>Knock off game is more fun than the thing it's based on
Would Paladins have been a big success if Overwatch didn't exist?
>Knock off game is more fun than the thing it's based on
Would Paladins have been a big success if Overwatch didn't exist?
Hard to say
hirez pubg clone w h e n
I imagine it still would've done better than stillborn
What's the best role and why is it front line?
you are implying that overwatch is the knockoff right?
because it is,
no if overwatch didnt exist it still needed to compete with stillborn
If it was a weird paradoxic world where paladins started as what it is now...
It'd probably be doing a lot better than it is now, but the fact that HiRez made it would probably steer a lot of people away cause Tribes and Global Agenda spite.
kek, you fags wont let hirez go even if it kills you
Why? Overwatch is dying to PUBG.
Paladins wouldn't exist if Overwatch didn't exist
Ash is cute in an edgy way and also fun to play. Bouncing enemies off the point never gets old.
There's no frontliners, just flanks with shields
I know. They should be glad HiRez kept Tribes alive as long as they did, considering no one else wanted to touch it.
>Not holding that point like your life depends on it, tanking a gorillion damage
That could unironically be multiplayer GOTY if they could keep their greed in check for 5 minutes
Reminder that Maeve is basically an easier Genji
How are they greedy?
>competing with Stillborn
>Forgetting the saga of Tribes Ascend
This game is annoying as fuck because it's impossible to carry. Your shitty teammates WILL lose the game for you.
>No blond hunky chad
shit game
no wonder its not popular
But there's Fernando
He's Spanish.
>leaving a niche game with small player base is being greedy
To continue supporting Tribes would be idiotic.
The fact that hey kept the server alive even at a loss(they can't possibly get any money from Tribes nowadays) is already a kind enough gesture from them.
The game didn't earn them money. They stopped supporting it because the players didn't support it.
They even brought it back because idiots like you kept whining yet you don't even play it, you only whine.
>is more fun
oh wow, people presenting subjective views as objective
classic Sup Forums
Poor subhumans cant afford overwatch so they have to keep telling themselves that overwatch is the clone
nice strawman
>tfw I always use Fernando on siege and my friend uses Viktor
>tfw both of us can carry the whole team
Also, why is Androxus so good? That reversal is one of the best moves in game.
I buyed the founder pack some months ago . The characters are fun and the card system is kinda enjoyable even with the shitty ressources system. But holy shit, the pub are the bane of fun and they WILL lose the game at all cost. Fuck you, sniper grovers
where did these blizzdrones suddenly come from?
Sha Lin n Strix outclass rest of dmg chars
Prove me wrong
they killed it with hitscan and pay 2 win with new guns
the only playbase that was left to kill was the new blood, the whiny vets fucked of ages ago you cock slobbing faggot
>they have to keep telling themselves that overwatch is the clone
I mean, it is, there's no real argument about that.
>Took Ruckus as a character, months later took his new missiles
>Took Evie's ice block
>Took Skye and made her mexican
>Took the robot character from GIGANTIC
>Rest of OW was basically a hideous morph of TF2 and popular MOBAs
Overwatch is wholly unoriginal, and even worse, makes no attempt to add on from what they were "inspired by".
i dont even play the game
stop falseflagging, faggot
Grover is the second best sniper in game
please stop using words you don't understand, reddit-kun
why do people think being paid implies there are no third worlders? If anything from my experience big paid games have more of those people than f2p games
Yeah, you can always "rent" the game via internet cafe in asia anyway.
>Enemy team ganged up on me
>tfw Skye team mate goes "TIME'S TICKING"
>tfw we whooped their assess.
true, being paid is not a restriction to anyone, kids just ask their parents to get it like they did with Call of Duty all these years and 3rd worlders have reduced prices on them or just play in cafes
>tfw skye's right click is more powerful than her fucking ult now
Paladins is worse than TF2. They attempted to evolve with the moba like abilities but it just clutters up the UI and makes it so the characters have no real personality.
Overwatch on the other hand is also worse than TF2 - for a shooter. It's a pretty good team game though, if you get some friends.
Being paid isn't a restriction to kids, no. To thrid worlders? Absolutely. They haven't ot two coins to rub together while piggybacking off someone else's internet - f2p games are like drugs to them.
Would unironically be very popular if they made it.
Knowing hi-rez their game would be f r e e and in unreal engine 3 so it would run on toasters.
PUBG is currently alienating two audiences:
>people who can't/won't pay 30 euros for a game
>people who can't run pubg
>this is what burgers think about third worlders
lmao user, let me tell you, poor people who live in shacks have fucking cable because of their screwed up priorities, never underestimate a poor man's spending ability when it comes to entertainment
>poor's man overwatch
lmoa'ing @ u're lyfe
I actually would like to see HiRez do something like PUBG and Warframe.
They are currently working on a new project, hopefully it's something close.
Paladins has dozens of characters.
Overwatch has 7, the rest are unusable.
What's your excuse now overwatchbabs?
paladins might have better game balance, but it doesn't have nearly as much porn
whats the point having a bunch of hot girl characters if you can't even see em getting railed
stop looking at tumblr
most of the paladins art I've seen for some odd reason are "weaboo"-ish in style, but then again it's probably because most are from Sup Forums
>stop looking at tumblr
i did when they made it so you had to make an account to look at the porn
wtf I hate overwatch now
sadly true.
Paladins does have porn but not even near the amount of porn that OW has. but hey, at least we have more than Stillborn or Cuckbreakers
Bomb King, Makoa, Drogoz, Ying, Cassie, Inara, Strix, Skye, Seris, Ash, and Fernando are top notch well-designed characters.
if stillborn had any attractive women in it to make porn of im sure randy wouldn't have had to start his own reddit for it
The game only have BADASS women in it.
no because they didn't spent half a billion dollars on market-research
Who is the most fun character to play and why is it Evie?
Drogoz is really good, for a game without lore you can easily see his personality even by just watching his mastery emote.
>knock off
this meme needs to stop
Ash, nothing beats pushing enemies off the point over and over again while shouting "you're amazing senpai!"
Don't forget that Ash has the no. 1 ass in the game too
What is this?
>Disliking Jenos the star man who takes literal centuries to style his hair
Worship me.
I still can't make up he's tsundere though. Like some of his voice clips makes it sound like he does care and he has feelings despite being a greedy lizard.
I used to only play Fernando and Barik but after I played Ash on ranked I find that she's really fun to play.
maybe if he loses the mask
So basically overwatch?
I like how even without lore you can tell canon "tiers"
gods are Makoa, Inara, Grover, Jenos, Seris, Androxus, and Mal'damba
mortals are definitely most of the cast with varying power sources, like Evie being a witch while Viktor is just a regular soldier
basically every team-based multiplayer game.
basically any team based online game, overwatch didn't invent retarded teammates
>What is this?
That's HK-203. Gigantic was in beta for a long time and this was one of their earliest characters. Nowadays everyone calls him a bastion ripoff
I fucking love Macuddles
hello paladin players I like to play Barik but cant seem to win on him is it because hes bad or am I just using the wrong cards?
use Healing Station card and get Master Riding so you can setup early.(with Architechtonics legendary)
If you have good aim, use Tinkerin legendary.
>Blizzard rips off everything but has budget and polish
>nobody bats an eye
Why do people like this company
He's pretty bad, the tinkerin card makes him a bit better though
I dunno guys, it's especially painful in overwatch
At least in other games if you are losing you can still have some fun
Thanks for the replys i just really want the engie skin
>forces you to play against bots
>have to play for 100 hours just to unlock competitive mode
>have to play for 100 hours just to unlock competitive mode
not anymore. You now only need to be lvl 15 and have 12 champs unlocked to enter comp.
Paladins has more depth with the whole purchase upgrades during battle shit.
Also the heroes have bigger titties.
>You have to learn how to play with more than one character to play competetive
>Forces you to play against bots for the first 5 levels so you can learn at least the basics
>No Lex
You disgust me
Volcanic skin + googly eyes and a plush cannon is the way to go.
>it takes a dozen matches to learn how to pointy shooty at hitboxes that make Overwatch's hitboxes look like CSGO
Lex is just Lucian from LoL
Lex gives me motion sickness now because of the camera shake when he shoots
So he can take his autoaim instakill bullshit and fuck off
but what about the voice
why is he such a perfect tank?
So, will they announce a new champ this friday?
I've been playing since it came to steam. Haven't had a single issue with hitboxes so far. Is that really so much of a problem?