Mfw Nintendo are finally learning and are on the right track

>mfw Nintendo are finally learning and are on the right track
>mfw their Switch exclusives so far have been the best games of the month
>mfw by the end of 2018 we will have 10+ AAA Nintendo exclusives with 80/100+ ratings
>mfw the Switch has next to no exclusive competition this year thanks to delays
>mfw the Switch sells shit loads and we get more multiplat support too
>mfw 2019 will bring Pokemon, Metroid and a few E3 surprises
>mfw GameCube virtual console soon


the delusion of nintentoddlers :(


>>mfw their Switch exclusives so far have been the best games of the month

like what

fucking arms? splatoon?

zelda wasnt exclusive though you can keep telling yourself it was

yeah enjoy playing you kiddy game, when you'll become an adult with responsibility you'll understand what gaming really means

Does it mean shooting the bad man in cowadoody?

I too enjoy watching movies on my ps4 my fellow gamer

Agreed, mature gamers play mature games like GTA

Can't agree more,as an adult and monhun fan i can't wait to play MONSTER HUNTER WARUDO on my ps4 pro and pc!

>Zelda wasn't exclusive

No you're right, but it's still a Ninty exclusive. The main selling point of the Switch. So when talking in that regard it can be counted into the argument.

>Zelda - March
>Mario Kart 8 - April
>Arms - June (Not great but not bad. Not worth asking price)
>Splatoon 2 - July
>Mario x Rabbids - August

Four of those games were the best games of the month.

mario kart isnt exclusive either

for the record, i like both those games. i just think switch buyers are getting a bit desperate.

Can't wait to boot up my Wii U and play as an inkling in MK 8 and play some battle mod- oh wait

still not an exclusive. but closer to one than zelda.

I don't think we're getting desperate. I mean I can't talk for everyone, but I'm content with the 4 games I own. I find them a refreshing change of pace from the shit games offered on other platforms.

It's probably that Ninty are trying to offer something different and actually succeeding this time. PS/Xbox and to some extent PC are just releasing the same shit games across the platforms fighting for sales between each other. Ninty are in their own corner not really giving a shit and it's quite endearing desu

man children are so easy to trigger,the truth is hard to accept

>refreshing game
like what? let me guess Mario, Zelda...


When you compare them to games on other consoles which all do the same thing as each other, yes.

Ninty games don't do anything different, but all other games feel the same that their games feel like a niche almost.

>Playing bing bing wahoo past the age of 10

Even if we were to put aside the fact that playing these games as an adult is ridiculous, how do you enjoy it all anyway when it's literally the same shit over and over again? Bing bing wahoo is pretty much the same as it was back in the 90's.

It's the COD, Fallout and Yakuza of Nintendo

It's only the third Mario of its kind.


I played this on Wii u
>Mario Kart 8
I played this on Wii u, and I don't care for the additional content enough to buy the game again
looks like shit
>Splatoon 2
Didn't care for the first a bunch, but I'd be willing to try a sequel
>Mario x Rabbids
looks alright, actually

So there's 1, maybe 2 games on the system I'd want

The psp is still selling?

Apparently. This is from today.

of course psp is selling it's the best handheld maybe tied with ds or 3ds samething to me

Most people don't have a Wii U. People like me bought the switch because it's the kind of system we'd want and so the games are practically exclusive

no such thing as practically exclusive only exception is a game that is different in gameplay

Mario x Rabbids is better than it has any right to be. Solid 8.5/10

>Interested in a current-gen handheld
>Don't really give a shit about ARMS or Splatoon, burnt out on Zelda after seeing all the criticism, not sold on Odyssey after watching the demo footage

Maybe I'll get a Switch for emulation when they hack it

Jesus Christ you brand loyalists are annoying as fuck. What the fuck drives you to defend a company so much and shit on others? Is it your justification for being a poor fuck that can't buy what he wants so he shits on what he can't have?

You never see idorts doing this shit. The mosy idorts complain about is how far the release date for something is. Also, isn't console warring against the fucking rules? Why is this thread still up

NintenForces go!

yeah we truly do need a way easier xcom with some of the most shit characters in game instead of something cool

Mario x Rabbids is amazing actually. So glad I took a chance on it.

It's great, not amazing but great

>way easier xcom
Play the game, champ.

You think it's worth full price? I read there's only 20-30 hours of content at most. Comparing that to a game like botw or disgaea 5 it seems a bit expensive

Just release pokemon stadium 3 already and I'll fucking buy it. Also I'd much rather have N64 virtual console with wireless play with the 3ds virtual console than fucking gamecube.

just xcom but easier and less stuff
and you know nintendo 60 dollars for a 20 hour game


Again, play the game.

Xcom is only 25 hours content in the campaign. It's also artificial difficulty with "randomised" chances to hit a target.

XCOM 2 takes 40 hours
not counting long war 2 and the dlc

I've played both. XCOM is more udneoth in squad customization cans the base building is always great. Mario is focused more on the gameplay. The enemies flank pretty nicely and you always know your chance of hitting (100% 50% 0%)

They're both great games that take different approach for the same gente. Comparing them is retarded, equivalent to saying apple pie is better than peach pie. Both great pies, just different.

wrong it's more like comparing green apple pie and red apple pie then someone makes a yellow apple pie

Regardless, it's senseless to say one is better than the other. It's just more games that allow access into the genre which should always be welcome.

>Every Switch thread is some attempt to sell Switches

Really makes me ponder

>mfw by the end of 2018 we will have 10+ AAA Nintendo exclusives with 80/100+ ratings
>implying nintendo can't already release hot garbage and still manage to get 8/10+ scores on it

it's just like apple even if android is better people will buy iphones more because of brand so when it comes to nintendo it's gets a high rating on all the review websites

Those games you just posted didn't so you proved yourself wrong.

Rabbids are one step above fucking Minions.
It's like they were conceptualized in the same boardroom.
And yet, Nintentoddlers will actually defend this shit.
Fucking degenerate man-children.

not sure on color splash but the highest score i found for SFZ is 7.5 by IGN. everywhere else is 7 or lower. wtf are you on?

>inb4 people actually defend this game getting a ton of perfect scores just to support their arguments