
>Destiny 2
Wow what a steaming pile of shit. feels like a shitty DLC for Destiny 1

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You're doing great kid, soon you might actually be subtle enough to fit in. Right now you are just trying to hard.


try to make one (1) argument, Activision marketers.

Have you actually watched any of the gameplay?

I have played the fucking game you fagget, open beta is up.

if i take that mask off, will he die?

that would be extremely painful

it would be painful

You're a big guy

2+2 u

You don't have to try so hard. Pretty much anyone who played Destiny 1 to the end already thought that D2 was just an expansion in disguise, way before anyone even got to play it.
You're not heckling or trolling anyone by spastically repeating what people already agree on.

So how come these guys don't use huge shields anymore? They were cool as giant space Romans but now they seem generic and lacking in even that defining trait.

I fucking hate Bungie and their WE WUZ ROMANS attitude. so fucking cheap.

To give them more variety I guess, only one type uses the shields now but it's not the same.

Yeah it's weird. The Phalanxes now have transparent energy shields, which somehow makes them LESS distinct and recognizeable. All of the Cabal just blend together now, despite there being two completely new types. I guess you can't buy good visual direction, and just making technically proficient high-poly models isn't a substitute.


Gee I wonder who's the publisher...


oh wow, shit design

So if I had fun with the beta is the full game going to be worth buying? Have they added matchmaking into raids this time so I can play solo?

It's a shop you retard.

open beta != game

actually, it is

why do classes exist? unlocking your shit is going to be time-gated behind hours of grind, and when its done it still completely lacks any unique flavor or feeling at all. playing a almost completed class in the beta feels like playing the bare starting point, not an end point. they should just let us mix and match all the skills on one character as we see fit, at this point. if you're not going to bother making classes distinct, like, at all.

did they actually do LESS design on this game than D1? my fucking warlock class skill is a heal circle or a boost circle are you fucking kidding me? what the fuck does this have to do with Destiny or the fantasy or Warlock, this is flavorless, thoughtless, trash.

when you look through all the post effects and lens flair its not surprising it runs so smooth, its a pretty plain jane under there. the armor designs i've seen so far are also a marked stepped back from D1. the guns and ships look like plastic toys but i suppose thats nothing new.

also nice to see they put as little content as possible in the beta, you wouldnt want provide any comfort for people worried this will be completely devoid of content like D1 now, would you?

>So if I had fun with the beta is the full game going to be worth buying?
No. It's just gonna be more of the same shit as D1.
>matchmaking into raids
I believe this is coming, don't quote me, but given the stupidity of the typical Destiny player I would highly discourage using it.
gonna be squeakers and high school dropout stoners who are too shit to find decent groups.

This like shit for me. Idk why it's got an rx 480 8gb with a 6600k at 4.4 and get like 25 fps at highest. Benchmark videos show above sixty for that same setup I don't get it

The game was actually ok. But not worth the full price.