Are you looking forward to Fate Extella 2, Sup Forums?

Are you looking forward to Fate Extella 2, Sup Forums?

rather have CCC on English. extella is one of nasu worst works.

Why does Extella Lu Bu look and play near identically to Musou Lu Bu? Surely it can't be THAT hard to mix it up a little.

Depends. Is best girl(male) going to get a meaningful main route?

i rather have another game when im in a grail war.

fuck off faggot

>Charlemagne is in the game
It's time.

Tamamo is my wife!

Astolfo is the worst thing to happen to the Fate franchise, that's pretty impressive.
Also, kill yourself.

More Gilgamesh will make it better

>take plain but reasonably cute girl in school uniform, pantyhose optional
>give her asymmetrical thigh-high and sock
I can forgive a lot, but this shit triggers the fuck out of me.


Hakuno looking operator as fuck

Dovi have to watch or read anything to play this?

For once Hakuno actually looks better than Hakunon.

good thing he's canon

why are they making second one
nobody asked for this

That's fine though. It's not particularly inspired or anything of course, but at least from the front it's even and not going out of its way to be kewledgy and aesthetically unpleasant.



Reminder to watch the anime over reading the VNs.

Hakuno is on the field this time
The church from Fuyuki is back
all 16 playable servants are back
massive visual upgrade likely means Switch version is kill
Charlemagne is the lead focus of the story as a fuccboi Saber

All seems decent so far. Just worried that they'll only make it 30fps this time because of the new graffix.

The white part of his boots ruins his design


it'll be 144fps on PC like the first one :^)

No George no buy

I did, but only if Jack is in it.


I hope Dark Eliza comes back

This is game number 4 of an extended spin off universe.
Game number 2 isn't even translated.
Game number 3 and this new game all take place in a slightly seperate canon to games 1 and 2. They're instead based on a light novel tie in that was never written and abandoned at the planning stage.

All 4 games reference the main franchise that has at least 5 spin offs and multiple different types of media.

Basically i'm telling you to run away screaming

you forgot to mention that the upcoming anime supposedly isn't a full adaptation of extra

Read Fate/Stay Night and Zero and ignore this game.


>Asking someone to read a 100+ hour VN and a 4 volume LN when they already said they just want to play a vidya game.

You will NEVER convert someone who's only interested in secondary material. Give up.

Hakunon is so fucking cute holy shit



No. The first one was horrible.

Nah CCC was the start of the decline of Nasuverse that game can rot in unlocalized hell