This is fucking cult like, holy shit

This is fucking cult like, holy shit

Other urls found in this thread:

yes, Nintendo is a gay cult.

>luigi doing a nazi salute

>Nintendo fans are Nazis

F a m these white bois aren't being kangz at all fuck Drumpf we need to beat them with PS4

How do these overgrown children look at themselves in the mirror each day?

>that kid in the middle of the picture that thinks this is stupid

I unironically love how stupid this is

How is dabbing still a thing? It's so fucking uncool now.

How do you look at yourself after posting on Sup Forums?

Luigi think he slick...

People do it ironically, but it's become unironic again because people did it "ironically" too much

W***e "people" shaking my head cuh

It's not so hard, I'm a pretty good looking guy.


THIS!!!! I love reddit and memey!!! Bash the fash!!!

What is even dabbing? Is it some nigger thing?

Yup, then white people did it

Nice try neogaf

no one in the photo is white not even luigi

>It's not so hard, I'm a pretty good looking guy.

Mario is symbolically a Mussolini puppet and Nintendo aims to turn the western world into autistic zelda/pokemon weeaboo fags that end up on Sup Forums dot org.

Jap revenge for WW2. Soon the east will unite.


Damn, that's a lot of Latino people



>sonnnygers called a fanatic cult for years
>we dindunothing
>they see one meme in the enemey brand they were taught to hate
"wew lad" like they say

It got a rez because Saudi Arabia banned it and it will probably last longer since it gives white nationalists major butthurt

I used jewgle image because I'm not saving that to my already bloated and unorganized folder.

I bet Ubisoft organised this shit, and are slowly trying to convert Nintendo fans to become Ubicucks.

>that mentos ad with that eskimo abomination dabbing

every time I see a corporation using dabbing in their marketing I want to fucking die

Nintendo's dignity died so the sins of the Wii U could be repayed. Normies are flocking to this shit like crazy.

Normie/Social media/Reddit memes are absolute cancer.

Milhouse finally became a meme.

Is that a loli or shota?

>it gives white nationalists major butthurt
Mind explaining your rationale here?

It's a little kid you sick fuck. I'm calling the police.

>It's not so hard, I'm a pretty good looking guy.

Corporations have always tried to latch on to fads and trends to sell products.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on dabbing?
I've never understood it

I would do anything for Luigi

I don't live in Americuck though.

all fanbases are cults

>niggers reinvent dabbing as a facebook vine meme
>whiteys dab because it's a facebook meme
>irony and so on
Dabbing is my guilty amusement tbqh

Some black people turned it into a big thing, and then white people and corporations got hold of it

It's a shitty fad that involves gesticulating with your arms in some dumb fashion. I never paid any attention to it. Stupid fucking bandwagoning human fads.

I guess anything black culture that's widely liked makes them flip out. They had a massive meeting in my hometown in 2007 and you could hear them crying from the street.

>someone from third world country is on OUR board

Get out, before Trump nukes you out

I think you're vastly overestimating how many people have latched onto this shitty fad. Most people don't know or care.

Also, kys niggerlover.

Like I said, I'm not an Americuck so I don't come from a third world country nor am I a North Korean.

heh, remember those people who said dabbin luigi in the rabbids game was ubisoft's fault?

Some stupid thing niggers were doing on social media. White people and corporations than latched on since anything ghetto niggers do is considered cool.

Man I fucking hate that show. I cant really put my finger on the reason, maybe its the characters

Can someone post that funny dabbing pickle man my grand son showed me? :)

>Truly this black fad isn't popular at all
>Also I hate blacks and anyone who is okay with them


Do you feel some kinda pride making stealth Sup Forums threads? To reply to them obsessively?

It's the Cal Arts animation style that activates my Persona

First day here?

Yes internet meme culture is retarded


This isn't Sup Forums, this is Luigi dabbing

whatever they're trying to do, they succeeded i guess.

Why are you so easy to spot and outsmart?

Because he's new?

It's the leftist propaganda


Notice how there's only spics and niggers in that picture.

The intelligent white people moved out of the way

The BEST thing my country did is arresting dabbers because oldfarts think it's related to drugs. I'm not even kidding.

All competitive video games need a dad emote so i can dab on the haters.

>sonnnygers called a fanatic cult for years
i've never seen anyone say that
Sup Forums always cries about how sonybros are just casuals who only play fifa and cod

Social media memes are never funny and memes that arrive in social media stop being funny.

Nintenderps are beyond pathetic.

This, it's a jewish trick destroying white culture and western civilization

Spotted the alien.

Most of the people in that pic don't even know what they're supposed to be doing, only that it's called "a dab".

I don't even know where it originated from, only that it spread to Jr Highschool kids who think dabbing is the coolest shit ever. But now it's spread to full mainstream where it will officially die.

>Dabbing in a Nintendo product

>Dabbing in a PlayStation product
>D-Dabbing was always cool... Baka!!

hello terrorist

>white nationalists major butthurt
Huh? Not quite a white nationalist, but pretty damn close, and I can safely say, nah. I just think it's mildly stupid, like most fads that drag on. Or are we calling them memes now?
It feels like I'm watching some 12 year old kids badly doing the suck it X and thinking they're cool.

>unironically being a hysterical faggot and saying "LE HOLY SHIT DUUDE! XD"
>posting from your phone

fuck off

Fucking sheeps

No one said that also post this PS dabbing so we can laugh

He looks so uncomfortable and awkward. Why would he do this to himself?

Who are you quoting?

The dab in Uncharted looked fucking gay. It's basically the “How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” version.

>reddit spacing
Like pottery.


It's all yours my friend :)

I remember anons saying it might be an accidental meme like the mean stare from Mario Kart because they couldn't get Luigi to do it in the game

Thank you for sharing the dabbing robot pickle man! He looks very funny! Much funnier than the last one! Kudos friend! Say hi to the grand children for me, and have a lovely day! :)

He's fast!


That dabbing pose is illegal where I live.
No seriously.


Getting real tired of cultural marxism. Why isn't everything white nationalists do considered cool?


It's Pickle Rick is in the house tonight you deaf faggot.

In case anyone is bored.

jesus christ i didnt know it was still possible to be that..

which latin american country was this in?

>motion blur

I hate looking at this image. They removed Sonut Drake for this shit? So glad I didn't buy Uncharted 4.

Don't worry, neither do most people who dab