Looks like the ps4 is number 1 even in Japan. Is it possible to stop Sony at this point?
Looks like the ps4 is number 1 even in Japan. Is it possible to stop Sony at this point?
try harder
I FUCKING SWEAR. The switch was supposed to be outselling that pieceofshit 4 but stupid fucking morns keep buying it? Why? Why the goddamn fuck do they keep FUUCKING BUYING THAT TRASH. tHEIR last exclsuive, Bloodborne, which isn't very good by the way, came out 3 fucking years ago. Whatre they even playing on that goddamn piece of shit. Persona 5? On PC, Nioh? PC port announced. Uncharted? Movie garbage. The switch has the highest goddamnit rated game of all time and one of the best games ever made and it's still being outsold. Fuck sony and fuck europe, those muslim loving kikes deserve to burn. I swear, Mario is going to nail you to afucking cross this holiday season
>it already september
fuck i've done nothing with my life this year
with this 5
>Looks like the ps4 is number 1 even in Japan
>Japanese products are the top selling products in Japan
Was this pasta meant to be ironic originally
>Sony is selling more Ps4 in Japan because they can meet the demand
>This doesnt apply to Nintendo and their Switch
I hope Nintendo has some chips for the console in some bunker to sell Millions of Switches on Christmas
Why would you buy a nogamez console?
Fuck off, stupid namefag.
Literally made up numbers
>In 2007 the Wii was selling 50k weekly, the PS3 was selling 20k weekly, and the DS was selling 100k weekly
>In 2017 all the sales combined come out to less than 70k weekly
Goddamn the japanese market has shrunk.
Yep, we all know Sony pays them to do it. There’s no way the Switch is losing.
Consoeles are drying ovet the PC market and phones.
VGchartz is full of xfags.
The consoles are cyclical getting a bump each generation, PC is constant growth.
It's too bad PC fags are willing to pay for digital videogames even if it is cheaper since over time that could threaten the existence of physical media which would be a death blow to videogame ownership rights.
It was number 1 in Japan last week too lol
Don’t worry bros, the Switch will sell millions once Mario comes out
care about sale.
But guys, Sup Forums told me Japan will save Nintendo. What the hell is happening?
>The switch has the highest goddamnit rated game of all time and one of the best games ever made and it's still being outsold.
so does the wii u
rly makes u think, doesnt it switch pasta man
yurop wiiu
2008 happened
Smartphones happened
In the US I think the Xbone might have a shot after the One X. Might even pull better numbers in Europe.
Japan it's up to Nintendo and the new Mario game. Though honesty, I don't give a fuck about the Switch. I think it's garbage, so I rather have Sony winning than Nintendo. From everyone's point of view Sony being the leader means that games will often be ported to the PC or Xbox.
Except for Japan, get their numbers from Media Creates.
>Nioh PC port
Japan's been looking like this lately.
this is an 18+ site sempai
But does it have MGS2?
>Every fucking tripfag is an autistic child molester.
I don't get it. If you know that you are obviously trash why do you try to get attention so badly?
>death blow to videogame ownership rights.
You can't deal a deathblow to something that doesn't exist.
>SONY= Japan
I can't see why it wouldn't be no 1
I see, the pre-emptive shitpost damage control thread cause today is MC day
I wonder if they managed to ship more units for XX. The Splatoon 2 stock dried up pretty fast.
XX released yesterday, right?
Last Friday.
I guess some extra due to the special XX edition then.
Im gonna bet Nintendo started (globaly) to save stock for Mario O and holidays, so I expect a "decline" in sales for September till late October
Is it delusion time again?
The PS4 already got annihilated by the Switch
Switch 69,654
PS4 20,433
New3DS LL 11,470
New2DS LL 11,173
PS4 Pro 4,225
Vita 4,080
2DS 2,137
New3DS 430
Wii U 117
PS3 83
Xbox One 63
Well OP, I'll give you 30 minutes to apologize, starting now.
it really is time to switch
Is that literally him? How do u know? Is he really a pedo too? Kek