RABI RIBI DLC is officially being preloaded on steam, who the fuck is HYPEEDDD

RABI RIBI DLC is officially being preloaded on steam, who the fuck is HYPEEDDD

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You had best not be shitting me user. I've been pumped for this ever since I knew it was coming.


Both of the girls have titties, I don't see how they're loli by normalfag standards.

What kind of DLC is it?

check your steam DLs bro

What dlc

Fuck off Sekai Project shill.
Pirate Rabi-Ribi or ignore the game.


12 year old girls can have titties. It's the head shoulder width ratio. Adult women have it 1:2, but for anime girls it's 1:1, making them look prepubescent. Combine that with the large eye sockets and small mouth.

Sekai Project didn't make shit. And they regularly ruin licence after licence.
If you like Rabi-Ribi and want to support the developer you should find a way to do so without supporting Sekai Project. Who aren't the developer.

If you actually cared about Rabi-Ribi you wouldn't want Sekai Project to be the publisher either.

Why would you buy DLC for weeb trash like Rabi Ribi when superior western Metroidvania's like Hollow Knight already have DLC?

Sekai "licence porn games but censor them because they hate porn games" project.

Because they don't look like the kind of person eating McDonalds 7 days a week for all their meals and snacks with a face smacked in with a shovel. They believe that if a girl is cute or attractive then she is clearly a loli and made for pedos.
They know this is the case because they have a sizable collection of real life CP on their hard drives.

Just checked the DLC page and found a release date. It's 9/11.

>If you like Rabi-Ribi and want to support the developer you should find a way to do so without supporting Sekai Project.
That isn't possible from what I've gathered and I'm not going to pass up on a good game because you don't like the publisher.

Does the DLC have more rabbit breasts?

>I'm not going to pass up on a good game because you don't like the publisher
It's perfectly possible to pirate the game. You don't need to pass on it.

yeah because THAT promotes further development. stfu, you're hurting the developer too

>You don't need to pass on it.
You're right. I don't. I bought the game and I'll buy the dlc too.

the dlc is free retard


Is multiplayer out of beta now?

>it's the "autist spergs out at Sekai Project and wants everyone to pirate Rabi Ribi because they ruined his favourite child diddling VN" episode

Sekai Project going bankrupt would help the developer.
And Sekai Project have been in the red for ages. If it weren't for life boats like Rabi-Ribi we would have probably gotten rid of them already. And everyone would be better off without them.

with publishers like EA and bethesda i can't help but think that sekai project, publishing a niche game that i love, isn't the prime evil here



No but it will have more fairies.

>poorfag tries to ruin another thread
Kill yourself.

Rabi Ribi was a blast and well worth the 13 bucks I paid for it. 20h to complete the game and free dlcs, insanely rare in this day and age.

Yet there are still fucktards here complaining about the most stupid shit. What is wrong with this garbage ass board?

If you don't wanna support SP so much, then get the upcoming physical version which is published by PQube, at least in my region.

Some people actually have taste you filthy weeb.

you are not one of these people apparently :D

EA and Bethesda are much more respectable than Sekai.


>calling cartoon drawings creepy as fuck
those are pedos in denial arent they

The one of the right is a JC hag though

>"Guise free DLC get hoype"
>Dosent even explain whats in the DLC

They posted about it on their board. It's a post-post-post game with two chapters set after kicking in Irisu's head.

So I'm being told this is a yuribait game. How much of it is yuri and how much of it is bait?

70% bait, 1% Yuri, 29% Suffering

he actually has really nice eyes/eye lids, it's a shame he wastes most of his comedy on cringe.

So I have to beat Irisu to access it?
she's too hard

Hokay, gonna sit this one out.

>when it's [sic] aesthetic bears more than a passing resemblance to child porn
How does he know what child porn is like?

Apparently there's going to be a way to sequence break straight to it from Chapter 1 based on the devs comments on steams.

But even so the DLC is likely designed to be harder than Irisu.

The one screenshot of the fairies boss shows they use the multiple health bar thing the post-post game bosses did.

it's a great metroidvania/bullethell in anime trappings. the lower difficulties really aren't that punishing :)

Guess I won't even bother with the new content then

After the Halloween DLC dunno why exactly you're surprised by this.

Left is pretty loli.

Difficulty is not the issue. It's the fact that there are cute anime girls on the cover, yet nothing happens under the covers.

This is the closest you'll get.

Bethesda actually publishes and funds some great stuff, especially across thhe last few years.
D44M, Wolfenstein TNO, Prey 2017

Bethesda themselves are just kinda shit.

It's only bad if they're cartoons

>and it's not even with the cute pixie girl
Yep, dropped like hell.

I think the artist drew some of the characters naked once at least, maybe

what's the appeal? i tried this after finishing my castlemania marathon and the game was boring af

Nice, any way to "buy" it for "alternative" costumers?

t. Roman Polanski

The DLC is not even out yet.

ribbon is a fairy not a pixie, retard...

>"Is the order a DLC?"
He really likes his rabbits.
But who is his wife? Sharo or Chino?

How the fuck does so many people have the harder achievments for this game? some achievments are a nightmare compared to some other games with 0.x% achievments that are a cakewalk