Which console/handheld would you call the king of rpgs, for now?
Which console/handheld would you call the king of rpgs, for now?
The Nintendo Switch because it has the greatest RPG of all time, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Hello no if only for that reason. Botw is not even a true rpg
i'ts either the PSP, or the DS
what is a true RPG anyway?
but I must agree (I still like that game tough)
Definitely PS1.
PS1 > PS2 > DS > SNES > PSP > 3DS > Vita, tentatively.
PSP RPGs kinda sucked.
I guess PC doesn't count? It has the most rpgs, majority of which are offensively bad but it also has monopoly on isometric party based ones.
gba I guess
PS1 with SNES up on its heels. PS1 has the biggest library of good JRPGs where the SNES has a handful of some of the best RPGs ever made.
Then again those two tend to be the best for everything
What did GBA even have? FF ports and Golden Sun?
3DS and Vita
What the fuck?
Panty Quest #1523 is clearly GOTYAY
Vita library (which is good) + PSP library (which is also good) + PS1 library (which is shit, but still) = 80% of decent RPGs out there.
Vita library is trash and PSP library sucks for RPGS which aren't SRPGs.
>Vita library is trash
>PSP library sucks for RPGS which aren't SRPGs.
Also wrong.
Persona is the flagship for JRPGs on both consoles. That should tell you just how fucking dire the state of things is.
And FF is the flagship RPG on PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4/whatever? Does that mean their libraries are that much worse? No. There're Falcom games on both PSP and Vita. There're Gust games on both PSP and Vita. There're Tales games on both PSP and Vita. There's Utawaremono, there's Neptunia (which is nothing special, but it's still a fairly decent game despite what Sup Forums says). There's a lot of games that are much better than Persona. They just don't appeal to normalfags.
You're right then.
If you're the sort of person who thinks Neptunia is even worth the time taken to pirate it, the PSP and Vita are full of JRPGs. Christ, get some taste.
Who wants a console full of rpgs anyway? I can't imagine playing them one after another. They're so draining.
PSP since you can play snes and psone rpgs which incidentally also are the consoles that had the two big waves of jrgps.
Everything after got less and less rpgs and less impressive one at that.
If you are looking for crpgs its pc ... in actuality it might be pc anyway since you can also play snes and psone emulators..
What do you mean? RPG is the genre with the most varied gameplay, so its a different game all the time.
Didnt you ever get bored of other genre, who had the same thing no matter what title.
SNES emulation on PSP is kinda shit though.
Vita can actually play SNES games without aggressive speedhacks and frame skipping, and also plays PSP and PS1 games just as well.
There's also Vita games if you care for that.
> RPG is the genre with the most varied gameplay
Each RPG is the same DVD menus with copypasted content repeated for 100 hours.
>Didnt you ever get bored of other genre, who had the same thing no matter what title.
Yeah sure every single racing game is identical. Or each fighting game.