Why Wolfenstein protagonist - agent Blazkowicz - has a german name?
Why Wolfenstein protagonist - agent Blazkowicz - has a german name?
What does BJ stand for?
It's a Slavic name you fucking mongol
That's not a german name, sounds more like eastern Europe.
William Joseph.
His father is Polish and his mother is Jewish.
How is that a German name to you, fucking idiot?
blow job
You mean Polish. He's a Polish Jew.
If youve played the game you wouldve known hes Polish.
why is the title of the game sound german?
Clearly a Polish last name you idiot.
americans are THIS fucking stupid
Sabaton xD
>tfw Doomguy is Blazkowicz descendant therefore russian
Russian jews are master race
Hows the pogroms these days?
Why does your English make you sound like a third world nigger?
maybe he's one of the refugees, show some respect you bigot
Buff Jew
He's a Polish kike that every Nazi under the sun can't help but regard as a stunning example of the perfect Aryan archetype in the flesh, remarking on it with regularity.
The kikes love to go all out with that kind of psyop shit, put salt in the wound and whatnot. Really drive their subversive point home, hammer it into the minds of the stupid little retards playing this garbage gleefully delighting in their murder sprees against evil nazis while their sister is giving head to her nigger boyfriend (that will later beat her to death) in a public bathroom or whatever and all the future well-paying jobs are being taken by h1b shitskins and the demographics of his formerly white country are rapidly being engineered to change.
Its an american name.
Nah, he's just another shining example of the American education system! You guys should really cut some more funding to it so you can subsidize prisons!
OP trolled all you fuckers with his blatantly bad grammar, of course he knows the fucking answer. Learn to sage, or to move on without replying.
Are you american, OP?
german last name means no germans will want to kill you
It's basic math you mongolianite
Anyone who can get influenced by videogames or movies is subhuman trash not worth having around in the first place.
That's what you think, Amerilards are actually as retarded as OP.
He is a Polish Jew though.
what about documentaries?
Good thing nobody but lonely 60 year olds watch them.
the 90s moral panic thinking that videogames will make Jake shoot up his school is retarded
thinking that media cannot and does not politically and ideologically influence people in much more subversive and subtle ways is even more retarded
Polish is a social construct.
They are basically r*ssians who speak dialect.
If someone can be influenced by media he's some easily brainwashed idiot who must be treated as an enemy.
Polak here, actually we are a bastard son of Germany and Russia with a few other counties added to the mix.
>Bonnie Ru(((berg)))
A significant amount of americans are descended from germans. The vote for the official language of america was very close to being german.
Him being a jew was retconned. He's just a pole.
Are you frustrated?
>Germany and Russia
wasn't that Germans and Nordics? Bacially common ancestors with Germanic people plus Vikings raping their way South on regular basis, and sometimes staying for good. IIRC first Polish dynasty were descendants of these raiders.
>wasn't that Germans and Nordics?
>Haha im a russian jew talking shit
That's not a real german name like Heinrich, Klaus or Muhammed.
>caring about Kike revenge porn
are you afraid of the truth you stupid goyim?
Rus (proto-Russia) was ruled by a dynasty of raiders, Poland was ruled by tribal chiefs made dukes andvthen made kings.
Actually Polish are quite different from Russians. They and the Czechs and the Slovaks are one similar group of nations. They have a similar history and culture of western Slavs.
>nazis used to be the goto generic enemy to kill
>nowadays it's a sensitive topic and people think it's white genocide to want to kill nazis
Blowjib blastertits
A lot of Ukrainians were german woodsmen who were resettled there in the 18th century.
Probably closer to polish than german.
>blaming the Jews for your small penis
Lol good 1
>killing black characters is racist
>"KILL ALL WHITE MALES" is an acceptable thing to say in public
why not?
how can it be revenge when the holocaust didn't happen?
I want these people out of my fucking hobby, and I'd love for them to find something else to obsess over rather than stupid petty shit all the time.
Never gonna happen though
good goy
>thinking your retarded alinsky tactics works on other people besides subhumans like yourself
Top Kek.
Poles genetically are closest to russians
Nazis =/= white people
>I still have a small penis
stop projecting, subhuman
Dumb Sup Forumslack.
History and culture is what shapes the nation not genetics. Finnish and Hungarian are close genetically and language-wise but they are two very very different nations. Shut your whore mouth and go back to your containment board.
>stop being right
it's because back then they were just the vilified enemies in a war they lost against us
now we realize they had the right idea, we all lost that war, and the people making these nazi killing games are communists who delight in killing white nazis because they hate the white oppressor class as a whole and have a lot of white guilt and feel that they themselves are oppressed when in truth they're agents of radical communist subversion seeking to reduce everything and everyone to a great unthinking brown mystery meat mass of hedonism with no values
so yeah tl;dr it was a different, simpler time in which we were not mired in open cultural civil war brought about by long-con subversion tactics put in place before we were born
the brutally murdering evil nazis shit was still propaganda then we just didn't know the significance
For example Harrison Ford is a kike and Indiana Jones was created by kikes.
genetically poles share a specific haplogroup type with the population of modern day iran forget which group exactly
but they are literally sandniggers and mudslimes in denial which is no fucking wonder as here in the UK poles are the worst fucking criminal minority far worse than niggers
>History and culture is what shapes the nation not genetics
Haha can't accept the facts don't you?
Sorry, no Master race for you.
That's a whole lot of meaningless words there, friendo.
So let's make more games where we kill commies. Easy.
all those words have meaning and convey meaning pertinently
I have a suspicion you're the same (literal) kike the other guy laughed at over your basic bitch tier shill tactics.
t. your typical ruski troll, simply ebin :DDD
Now go and get your rubles, peasant.
then by jewish tradition he's full jewish
I wonder if he's cut
That would offend SJW
>It's another "shit on poland episode"
lol laugh all you want stupid American cucks and Brit teeth faggots.
Poles were the strongest warriors in history and all modern Poles are the descendants of this warrior stock
Avg polish poster on Sup Forums could literally rip an Amerishart in half. Keep memeing while you can fuckos
Not even close you plumber
You are just another r*ssian
had a chuckle with this delusional mongoloid's post
gtfo of UK
Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not actually Polish, you Untermensch :^)
Poles are the only reason UK is even considered a white country jej
My cousin works as a mechanic there and he says all British slags dont even bother with British """men""" anymore lmao
Good. They don't care about video games.
>Poles are the only reason UK is even considered a white country jej
Delusional subhumans
delusional small dick loser
When's the last time you had sex? XD
Dumb chubby babby-looking Brit boi
Actually wait, they already made a game like that.
this is literally what british "men" look like
he's jewish
Every time german "master(loser)race" started a world war poland gained land
>being this fucking retarded
Are you aware that the war started by nazis killed more white men than your autistic white genocide conspiracy? Are you aware that hitler said that arabs are masterrace? you fucking moron cuck
I'm not. I don't give a fuck if you think the Nazis were right, but;
>WE realize they had the right idea
>WE all lost that war
>THEY'RE agents of radical communist subversion
is all just YOUR beliefs, and doesn't reflect anyone else's, which, in turn, have no meaning.
>your country is africa tier shithole
>capital was literally built for you by the russians
>consider yourself white
delusional polacks kek
Hitler considered polacks especially shit tier thats why he never allowed them to have an SS division. All white east european nations had one