false advertising. These fucks should get sued and their families raped and murdered
>These fucks should get sued and their families raped and murdered
Whatever you say, Achmed.
Still feels good. Fuck Tripwire.
They're paying for the experience that was given to them at the time of purchase. They got that experience (or maybe not, in which case, they refunded it). Refunding it when they have several thousand hours is pretty nonsensical, but sure I can still understand that. What I don't understand or agree with is, and my whole argument has been about, is people who are/were STILL playing the game actively, but were getting burned out, and refunded it. It's retarded. That shouldn't happen.
hundreds of hours in a game that's been in play testing for over 2 years, that's had multiple huge patches that alone would take hours just to test simply because of in game mechanics like timed taming and server wipes having to start fresh.
but none of that is relevant, you are playing a demo not the final product. Only hours on the final product matter.
I was saying there are some cases where people have real valid reasons to ask for a refund even after hundreds of hours of playtime and I've even heard of cases where the game playtime keeps ticking even after you close it.
There was a huge thing with KF2 refunds like a year ago, if it were a bug Valve would have fixed it. Even if it is a bug, if Valve didn't fix it after KF2, they aren't going to fix it now.
Whether or not they "fixed" it for Ark remains to see (anyone tried refunding in the last few hours?), but you can rest assured future games leaving EA will be refundable too.
>buy digital deluxe
>play for over 100 hours
>get all items + even more goodies closer to release
>game releases
>refund and keep everything
Probably gonna re-buy when it drops to $5.
Most likely ARK guys got scared shitless from the refund wave and begged Valve to help.
Lets be fair 2hours isn't exactly a good measurement, I could make a game and on launch day make a 2hour long log in queue and announce server issues on twitter then everyone that bought the game and waited in a queue would be fucked instantly from a refund.
it's 2 hours for the automatic refund. They'll look at your request with any amount of time, and if something like that happened they'd for sure offer refunds.
they did it for WarZ/infestation stories
>bought for £9.99
>got dlc scorched earth free
>over 1000 hours of play time
Meh I got my moneys worth
>it's 2 hours for the automatic refund. They'll look at your request with any amount of time, and if something like that happened they'd for sure offer refunds.
That's good then.
Did the same on Xbox. Total joke of a game. Dlc in early access is a trend I hope never continues
How does it feel that, after enjoying the game for 753 hours, with a simple press of a button, I took back my money because I so desired? There's nothing you can do about it, no amount of crying or screaming can stop me now, mine was a complete over these terrible developers and their drones.
Yeah, they did that for me, I posted earlier in the thread about it, hero siege. It was a fun little diablo style game, go kill enemies, get loot, get to endgame, fight off massive waves of enemies, lots of enjoyable classes.
Then they updated it, removed all loot from the basic game, removed the story mode, and changed the endgame to be room based. It was fucking weird, and nobody liked it. I asked for a refund after not having touched it for about a year and a half, when refunds came out and they gave it to me in about 3 hours.
same shit for divinity OS, but that was because it refused to run on my machine even after I went through the proper channels, even replacing my GPU, I think it just didn't like my chinese knockoff hardware
>anyone tried refunding in the last few hours?
I just tried again it wasn't working for me earlier
Delet this
Early Access games should have unlimited refund windows
There needs to be deterrents against lingering in that status for an eternity and behaving as if you're actually released
>A fucking expansion pack
should be refundable after 2 years early shitshess regardless
>Lemme just check out this Ark game on steam and see what the fuss is about
>Top review has 8400 hours, just short of 360 days
>Thumbs down
Jesus christ, I like the refund idea as insurance for early access games but holy fuck this is some autism.
Early Access shouldn't exist at all.
Wait what if you play a game in offline mode in steam?
Does it still have a hidden counter even though it doesn't show it in your profile?
what the fuck did he try to mean by that?
in case of ark it's been around for years and there's been multiple updates that changed the game a lot.
>food analogy
Colin Moriarty was right all along.
>reading that review
that's kind of insane
his negatives are really weird too, I mean did he expect those early access servers to be around forever when they said they wouldn't?
I'm not sure. But the counter has always been dodgy as fuck. I have hundreds of hours missing from some games when playing always online.