How the fuck am i supposed to get through this game

how the fuck am i supposed to get through this game

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You're not, go play a Yu-Gi-Oh game that makes sense.

that costs like a billion stars

You just fuse into two thunder dragons and fuse them together.

I thought I was the only one who ever played this piece of shit. I remember thinking that the card fusion system was pretty neat, but I don't think I ever beat it. Good luck, user.

I'm at the duelist tournament and things are starting to get rough

Luck. I beat the finally march twice in a row and then never again.

God I remember absolutely raging at this stupid game. Also, I seem to remember the tutorial being stupidly long. One of my biggest disappointments as a kid, but it did teach me not to beg my parents to buy games because "I like the show" - most games made from anime/cartoon source material are garbage.

>Tfw I never even beat the first duel of this game

Just keep grinding egypt joey until you get time wizard and then you can start the game
Took me like 4 or 5 hours to do it myself though
endgame duels are infuriating too. never beat the final boss

Am I supposed to duel the villagers 100 times to get the fusion materials for thtd into my deck or something? my deck can only make one right now

>MFW there's an astrology based advantage/weakness system

I would just dude random as cards and more times than not, they'd dude into things that they shouldn't. Its really fucking weird...

I dont think anything else is worth fusing. And thtd is pretty straightforward. There doesn't seem to be a single viable deck besides dragons in this game. FIlled with meteor dragons, red eyes, megamorph, dragon treasure

>duel 1000 times to get all this shit

I loved that you could write the code from your real life cards and get the card in-game

Apparently i need to S-TEC pegasus for a chance of getting a megamproh. What do those words mean exactly

>Steamroll through the game
>Get to the Egyptian levels.
>Get violently raped every time.

thunder monster + dragon + invigoration + castle of light + umi or mountain

to get red eyes b dragon battle joey 2 until you get it

Yeah but you had to pay a ridiculous amount of star chips to get them even after you put in the code.

Oddly enough, I really want to play this again.

>mfw I was one of the kids who read the fucking rules
>mfw playing this game

Where's that webm showing the cheating AI

>First turn
>Fuse 3 monsters
>get a monster with 2600 atk
>fuck yeah strong monster right in the start
>end turn
>Enemy plays a 3200 monster
>no fusion needed

git gud

Also just do shit the AI hates.
Spam cheat shit like mirror force and stuff, you're not vs a real person so go nuts.

>Enemies start off with field type suited for their deck
>Game cheats and makes enemy monsters stronger than they should be
>cards cost an impossible amount of star chips
>you have to go first making it impossible to win by enemy drawing out

wow good luck motherfucker, I beat seto 3rd after 15 years of trying every now and then, this game was the last reason my ps2 was still plugged no bullshit. sounds autistic but the relief after finally finishing it was better than sex

You think that's bad, at least that game uses the original format.

This pos made me walk all the way back to the electronics store I bought it in to get my €59.99 back, which I couldn't because apparently, a game being shitty wasn't enough of a reason to get a refund.

But I'm pretty sure Sup Forums thinks this is a good game, they probably got it for a fisher price to complete their ps2 collections and never even played it

The gamecube one was pretty good.
Best ygo game in my opinion.

you could tell that it was all different by looking at the back cover

Gameshark AND learning to play the game

such a bad game, ai in it are fucking stupid and navigating through those fucking maps was torture

you think THAT'S bad? Imagine playing it's retarded brother

Good luck, OP. This is, no joke, one of the hardest games I've ever played. It's entirely luck-based, and the AI is insane. Twin-headed Thunder Dragon and Meteor Black Dragon are your best friends.

i just wanted to get this game out of the way quickly before my DotR playthrough

I love the fusions in this game. Any other games with a similar mechanic?

This shit on the other hand, this was gold. Still not original format, but I thought the Yu-Gi-Oh setting/characters meshed really well with the old school JRPG mechanics.

[Dragon] + [Machine] = Metal Dragon (1850/1700)
[Dragon] + [Plant] = B. Dragon Jungle King (2100/1800)
[Dragon] + [Rock] = Stone D. (2000/2300)
[Dragon] + [Thunder] = Thunder Dragon (1600/1500)1
[Thunder] + [Dragon >= 1600 Attack] = Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon (2800/2100)
[Rock] + [Female] = Mystical Sand (2100/1700)
[Animal] + [Female] = Nekogal #2 (1900/2000)
[Animal] + [Pyro] = Flame Cerebrus (2100/1800)
[Aqua] + [Dragon] = Spike Seadra (1600/1300)
[Aqua] + [Dragon >=1600 Attack] = Kairyu-Shin (1800/1500)
[Dark Spellcaster] + [Jar] = Ushi Oni (2150/1950)
[Fish] + Rainbow Flower (400/500) = 7 Colored Fish (1800/800)
[Plant] + [Animal] = Flower Wolf (1800/1400)
[Pyro] + [Winged Animal >= 1300 Attack] = Crimson Sunbird (2300/1800)
[Warrior] + [Pyro] =1100 Attack = Flame Swordsman (1800/1600)
>=1800 Attack = Vermillion Sparrow (1900/1500)

This should help. Prioritize these fusions, and bring good spells. Since they're mostly just monster types, as long as you can find an opponent using one, you should be able to rip it off them, or just get lucky and pull it by coincidence.

The soundtrack was fucking glorious in that game.

what are some YGO games that can cool me down after this shit

What's it like having taste this terrible?

Why are you asking? You seem to be an expert in such matters.

Duel Links :^)

>two thunder dragons

Literally any dragon above a certain attack power+any lightning creature.

here's a walkthrough from someone who's played it over a dozen times:

>start game
>trade with yourself using throwaway saves
>starter decks have enough thunder and dragon monsters so that you can have a 20/20 split
>also trade useful spells such as dragon and thunder equips
>fuse any dragon + thunder + dragon/thunder for THTD

this will get you all the way through the tournament. when you get back to Egypt:

>farm Low Meadow Mage endlessly for Meteor B. Dragon
>abuse the trading system again to triplicate it
>hope you draw it and your starter Dragon Treasure before the boss kills your with BEUD

keep in mind you won't be able to save during the last section and the odds you'll beat the game are 1:10.

to improve those odds you can farm Jono for Red Eyes and Meteor Dragon and S-TEC Pegasus (which takes forever) for Bright Castle.

This game would have been great but for one crucial problem

>deck levels

Who else just filled their decks with fake traps so they could use all the cool, flashy cards they'd unlocked?

get out of the way peasants

I'm the (un)official sequel to Forbidden Memories

For that fusion info

Best Yugioh game.

Does it use the same fusion mechanics?

Trying to get Megamorph from Pegasus is more worthwhile, and it'd make MBD have the same attack as BEUD.

The Duelists of the Roses was the official sequel, though.


The gameboy game was good. This one was fun, but really unfair. I tried to play Roses but didn't understand it. And modern Yugioh is just way too convoluted for me to enjoy. It's too bad because I really enjoy the monster designs and would rather play a yugioh game instead of hearthstone.

Duel Links was legitimately good, until they started pushing the archetype and OTK bullshit from the actual card game.

yeah, completely forgot about it. but it's not like you can choose which one you get.

both Megamorph and Bright Castle are rare drops. and you should probably get both.

it doesn't unfortunately.

it's the same as real yugioh. and a glorified duel simulator pretty much, there's not even a story.

Duelists of the Roses > Capsule Monster Coliseum > Forbidden Memories
Objectively true, faggots.
>not knowing how to S-TEC Pegasus

Card Drop List:
Pretty much the only card in the game that matters is the Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon so you only want Dragon and Thunder cards in your deck. I would recommend dueling against Rex Raptor as he drops Thunder monsters and Crawling Dragon and Dragon Zombie which can be fused into TWTD immediately as they have 1600 ATK. The only other really good card is Meteor B. Dragon which you can get by dueling the Meadow Mage. Use your Star Chips to get cheap Dragon/Thunder monsters. Everything else is a waste unless you have so many that you can get some equip cards.

Make sure to keep starting a new game until your deck has raegeki in it


I didn't find the game hard at all. I beat it several times. Making a deck that gives the most chances to fuseTHTD, labyrinth wall, meteor dragon and the guardian of some shit or other, is the key to beating the game. Aside from farming I never had to face anyone more than 4 times. Only the mages and zeto would get a win on me. Then again I was in my late teens when I played it. My little brother bought it. He was 9. While it was easy for me it was nearly impossible for him. Maybe you guys were little too and just tried to brute force it

That's literally impossible to beat the final boss. Even the fastest speedrun recorded for this game took like nearly 10 hours straight of non-stop grinding. Stop larping, lad.

Not him, but that's just plain wrong.

this """"""""""impossible""""""""""""" game is beatable in 3 hours

Even better, not even 2 hours

what the fuck you people are casuals
I beat this game when I was 12

/agdg/er here. I'm working on a single player card battler. Would you mind telling me what you're looking for in such a game?

Card fusion could be a fun mechanic if used properly

Have more than 1 viable strategy. Something that these games are usually missing


>get 1 MBD after 110 wins
>now need two more

At least I can run the game at 300fps

who is that

cool monster art
or cute girls

>40 minutes

hos is he cheating?

>has main character design
>only appears for two lines of dialogs

I like to imagine she was originally going to be a VN girl but the game got cancelled and konami got her from a recycle bin of aborted games

The enemy AI cards are revealed because of a cheat and you are seeing the opponent's hand. At 0:01 a seiyaryu magicaly becomes a beud, adapting perfectly to the great moth that the player placed. Basically the enemies are changing their cards whenever they want

Game is quite literally programmed to do so.

Does she appear in a manga by any chance

thanks. Couldn't see properly and never played these games so ye

Forbidden memories is a fun fucking game
Go play it. Whether the opponent cheats and kicks your ass or not, it's worth.

It's pretty simple to finish this game. But that will take a long of time to grind all the cards. You just have to do two things.

1 - Duel Low Meadow Mage until you get 3 Meteor B. Dragon cards (3500 attack). I think he gives Skull Knight as well.

2 - S-TEC Pegasus until he gives you 3 Megamorphs (+1000 attack to a monster card). Also, try to get Widespread Ruin (trap that destroys any monster cards).

To S-TEC Pegasus, you just need to defeat him by making him waste all of his cards. The only way to do it is to put monster cards with the bottom up. Of course the cheating computer knows what card it is, but by putting it bottom up, the CPU will keep fusing stuff desperately and trying to attack it - which will make him run out of cards.

Still, you have to fight the last 4 duels without any breaks to save your game. So if they pull out a Ultimate Moth or Three-Headed Blue Eyes White Dragon before you can buff yourself up, you're dead.

I'll be sure to think about it. Not big on card games, I'm here to just lurk

in japan they sold a card scanner with it to avoid the star bullshit

Fucking do it. As far as I'm concerned this game is like gambling more than cards

The star costs seem like a fuck you to the western audiences. Especially the 999k ones

People just used Gameshark to get 3 of every card.

you are not supposed to

I love this game for many reason but its fundamentally broken, no sane person can beat it without autistic grinding and luck

>autistic grinding and luck
or a gameshark

stop being a little bitch
the game is easy as fuck to beat
it doesn't even take that long to get the cards all you need is at least 2 meteor black dragons

this is bait

They used this girl again in Falsebound Kingdom and named her Fizdis if I remember right.

this is a thunder dragon simulator

There are a handful of characters that basically seem to exist to fill in roles for the early video games. Like how the Card Majin/Nitemare/DarkNite/his English relative is the generic endgame boss.

What time period/location should the next game be in

Should be hopping through timelines and locations as you progress. The final area is the first game again, but harder.