How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
I'm fine with this.
It's not like these people prevent me from playing my video games.
>H1Z1 is #4 and at it's daily peak
Who is playing this right now? It aint Americans.
its Trump all over again
Im glad this happened. FInally valves bubble is bursting and hopefully cs and dota start dying
Nothing. I haven't played either game and never will.
well the first game that died thanks to PUBG was Overwatch though.
at least I can understand the appeal of PUBG
still don't get what is so damn interesting about playing single unit rts games
This accomplishes nothing.
PUBG is gay but I hate Valve and ASSFAGGOTS so this is fine by me.
yfw valve buys the rights to pubg
Hey now, brainlets need RTS too!
I dont care. I just want them to suffer
We need rts too, the brainlets killed it
It makes me pretty sad that a free mod was the most popular game on steam, and so many new games have come and gone but the uninterested mustards just ignore them for their F2P mod.
It's a sad reminder that PC gaming will never be as popular as it should be.
I hope CS:GO dies out the ass, maybe I'll start playing it again without having a dozen 8 year olds with mics or constantly begging to trade in chat every fucking game ruining it for me.
After all this time I still don't understand this. Why compare two different games in terms of players?
Does It even matter at this point in gaem history?
Im okay with this.jpg
PUBG is a real video game with actual depth and gameplay. Not just a money grab hat simulator brain dead moba game.
Why should anyone care?
>valves bubble is bursting
Vale takes 25% of the money that PUBG is making
They dont give a shit, these are good news for them too.
>one game is very successful and beats every other game in sales and playerbase
>Does It even matter at this point in gaem history?
devs will try and copy PUBG success
If it means less shitters in my online game, then pretty good i guess.
Why is the PC market the most gullible and easily influenced by what popular streamers and youtubers play?
So much for the master race....
too many yuropoor and south american subhumans these days
I'm conflicted
On one hand, I hated the dominance of shitware Valve cashcows, and I'm happy to see something else take the top
On the other, the game is literally the exact same kind of shitware cashcow, on top of being a shitty open-world, early access, twitch-bait, DayZ game.
>4 more years of shitty open world survival shooters
i thought we were finally going to move past that garbage
needs more memes
Wait till they go full blast on esports. Im pretty sure it will continue towering over CS:GO and Dota.
I am more impressed with dota for maintaining these numbers despite being a 6 year old game. Wanna bet if pubg will last with these numbers for 6 years? I bet they wont even last more than 2
Like they did with MINECRAFT
Oh the horror
It just confirms what I've known all along; steam users have shit taste.
It's already esport ready actually (just had a tournament last week) I cant wait for million dollar tournaments and flooding stream numbers.
Wow, what was Sup Forums like on election night?
i love seeing 5 of these threads every day
Not much, I lost my faith in videogames back in 2004, so now I just laugh at it's demise.
>>one game is very successful and beats every other game in sales and playerbase
In what dimension has PUBG beaten Dota? Dota 2 has been massively popular for years and has made Valve an insurmountable amount of money.
Come back in maybe 5 years and we'll see if PUBG is still as popular.
>le moba is rts meme
What do you gain from that?
Dota, CS, and PUGB have 10x more players than the rest of the top 10 put together. The majority of total player time is spent between these three games. There can only be so many of these games at a time so then the question become which one will fade into obscurity first. Games like Starbound have held this position. It's not about reaching it, it's about staying there. PUBG's holding pretty good, but it might get replaced with the next best thing since the genre is fairly new and volatile.
It makes me angry. I don't give half a fuck about either of those games or their playercounts but these shitty threads keep popping up and I want them to stop.
I don't play any of the most popular game, why would I care that this stream bait game is popular?
I don't see pubg having any staying power. It's a flash in the pan thing like Avatar; everyone lost their mind over it then a year later no one could even remember what happened.
I stopped coming to Sup Forums for most of the campaign and election to get away from politics everywhere. Why is it still here? I can't get away from politics these days, it's like fucking minions of 2017.
pubg will be at a quarter of that within 2 years
dota 2 is dying thanks to league friendly patches.
People think it's just FOTM shit but the numbers keep rising, it has potential to even be greater than DOTA. I mean it alread made CS its bitch. 50% players already jumped ship according to steam spy.
>le autist misses a mocking social cue
>Come back in maybe 5 years and we'll see if PUBG is still as popular.
I'll give you a hundred burgers if it actually makes it out of beta before then
Use filters newfag
Now it just needs to stay like this for 5 years.
DOTA 2 is dying because it's a filthy MOBA and MOBAs are a genre that has yet to produce a single decent videogame.
Not happy with some early access survival turd replacing it, but i'm glad it's dying.
I wouldn't say that beating dota 2, one of the few playable games left on steam is a good thing.
Especially since dota 2 has been fucking itself over with its "NEW META" shit that essentially drove all the old fans back to WC3 dota.
It's the state of Sup Forums and the people who use it now. They will endlessly shitpost what is popular simply to be contrarian about it rather than have an actual opinion. In 2010 MW2 was the best seller yet on Sup Forums you would actually forget call of duty existed it was spoken about that little.
>How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
Why do you keep making this thread with this exact line down to the letter?
I keep saying it too. I am annoyed that an early access game sees these heights. A game that isn't even finished shouldn't be allowed to be this successful, and I dread publishers hopping onto "Please purchase our unfinished game! We'll totally improve it in due time we promise!" crap even harder than they already are.
I don't care
>Company that produces a shit game gets money and the "dev" who had luck like Notch with Minecraft gets even more money
>Shitty company responsible for DRM still gets a shitton of money
this was my post
But the possibility that Sup Forums is simply an advertising website now sounds decently plausible too.
>realize cocks are sexier than vaginas
>start sucking them rampantly
>suggest to his brother that he should do the same, but exclusively with black men
>then go to Sup Forums, put on his tripfag, and get in a PUBG thread
What did he mean by this?
I have no strong opinion on either of those games. People can play and enjoy whatever they want.
Ok idiots user here want no more player count threads, got it?
I don't want to see any of you faggots posting them anymore or else!
>tfw haven't played either
I'm not missing out on a lot, right?
only the best game of this gen.
>flies attached to shit
>another species of flies attached to different kind of shit
>it's important to know that one species of flies outnumbers the other
Also the reason why Dota reached million dollar prize pools is their spoiled rich teenage commununity and fucking China.
Haven't played neither of them but :
PUBG looks fun without asking for alot of learning. I'll buy it when they add vaulting.
DOTA 2 on the other hand is a MOBA and I can't understand what the fuck is happening on screen when I watch some gameplay.
Also I am glad to see some movement in the top played games on steam, those moba games had enough spotlight.
hate it but
>literally a containment game to contain all the plebs and shitters
>gives the easiest way to spot a redditor and someone with shit taste
>if they have long playtime in PUBG they are more succeptable to scams
>trolls can have fun fucking with streamers (theres alotaa streamers)
>if someone defends PUBG you know they are just a terrible person
>if someone injects the game in an unrelated thread you know he is a shill
on one hand its the gayest fucking piece of shit shovelware for retards and manchildren but on the other hand it contains them to that game because they're addicted to it.
Speak for yourself
Dota has always been interesting because they kept breaking the meta and introducing more shit. If they actually kept the game as it was, i can guarantee you nobody will be playing it now
This is coming from someone who almost flunk out of his school days playing dota all day in net cafes
>said the guy posting with nigger pic
>there are people who legitimately get mad about this
>there are people who legitimately feel proud of it for "being a part of something"
Not all that different, for the most part.
>hating on BASED DSP
go be racist somewhere else
>a better moba is taking another moba's place
color me surprised
>Shoot a guy (blood spray) 5 times and no kill/KO
>get shot twice and die
Anyone else know this feel? I almost always end up just going playing siege after a few rounds of PUBG.
>rich teenage community
jesus 80% of the thread was already baseless bs but this one takes the prize
Depends on the armor the two of your are wearing.
>how to spot the asshurt Starcuck player
I actually think the gameplay of pubg looks kind of interesting. However,
1. It's early access so it's incredibly hard to stay interested in the game itself.
2. And while aspects of it does look kind of interesting, it also looks like there is ridiculous amounts of down time and dead air in a typical match. Lots of action at the very beginning (potentially), only sporadic events of actions for the majority of the game in the middle with long stretches of nothing, and finally a small burst of action again as the final survivors creeps up on each other. I have admittedly not played the game but really is what is what it looks like. And dying in the beginning or near the very end doesn't seem that bad, but dying somewhere in the middle during those long stretches of nothing looks anticlimactic as fuck and after that you'd need to queue for another game and start all over game.
3. And lastly. There seems be multiple streamers in like every lobby or so. Fuck that wholesale. Is it really too much to ask to be simply be able to casually (or otherwise) play a game or so online and not have it recorded and broadcasted to the rest of the world? It really is starting to sound like an impossibility, but even more so with pubg. Fuck that.
If I was to judge the game fairly it seems like the strength of the game comes from forming groups with actual friends at which point all the downtime inherent to the game provides ample opportunity to talk through voice chat and pretty much hang out with your friends while still doing something together. If anything I'd assume that's been the secret to pubg's success. But it also makes it really awful if you aren't playing with friends.
Really. I can't keep an interest in the game. The game being early access is just icing on the cake and the final straw that makes me look the other way.
If it continues to keep the dregs of the gaming community away from great niche communities I'm all for it.
It's about time normalfaggots found a replacement for cowadoody.
It's mostly funded by Valve and third parties you know. It's mostly poor Perus, Ruskis and Chinks on DOTA2 that don't really spend a dime. But the rare minority of US players do spend a shitton because they like to throw their money away anyway
It's just snowballed since TI1
What's the appeal of the game anyways? It's just FFA, but your loadout resets every time.
>boring, sit around and do nothing for minutes at a time beats boring, sit around and farm and basically do nothing for minutes game
Don't care.
Steve Coogan is bae
pubg has really started to get ps4 shills shitposting a lot, that's for sure.
heroes of newerth is a good "MOBA"
>He doesn't know how repilled low tier god is
Wow totally organic thread, much video game discussion here.
No viral marketing at all.
Sup Forums is constantly visited by our friends over at NeoGaf, tumblr etc. and is gaining traction from a lot of females and not to mention the fact that a huge majority of western video game/anime consumers are likely to be far-left (citation needed though)
That's why you see lots and lots of hate towards right-wing politics in Sup Forums even going so far as to call out the Sup Forums boogeyman whenever something vaguely right-wing is mentioned in here. They want to silence their opposition on all fronts, discredit their opinions and deplatform them so they don't get a chance to speak out.
A lot of us just want to play video games.
>inb4 lol autist go back to ur containement board :DDD
Most real post I've seen in a long time. I don't even care about politics.
Why is this so fucking popular? Looks like just the next FOTM multiplayer open-world survival game to me, I thought people were sick and tired of those by now.
Although it doesn't happen on Sup Forums nearly as much because of the reasons you listed. A board like Sup Forums gets hit pretty regularly with politics shitposting and garners an obvious stigma by just being uncompromisingly antagonistic. The board has never been much for discussion but they certainly don't help. Even if I do subscribe to some of their beliefs, I just wanna talk about movies.