>[incomprehensible techno babble]
Why does Sup Forums like this pencil neck nerd again?
>[incomprehensible techno babble]
Why does Sup Forums like this pencil neck nerd again?
he made some games
ok brainlet
He made some smart programming thingos.
he made shitty doom clones you mean
go to bed john
yaaas doom slay
has this nigger done anything at all since quake?
How to wipe a hard drive?
Helped kicking off the vr meme.
what happened to VR anyways?
He's autistic like us
>posting the same shit again
OCD? Come up with new threads you mongoloid.
$600 headset + $2500 pc to power it at "acceptable" framerate + no games = negligible install base
is there a bigger turbonerd?
Its impossible to market. You have to leave your house and put it on in person to see for yourself its value.
So its uptake is limited to normalfags that actually put pants on, go outside, and have lots of disposable income.
Died down again because it never managed to reach critical mass, the point of no return, possibly because, while it had a big "wow" effect, it lacked a certain "must have" software, something that made people stick with it for longer than just a few hours. Just like the last few times VR was tried.
That being said, VR is rather dead (or dying) for vidya, in other places it isn't necessarily. So maybe there will be a slowly growing consumerbase that will keep VR alive long enough until it will actually be relevant in vidya.
t. brainlet
what industry is VR alive in?
psychiatry and training simulators
Stop working for Facebook, John. Go back to making game engines
Because he's a sociopath.
What? Sales have surged massively because of the Summer price cut.
played so many quake 3 engine games back in the day, kinda wish they didnt shit the bed with doom 3 and let unreal take over, i hate unreal engine
I heared that it is quite useful in medicine, for practicing operations and such.
Also, a friend of mine who lives in Glasgow told me he plans to open up an VR arcade not just for vidya, but also to get people accustomed to the idea of VR somehow. I wans't actually paying attention when he told me that, but I think the idea might be fine.
>VR arcade
>everybody drunk
>lets add some general nausea headgear
your friend is dumb and hes creating a fondue fountain of human spew
id engines are open source, Carmack just writes them in a language only he understands.
UE must be the most straightforward shit to develop with.
He's an intelligent, capable programmer.
Also, he lost Oculus a shit-load of money, that was cool too.
He has a drive and he does what he likes, making him responsible for games beloved by lots of people around the world.
He also looks a bit like my dad.
Carmack did some amazing feats of coding back in the day, and Doom's engine is built like a tank.
Gonna post a few Carmack snippets now.
why would you make this thread twice
are you spamfag
>leftists hate intelligence
>she's going down! down to Chinatown!
just imagine what else he could have done.
>down to Chinatown!
>pencil neck nerd
He'd choke you out, bitch boy.
t. brainlet
Will make bank by charging cleaning fees
Carmack knows how to fight
Daily reminder Carmack was found guilty of civil theft in a court of law.
How come Doom, the game that popularized PC gaming was free (not free as in gratis, but free as in freedom) but later PC games weren't?
Fucking brainlets.
So basically everyone but Sup Forums?
That's a pretty broad statement.
*later popular PC games
>it lacked a certain "must have" software
This. Every game for VR feels like a tech demo or a light gun arcade game at best.
Aint he the dude who do computer stuff?
It is still extremely broad.
>tfw too intelligent not to get cucked out of my Oculus VR project
*later popular AAA PC games
There were a lot of popular AAA games on PC after Doom released.
But they weren't free (as in freedom).
Natural selection. All the developers that did died of starvation.
The most quality games for VR (Superhot and RE7) are also entirely playable without VR and most people did it so
It's pretty hard to think of a middle ground that would save VR
They should just make those walking simulators for VR. The thing that makes VR stand out is it's ability to immerse yourself into a world. Imagine walking around a cyberpunk city street late at night, seeing the seedy people and the hover cars fly by. Dark alleys and neon lights everywhere.
But no we don't get that. How about another shooting gallery where you stand in one spot and shoot everything. The only reason why the haven't made what I described above is because you can't actually walk in VR. And that is what's seriously killing VR games.
Allowing user modification was a thing all the way through Duke Nukem 3D. I think the first time major companies started restricting things heavily was when the Unreal engine became popular.
if you want to be totally free from botnet why don't you just leave thei nternet and go live like a hobo just like rms does
Sup Forums doesn't
Dead, just like in the 90s.
Not him, but the idea is that you can change small segments of your life to be free and be ultimately happier in the long-term because of it.
Which, on that front, rms is 100% right about. Picture how many things on the internet that you could cut out while still being able to shitpost on Sup Forums or play your video games.
He's really only wrong about the part where you have to be totally independent to be truly free.