"Haha, dead baby niggers!"
Seriously why is this shit on Steam?
"Haha, dead baby niggers!"
Seriously why is this shit on Steam?
Because not everyone is an easily offended libcuck like you and the world doesn't bend itself around your feefees.
Nice buzzwords, retard. Too much of a brainlet to think for yourself?
epic.... simply epic....
>No arguments
He's saying that just because you take offense at something doesn't mean that it shouldn't exist.
There, nice and buzzword-free.
tell me your joke then? :^)
Is this game fun though?
Why do people get so angry about stand-up comedy?
I don't like new things
It's not a game it's a glorified chat lobby
>waaaaahhhh stop liking what i don't like !!
What do you call other guys cheese?
Nothing about my comment was angry in any way.
it's one of those only for streamer games
I bet you couldn't tell a funny joke to save your life
Stringing babby's first edgewords together does not constitute a joke, btw. You'll find that out when you spend some time around other people and realise just saying nigger without context doesn't make everyone roar with laughter.
user calm down!
I was asking if the game was fun
okay but is it fun
This game is perfect for a raid. Imagine it. Nigras blocking the stage cause closed due AIDS! Finally I can participate in something real instead of that casual WE WUZ raid yesterday and be more like how legion did it in the ancient days!
Here's a joke: your fucking life
low energy 0/10
i bet you'd like it if people went "boom roasted" and "got him" ironically, wouldnt you.
sorry, try to improve your personality and be original for once in your life.
>Seriously why is this shit on Steam?
it's that question that makes it so fucking great that it is on Steam
>American humour
Every time.
Case in point
Opinion discarded
Tired as fuck. Everyone has heard this joke a million times. If you heard a stand up comedian say this you'd wonder why the fuck he's making money from this.
>Nice buzzwords
>uses a buzzword
Amerishoe detected.
the whole thing is retarded.
it's great that something so retarded is available at the price of a big mac menu
>This knee-jerk reaction
>a group of people putting someone on a chair and insulting
>laughing tracks in tv shows
>stand-up """""comedians"""""
Why is American """""humour""""" so cancerous?
Why are you so obsessed?
Why is roasting someone on his birthday as a present a good American custom?
>It isn't a joke if your audience isn't laughing
t. guy with wrong audience.
They're pretty easily triggered. Jumping at ghosts. SJWs everywhere, man! Everyone's a SJW! You didn't laugh at my edgy joke for 14 year olds? Fucking SJW.
>what a terrific audience haha!
It's not a custom for a vast majority of people.
If you don't like it, don't laugh, faggot.
Humor is dead.
>not being a 14-year-old makes you an offended libcuck
Go back to your containment board, autist.
this game looks fun as fuck to just be as stupid as you possibly can be
>If you don't like it, you get shot.
It's as fun as the people you're playing with. It's literally the online equivalent of stand-up night in a local bar.
>Sup Forums everywhere, man! Everyone's Sup Forums!
in this game it pretty much shows the humor of the twitch community. it's a bunch of retards yelling nigger at each other to gib a response. just stay off this game
the dunkey vid made me a kek a couple times
anyone have any stories/vids to share of this digitally social experiment?
>in this game it pretty much shows the humor of the twitch community. it's a bunch of retards yelling nigger at each other to gib a response
this is exactly Sup Forums's sense of humor though?
>Why do people get so angry about stand-up comedy?
Most of it is bad.
Not saying it's easy, but very few people are good at stand-up comedy.
fuck off Sup Forums
Not like theyre the only ones with a shit sense of humor.
>Implying it already wasn't
you aren't wrong.
The worst thing about this game is that you just know it will be shut down by mad SJWs triggered by, oh lo and behold the monstrosity, FREE UNMODERATED SPEECH
And the devs will have to apologize for it.
>Retorts with a well known internet phrase
Oh dear
i'm not white
Buzzwords aside, accurate.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:12 No.388716479▶
this game looks fun as fuck to just be as stupid as you possibly can be
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:47 No.388716501▶>If you don't like it, you get shot.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:54:18 No.388716520▶
It's as fun as the people you're playing with. It's literally the online equivalent of stand-up night in a local bar.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:55:08 No.388716561▶
>Sup Forums everywhere, man! Everyone's Sup Forums!
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:56:02 No.388716607▶ in this game it pretty much shows the humor of the twitch community. it's a bunch of retards yelling nigger at each other to gib a response. just stay off this game
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:56:53 No.388716647▶the dunkey vid made me a kek a couple times
anyone have any stories/vids to share of this digitally social experiment?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:02 No.388716652▶>in this game it pretty much shows the humor of the twitch community. it's a bunch of retards yelling nigger at each other to gib a response
this is exactly Sup Forums's sense of humor though?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:20 No.388716675▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:41 No.388716689▶
File: Francis_400x400.png (263 KB, 400x400)
263 KB
>Why do people get so angry about stand-up comedy?
Most of it is bad.
Not saying it's easy, but very few people are good at stand-up comedy.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:50 No.388716693▶>kek
fuck off Sup Forums
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:23 No.388716716▶
Not like theyre the only ones with a shit sense of humor.
>Implying it already wasn't
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:54 No.388716739▶
you aren't wrong.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:09 No.388716754▶
This place is no different, and I bet you would do the same so don't lie to yourself
then Sup Forums is your special place
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:50 No.388716693▶ >kek
fuck off Sup Forums
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:23 No.388716716▶Not like theyre the only ones with a shit sense of humor.
>Implying it already wasn't
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:54 No.388716739▶you aren't wrong.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:09 No.388716754▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:15 No.388716760▶
The worst thing about this game is that you just know it will be shut down by mad SJWs triggered by, oh lo and behold the monstrosity, FREE UNMODERATED SPEECH
And the devs will have to apologize for it.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:22 No.388716765▶
>Retorts with a well known internet phrase
Oh dear
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:44 No.388716780 ▶i'm not white
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:54 No.388716786 ▶
Buzzwords aside, accurate.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:15 No.388716813 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:12 No.388716479▶
this game looks fun as fuck to just be as stupid as you possibly can be
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:47 No.388716501▶>If you don't like it, you get shot.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:54:18 No.388716520▶
It's as fun as the people you're playing with. It's literally the online equivalent of stand-up night in a local bar.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:55:08 No.388716561▶
>Sup Forums everywhere, man! Everyone's Sup Forums!
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:56:02 No.388716607▶ in this game it pretty much shows the humor of the twitch community. it's a bunch of retards yelling nigger at each other to gib a response. just stay off this game
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:56:53 No.388716647▶the dunkey vid made me a kek a couple times
anyone have any stories/vids to
How do you make a nigger go insane?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:41 No.388716689▶
File: Francis_400x400.png (263 KB, 400x400)
263 KB
>Why do people get so angry about stand-up comedy?
Most of it is bad.
Not saying it's easy, but very few people are good at stand-up comedy.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:50 No.388716693▶>kek
fuck off Sup Forums
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:23 No.388716716▶
Not like theyre the only ones with a shit sense of humor.
>Implying it already wasn't
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:54 No.388716739▶
you aren't wrong.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:09 No.388716754▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:28 No.388716827 ▶
This place is no different, and I bet you would do the same so don't lie to yourself
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:39 No.388716840 ▶
then Sup Forums is your special place
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:53 No.388716852 ▶
File: 5.png (509 KB, 511x531)
509 KB
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:01:17 No.388716865 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:50 No.388716693▶ (You)
fuck off Sup Forums
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:23 No.388716716▶ (You)
Not like theyre the only ones with a shit sense of humor.
>Implying it already wasn't
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:54 No.388716739▶ (You)
you aren't wrong.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:09 No.388716754▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:15 No.388716760▶
The worst thing about this game is that you just know it will be shut down by mad SJWs
dad no
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:54 No.388716786 ▶
Buzzwords aside, accurate.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:15 No.388716813 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:12 No.388716479▶
this game looks fun as fuck to just be as stupid as you possibly can be
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:47 No.388716501▶>If you don't like it, you get shot.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:54:18 No.388716520▶
It's as fun as the people you're playing with. It's literally the online equivalent of stand-up night in a local bar.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:55:08 No.388716561▶
>Sup Forums everywhere, man! Everyone's Sup Forums!
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:56:02 No.388716607▶ in this game it pretty much shows the humor of the twitch community. it's a bunch of retards yelling nigger at each other to gib a response. just stay off this game
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:56:53 No.388716647▶the dunkey vid made me a kek a couple times
anyone have any stories/vids to
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:01:41 No.388716885 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:02:18 No.388716917 ▶
How do you make a nigger go insane?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:02:19 No.388716918 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:41 No.388716689▶
File: Francis_400x400.png (263 KB, 400x400)
263 KB
>Why do people get so angry about stand-up comedy?
Most of it is bad.
Not saying it's easy, but very few people are good at stand-up comedy.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:50 No.388716693▶>kek
fuck off Sup Forums
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:23 No.388716716▶
Not like theyre the only ones with a shit sense of humor.
>Implying it already wasn't
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:54 No.388716739▶
you aren't wrong.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:09 No.388716754▶
i've browsed it a few times
it's alright
not everything is ideologically polarizing
Yeah, but I think humor in general is in a serious crisis. Slightly offensive stuff is dismissed as immature and edgy by one side, as problematic by the other, *very* offensive stuff is generally bland and cookie-cutter (like OP's example with the dead nigger baby), inoffensive material has a tendency to be so decisively "streamlined" these days as to be wholly forgettable, and everything else is agenda-laden political smugchuckles. I'm not seeing any truly creative developments in humor these days, not in stand-up or anywhere else.
I think we just have to wait a decade or two for the climate to change.
Oh boy, he's at it again.
>The worst thing about this game is that you just know it will be shut down
It will be shut down because no one that plays it is funny.
board's being attacked by an autist that didn't get his ass wiped this morning
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:28 No.388716827 ▶
This place is no different, and I bet you would do the same so don't lie to yourself
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:39 No.388716840 ▶
then Sup Forums is your special place
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:53 No.388716852 ▶
File: 5.png (509 KB, 511x531)
509 KB
(You) (You)
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:01:17 No.388716865 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:50 No.388716693▶ (You) (You)
fuck off Sup Forums
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:23 No.388716716▶ (You) (You)
Not like theyre the only ones with a shit sense of humor.
>Implying it already wasn't
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:54 No.388716739▶ (You) (You)
you aren't wrong.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:09 No.388716754▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:15 No.388716760▶
The worst thing about this game is that you just know it will be shut down by mad SJWs
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:02:34 No.388716931 ▶
dad no
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:21 No.388716965 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:54 No.388716786 ▶
Buzzwords aside, accurate.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:15 No.388716813 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:12 No.388716479▶
this game looks fun as fuck to just be as stupid as you possibly can be
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:47 No.388716501▶>If you don't like it, you get shot.
s the humor of the twitch community. it's a bunch of retards yelling nigger at each other to gib a response. just stay off this game
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:56:53 No.388716647▶the dunkey vid made me a kek a couple times
anyone have any stories/vids to
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:01:41 No.388716885 ▶
(You) (You)
bruh stop please i'll pay you
>Seriously why is this shit on Steam?
Because Steam "Quality control" is the biggest joke in the world?
Oh... I'm sorry.
Didn't you already make this thread a couple days ago?
But that way nazis win!
>Why do people get so angry about stand-up comedy?
Most of it is bad.
Not saying it's easy, but very few people are good at stand-up comedy.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:50 No.388716693▶>kek
fuck off Sup Forums
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:23 No.388716716▶
Not like theyre the only ones with a shit sense of humor.
>Implying it already wasn't
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:54 No.388716739▶
you aren't wrong.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:09 No.388716754▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:24 No.388716967 ▶
i've browsed it a few times
it's alright
not everything is ideologically polarizing
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:42 No.388716979 ▶
Yeah, but I think humor in general is in a serious crisis. Slightly offensive stuff is dismissed as immature and edgy by one side, as problematic by the other, *very* offensive stuff is generally bland and cookie-cutter (like OP's example with the dead nigger baby), inoffensive material has a tendency to be so decisively "streamlined" these days as to be wholly forgettable, and everything else is agenda-laden political smugchuckles. I'm not seeing any truly creative developments in humor these days, not in stand-up or anywhere else.
I think we just have to wait a decade or two for the climate to change.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:50 No.388716984 ▶
Oh boy, he's at it again.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:59 No.388716991 ▶
File: 5105926719_abeef6854b_o.png (774 KB, 960x720)
774 KB
>The worst thing about this game is that you just know it will be shut down
It will be shut down because no one that plays it is funny.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:04:12 No.388717001 ▶
Terrific thread everyone, I'm very proud of you.
I love videogames.
I've thought about killing myself everyday for the past decade
I'm 24 and have never kissed a girl
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:02:34 No.388716931 ▶
(You) (You)
dad no
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:21 No.388716965 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:54 No.388716786 ▶
Buzzwords aside, accurate.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:15 No.388716813 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:12 No.388716479▶
this game looks fun as fuck to just be as stupid as you possibly can be
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:47 No.388716501▶>If you don't like it, you get shot.
s the humor of the twitch community. it's a bunch of retards yelling nigger at each other to gib a response. just stay off this game
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:56:53 No.388716647▶the dunkey vid made me a kek a couple times
anyone have any stories/vids to
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:01:41 No.388716885 ▶
(You) (You) (You)
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:04:28 No.388717010 ▶
bruh stop please i'll pay you
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:04:43 No.388717023 ▶
>Seriously why is this shit on Steam?
Because Steam "Quality control" is the biggest joke in the world?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:03 No.388717039 ▶
Oh... I'm sorry.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:14 No.388717045 ▶
Didn't you already make this thread a couple days ago?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:17 No.388717050 ▶
But that way nazis win!
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:25 No.388717060 ▶
>Why do people get so angry about stand-up comedy?
Most of it is bad.
Not saying it's easy, but very few people are good at stand-up comedy.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:50 No.388716693▶>kek
fuck off Sup Forums
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:23 No.388716716▶
Not like theyre the only ones with a shit sense of humor.
>Implying it already wasn't
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:54 No.388716739▶
you aren't wrong.
what the fuck?
funny thing is this is the best thread i've seen all day
I think we just have to wait a decade or two for the climate to change.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:50 No.388716984 ▶
(You) (You)
(You) (You)
Oh boy, he's at it again.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:59 No.388716991 ▶
File: 5105926719_abeef6854b_o.png (774 KB, 960x720)
774 KB
>The worst thing about this game is that you just know it will be shut down
It will be shut down because no one that plays it is funny.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:04:12 No.388717001 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:50 No.388717079 ▶
File: 1494524136124.jpg (146 KB, 432x529)
146 KB
Terrific thread everyone, I'm very proud of you.
I love videogames.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:06:18 No.388717095 ▶
I've thought about killing myself everyday for the past decade
I'm 24 and have never kissed a girl
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:06:27 No.388717113 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:02:34 No.388716931 ▶
(You) (You) (You)
dad no
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:21 No.388716965 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:54 No.388716786 ▶
Buzzwords aside, accurate.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:15 No.388716813 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:12 No.388716479▶
this game looks fun as fuck to just be as stupid as you possibly can be
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:47 No.388716501▶>If you don't like it, you get shot.
s the humor of the twitch community. it's a bunch of retards yelling nigger at each other to gib a response. just stay off this game
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:56:53 No.388716647▶the dunkey vid made me a kek a couple times
anyone have any stories/vids to
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:01:41 No.388716885 ▶
(You) (You) (You) (You)
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:04:28 No.388717010 ▶
(You) (You)
bruh stop please i'll pay you
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:04:43 No.388717023 ▶
(OP) (OP)
>Seriously why is this shit on Steam?
Funny considering your kind are the ones who see nazis everywhere, but that's about the only way you'll ever be funny: unintentionally.
If I was white
Would my life be better
why is that guy copying the page and spamming it back at us?
Oh... I'm sorry.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:14 No.388717045 ▶
Didn't you already make this thread a couple days ago?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:17 No.388717050 ▶
But that way nazis win!
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:25 No.388717060 ▶
>Why do people get so angry about stand-up comedy?
Most of it is bad.
Not saying it's easy, but very few people are good at stand-up comedy.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:50 No.388716693▶>kek
fuck off Sup Forums
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:23 No.388716716▶
Not like theyre the only ones with a shit sense of humor.
>Implying it already wasn't
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:58:54 No.388716739▶
you aren't wrong.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:07:12 No.388717137 ▶
what the fuck?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:07:24 No.388717143 ▶
File: maxresdefault.jpg (75 KB, 1280x720)
75 KB
funny thing is this is the best thread i've seen all day
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:07:28 No.388717147 ▶
I think we just have to wait a decade or two for the climate to change.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:50 No.388716984 ▶
(You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You)
Oh boy, he's at it again.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:59 No.388716991 ▶
File: 5105926719_abeef6854b_o.png (774 KB, 960x720)
774 KB
>The worst thing about this game is that you just know it will be shut down
It will be shut down because no one that plays it is funny.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:04:12 No.388717001 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:50 No.388717079 ▶
File: 1494524136124.jpg (146 KB, 432x529)
146 KB
Terrific thread everyone, I'm very proud of you.
I love videogames.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:06:18 No.388717095 ▶
I've thought about killing myself everyday for the past decade
I'm 24 and have never kissed a girl
me lolz
No, you would merely be called a disgusting subhuman by a different group of people.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:03:21 No.388716965 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:59:54 No.388716786 ▶
Buzzwords aside, accurate.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:00:15 No.388716813 ▶
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:12 No.388716479▶
this game looks fun as fuck to just be as stupid as you possibly can be
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:53:47 No.388716501▶>If you don't like it, you get shot.
s the humor of the twitch community. it's a bunch of retards yelling nigger at each other to gib a response. just stay off this game
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:56:53 No.388716647▶the dunkey vid made me a kek a couple times
anyone have any stories/vids to
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:01:41 No.388716885 ▶
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:04:28 No.388717010 ▶
(You) (You) (You)
bruh stop please i'll pay you
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:04:43 No.388717023 ▶
(OP) (OP) (OP)
>Seriously why is this shit on Steam?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:08:02 No.388717172 ▶
Funny considering your kind are the ones who see nazis everywhere, but that's about the only way you'll ever be funny: unintentionally.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:08:16 No.388717181 ▶
If I was white
Would my life be better
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:08:23 No.388717187 ▶
why is that guy copying the page and spamming it back at us?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:08:31 No.388717193 ▶
Oh... I'm sorry.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:14 No.388717045 ▶
Didn't you already make this thread a couple days ago?
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:17 No.388717050 ▶
But that way nazis win!
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)06:05:25 No.388717060 ▶
>Why do people get so angry about stand-up comedy?
Most of it is bad.
Not saying it's easy, but very few people are good at stand-up comedy.
Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)05:57:50
Well it's confirmed. you're an autist.
Why would you want to kiss a girl? Just masturbate to dragons like a normal person.
Gamergate was a small mole on the back of our thigh in comparison to the cancer combo Sup Forums and /r9k/ are.
At least Vivian was cute and people could still write two paragraphs.