Who have fallen harder
ur mom falled harder on my d1ck 101
lets see
>diablo 1,2
>warcraft 1-2-3
>starcraft 1
>starcraft 2
>heroes of storm
>diablo 3
>half life 1-2-episode 2
>counter strike 1.6
>left 4 dead 2
>portal 1
meh ok
>left 4 dead 1
>half life 2 episode 1
>team fortress 2
>portal 2
absolute shit tier
Valve didn't create Garry's Mod.
you are calling best games shit because they got released later and you are parroting some moron.
neither they did dota. or portal.
they licenced them, it makes them their products
If you think Diablo 3 or Dota 2 are best games literally kys
You are retarded
Lately it seems Blizzard has become the trend setter whereas Valve no longer has a sense of artistic pride.
>Trend Setter
What? That's the exact opposite of their current modus operandi.
I agree on the Valve part tho
They are a publisher of Garry's Mod, not a developer.
In every other game on that list, Valve has had a hand in development.
More like they optimize (and monetice) the tendences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>team fortress 2
>>>meh ok
To be more specific, Blizzard's success with certain games has spawned copycats in those genres. Hearthstone is the current model that even Valve seems to be salivating over.
>WoW comes out
>Flood of MMOs try to kill it
>Hearthstone comes out
>Flood of digital card games try to kill it
>Overwatch comes out
>Multiple hero shooters pop up, the two most notable of which are currently sub 1k players while OW remains strong
Blizz is the reason "hero" shooters with ultimate abilities are the craze in todays modern shooters.
You're an actual retard.
CCGs aren't exactly anything new, nor is it's model anything original.
valve is just a cash cow
blizzard genuinely doesnt understand how to balance any of their games. Every single one of their games are inbalanced and no one knows why
What multiple hero shooters popped up for Overwatch? Wasn't Battleborn released around the same time as Overwatch? What other games were there?
I'm saying its success has prompted new competitors to enter the market.
Quake Champions
so you saying blizzard is better
I understand. but that doesn't make them trend setter. Just very successful trend followers
Aren't they both doing pretty well?
Blizzard has some of the most popular games out today
Valve has Dota 2 and their entire Steam platform and no longer needs to make games
im asking for gamers, not to /biz/
Valve, at least Blizzard are still making games.
Maybe I'm implying causation where there is none. It's not like there weren't plenty of digital CCGs before.
Heartstone and Heroes of the Storm are completely shit. WoW should take their place in the meh tier. Also, you forgot CS:Source.
Even though Valve has disgusted me with the recent TF2 updates and Dota 2/CSGO, they've taken a big break from games before. Half Life and Half Life 2 had a 6 year gap. During those 6 years, Valve took advantage of its engine as much as it could. After 2004 it did the exact same thing with the Source engine, but you could argue it had much more potential than GoldenSrc (hence the reason we have the L4D and Portal sequels, as well as 2 CS games during this period). When they get comfortable with Source 2, they might keep on releasing good games.
As for Blizzard, they are literal autists, but they've had some perfect classic games. You can't really blame them for not being able to top Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo 2. Everything else they've made (apart from Overwatch perhaps) has been average at best, though.
>Added a clause to the Galaxy editor so they own the IP of any map made with it, due to DOTA asshurt
>Real money auction house in Diablo III
>WarCraft's continually abused corpse which is being retconned every patch
>Overwatch was suprisingly okay, albeit a skinnerbox
>Always online policy, no LAN options in recent games
>Anti-consumer policies out the ass
>Still charging Australian users in US dollars
>Software licenses which they can revoke at any time if they want to
>Always online, with offline only being an option much, much, much later
>Refunds weren't a thing for years and it took the EU shitting on them for it to happen, but even then you can't give it back if you've played 2+ hours
>Refunds are in Steambux, meaning that Valve still keeps your money anyway
>Early access games, allowing developers to basically release alphas and get paid for them
>Greenlight allowing literally anyone and everyone to put garbage on their platform
>All of their multiplayer games in the last ten years have been microtransaction infested bullshit
>Half-Life 3's plot sypnosis proved that they had something amazing to finish the series, but were just too fucking lazy to follow through with it
Valve has stooped low in the last years, but I'd say Blizzard takes the cake. It's like they're actively trying to become the Disney of PC gaming. They're making campy interactive cartoons instead of games nowadays.
Blizzard, valve stopped when they realized they couldn't top what they made.
Battleborn was announced after despite Randy Bobandy's claims.
Then you have Lawbreakers (Almost utter failure), Paladins (Doing well for itself, has the F2P market), Quake Champions, and a couple of smaller indie titles. I know one is set up to be retro style superhero sort of vibe, forgot the name though.
Why is Disney considered bottom of the barrel?
>They're making campy interactive cartoons instead of games nowadays
Valve, no question.
I mean, at least Blizzard still makes games.
Fuck Australia.
Valve,at least Blizzard still makes games.
They fucked up StarCraft II, main cashcow is abusing a 13 year old+ going MMORPG which gets dumber expansion almost all the time, and Overwatch which is an awful quasi-MOBA thing. Oh and Storm of Heroes.
From a stockholder perspective it's a huge success. Just look at Blizzcon, filled with happy go lucky nerdbeards shouting "for the horde" and doing murloc sounds. All their games now have this cartoonish style, constant filling with in-universe jokes, even between games. There's no ounce of developer integrity anymore. You're constantly reminded that you're playing a Blizzard game and that you're part of their big happy family.
If they really wanted to, they'd probably make d3 and sc2 great. But they'd rather throw them under the bus, not only because it's easier, but because it doesn't fit their current agenda. In their eyes only Hearthstone. WoW and Overwatch matters. HotS is nothing more than a gateway between old audience from Diablo and Starcraft to jump ship to the marketed franchises.
Blizzard is shit since WoW:WOTLK, I can't blame them, they merged with Activision.
Oh yeah, forgot to add to Valve:
>Paid modding
Overwatch was game of the year and everyone uses Steam since it's a quality service that makes life convenient. If anything both have gotten better.
I was going to post exactly this word by word.
>make watered down TF2
One makes games and one doesn't.
I remember people said shit like 'blizzard and activision will be like 2 separate companies' despite merging, that was back when everyone thought bobby kotick was the literal devil. These days it doesn't even feel like a merger, it feels more like activision is wearing blizzard's corpse.
Blizzard, Valve just retired from making games.
Valve makes games, though. Maybe not ones to your liking, but they do.
Don't forget lolbreakers
Blizzard makes games, Valve makes casino simulators.
>Paladins and Quake came after Overwatch
>OW remains strong
blizzard fans
I think this game gets a hard time, it doesn't look that similar to Overwatch or any of those other games. I dunno if it's fair that it gets dismissed as some kind of copy of those games.
That said, I'm not too upset because of the obnoxious way the game was marketed.
>Battleborn was announced after despite Randy Bobandy's claims.
Proof? From all I can see, Battleborn was announced in July 2014 while Overwatch wasn't announced until November.
>blizzard is shit
>fuck them i'm not using any of their products
>all is well, they only release garbage anyways
>valve starting to become absolute scumbags
>fuck them i'm not usi-
>oh wait, 99% of my games are on steam
Valve is literally too big to fall.
Quake came out in 1996, buddy
And Paladins was in closed beta before Overwatch
Quake Champions you mong. God damn.
Left 4 Dead was better than Left 4 Dead 2
we're talking about the hero shooter nu-quake you fucking mongoloid
>cs 1.6
You realize it's the same franchise, right? Made by the same company?
dota is the most mechanically advanced game on this earth, you just made yourself shit tier retard peasant.
you do realize it's not the same dev team that made the original 3 games, right? just because it's the same name doesn't make it the same game
I would say Blizzard is going strong right now with Overwatch, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm
holy fuck the speed of these goalposts. i almost feel bad at how rekt this guy got.
>you have to wait 9 minutes between each post
Unlike you I don't care whether or not anonymous image board posters think I have anything better to do or not, I'm already replying, may as well make it snappy.
That doesn't change that Quake came out before Overwatch, and Quake Champions is Quake.
Lol, I misread your post and thought you were talking about the speed of my posts, not making a reference to Moving Goalposts. Either way, I didn't move them; Quake came out before Overwatch. It's like saying a show is a ripoff of another show even though the "ripoff" show is actually a reboot of a cancelled one from years prior. Like, don't flatter yoursel,f y'know?
Definitely Valve. Whatever you may think, every Blizzard game is fun as fuck and has high production values unlike valve shit that looks like it was made by Russians in their Soviet era computers.
>Refunds are in Steambux, meaning that Valve still keeps your money anyway
Why do you lie?
Are you fucking retarded? Quake Champions isn't the the Quake that came out in '96. that's like saying Infinite Warfare is the same CoD that cam out in '03.
I would say blizzard, because they embody the fall of the modern industry. Everything has to be ultra accessible and streamlined for them, to the point that their franchises lose their original identity (obviously this doesn't include overwatch, good on them with that tho I never played it). All modern sequels of blizzard games have taken this route. By that I mean, simplified mechanics and flashy shit/setpieces with no substance to appeal to dudebros. Also, like I said good on them for overwatch cause it DOES have a strong identity and doesn't seem to compromise it's mechanics for accessibility but you guys gotta face the fact that OW is basically more casual and accessible than even CoD. At least when valve made games, they stayed true to the original concepts and mechanics of those games and didn't change them for "wider appeal".
I never said it was the same, it wouldn't make sense for a company to make the same game with better graphics or something, obviously they have to change something. Point is, it's a Quake game, and it's roots is in Quake. Quake Champions isn't a new game made by some indie devs who have never heard of Quake before, it's a new Quake game.
you essentially said that Quake Champions came out in 1996 because that was when the series started.
>it wouldn't make sense for a company to make the same game with better graphics or something
clearly you've never seen the amount of remasters and HD Collections the market has been flooded with over the past decade or so.
Point is, Quake Champions is a completely unrelated to Quake 1 other than the fat that it uses a MUCH later version of it's game engine. It;s the same engine that runs Quake 4.
I just think that it's dumb to say QC made it's major change due to OW coming out when clearly QC is a continuation of the Quake series. If OW came out before 1996 then you could say it was inspired by OW, but I think it's more likely QC just hoped to set itself apart from past Quake games.
When I mentioned Q1's release date, I didn't mean to say that QC came out before OW, I meant to say OW wasn't the source of QC.
OW was the source of the ultimate abilites and class elements in QC.
What the fuck does the image on the left have to do with Valve?
valve because blizzards stills makes games.
diablo 3 is great now, nigga
>tf2 that low
I don't see that. I think a lot of the abilities can be traced back to TF2. Hell, one of them, crouch slide, appears in neither TF2 or OW, but appears in Paladins.
>implying watered down TF2 isn't a good thing
Run TF2 through a filter a few times and you're left with good gameplay without paid weapons, paid hats, and paid dance moves.
maybe it's Shepard
people this delusional exist
TF2 doesn't have abilites like OW or Paladins does. If QC was simply just a remake of Q3/QL with modern graphics then we wouldn't have ults or different classes.
Bizzard = causaliazing and shit writing
Valve = moba/card games and dead games
As devs they are both shit but as a whole valve is still far less jew then blizzard.
>TF2 doesn't have abilites
It does in some aspects, such as the Sandvich, Charge'N'Targe, Ubercharge, etc. Like
>Nyx- Ghost Walk
Similar function to Invis watch from TF2
>Scalebearer - Bull Rush
Similar to Demoman's shield items, complete with taking less damage.
>Anarki - Injection
Similar to the Sandvich/Dalokohs Bar from TF2
>Ranger - Son of a Gun
Similar to gunboats, which serve the similar purpose of allowing the user to rocket jump more
>DOOM Slayer - Berserk
Similar to the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, though also similar to Winston's ultimate
that's a result of implementing additional weapons into the game, not as a result of the original class balancing and mechanics.
Indeed it was.
that image is wrong because repear is ironically edgy
I feel I missed your point here. I agree QC is different from other Quakes, and I think that's reasonable. I just don't think it's inspired from OW like others claim. There are aspects of it that are similar to OW, but considering aspects of it can also be found in games that aren't OW, to say that QC was made simply as a response to OW is stupid, imo.
>valve is still far less jew
>Blizzard puts an RMAH in D3
>removes it because of the backlash
>Valve puts an RMAH in its games and even helps devs with their games (Valve gets a cut regardless)
>nobody cares
I definitely see your reasoning there now, it's all good man.
not even a competition, Blizz still makes multiple games even if they don't appeal to the shitters on Sup Forums
Blizzard still make games, so Valve.
Blizzard pretty much died on the Activision merger and Valve vanished inside it's own ass with the Games-as-a-Service IT-consult business bullshit. Can't really pick which is worse.
>doesn't seem to compromise it's mechanics for accessibility
Except it does exactly that. I am not going to bother going into detail on the poor game design decisions they made with the game, but the imploding competetive scene is a great indicator how hollow the game is. Everything in that game screams that it was designed by a committee that was very concerned to not make the most casual players feel upset. Funny how many of those decisions actually made the game more rage-inducing.
Move Overwatch to shit and TF2/HL2Ep1 to good and you've got a solid list, my man.
As for the thread, it WAS a pretty even fight with Valve slightly in the lead, but with StarCraft Remastered and Valve's announcement of Artifact, Blizzard is currently in the lead