Fuck youtube
What happens

I'm actually surprised they are trying this hard to salvage it.
Being on a new engine could actually fix things if they work hard enough.

DayZ won't be saved until they realized that DayZ's merge of gameplay systems and realism was what made it fun, rather than just the insane tedium of the standalone alpha.

Nice, can it release already so I can refund it like ark

yeah cool, but if they haven't DRASTICALLY improved the netcode none of the shit shown on the video(which I didn't bother to watch) even matters

can't wait to get my money back after 4 years

what the fuck does it want to be?
survival game?
playerunknown's autismgrounds?
zombie game?

Autistic zombie survival game


This. It wont be saved unless they bring out mods supported that basically make it like DayZ mod but better with all the added garbage filterted out

It's too late desu

>rather than just the insane tedium of the standalone alpha.
Care to elaborate?

They've been talking about swapping engines since 2014. I was a fucking massive fanboy of the mod and a huge apologist for the early alpha, and even I'm fairly sceptical about this.

Colours look weird. Would play this though, if it was free to play.

>8 trillion retards playing pubg
>trying to save anything

Dayz is dead

DayZ won't be saved until they realize we expect all of epoch's content + 4 years more of content for our wasted time.
Nobody is interested in this dead game and everyone feels immensely betrayed.

"wet leopard that isnt your size" simulator

needless gameplay destroying autism*

everyone would rather play a game with 50% of dayz's aspects than waste time with more broken promises

>I was a fucking massive fanboy of the mod
yep, but I knew it was trash when they started listening to reddit instead of their ACTUAL community.
The bloodbag abomination was a glaringly obvious example of how they didnt listen to us at all.
We modded bloodbags to be self-applying with an extremely long duration.
We modded them to be insta-applying with a teammate.
So what does the dev team do? Make it some elaborate retarded blood draining process requiring 17 different pieces, a diabetic testing supply kit for you and the person youre giving blood too which KILLS YOU if you mix blood types.

Yeah thats a real good way to take what your community wants and then just blatantly shit all over it and give the middle finger to all of your loyal fans.

So in response, we all jumped ship.

Ugh after PuBG they still try? PuBG could shit out same mod and it would be more succesful, at this rate why even bother with Dayz? It's not like people will buy it anymore.

You fail to see the difference between dayz and pubg

It's still just Arma 2 map with zombies and that's all it will ever be

There really isn't a difference except that PUBG lets you get right to what everyone in DayZ is going to do eventually anyway.

Can't wait to refund.

steam patched that boy no more ea refunds

We'll wait and see. If it's permanently fixed, I'll try anyway.

>yep, but I knew it was trash when they started listening to reddit
Source on that?

>shoot guy in head
>every single item on him gets ruined including his boots

literally every post on the reddit forum for it was implemented into the game like clothes getting wet and berries on bushes and other dumb shit instead of fixing the fucking game.

Well, the game is dead already, was it like 1 year ago and now with PUBG taking all the players from other survival games it has literally 0 chance of success.
The funiest part of DayZ was getting my shit by myself, make my house, trade with another players, scavenge for fuel, etc... i can´t have that in DayzSA, for crist sake they couldn´t even fix the fucking vehicles already, everyone was saying that we needed but they pushed it too much and was a fucking mess.
I still remember my first fucking truck killing my 3 months old player because it clipped under the road.