Play PC beta

>Play PC beta
>First mission is just killing trash mobs, no challenge
>Strike mission more of the same, killing trash mobs with shit-tier AI
>Boss is the most unoriginal shit, literally just a big robot with a gun
>Boss needs to spawn shitloads of trash mobs to even be remotely challenging
>Try PvP
>It fuckin sucks, game clearly not designed/balanced around it
Am I missing something here? Is Destiny shit or is it just a bad demo/beta?

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The big thing I noticed with Destiny 2 is a lot of the enemies felt fairly simple AI-wise. I get the feeling part of it is because they designed it for consoles and the slower reaction time then with K+M.

With that said, yeah, I thought it was a pretty bad beta. The destiny 1 beta at the very least allowed you to do some of the story stuff, whereas the PvP stuff was not the main reason I was considering picking it up.

Shoot and loot games are never challenging. The fuck you expected?

There's going to be a brief window where you can go to the new "tower" area called the farm

I played the 1st on the PS4.

It was fucking shit.

It's a mix. Destiny strikes are typically shoot shit, do platforming, and then shoot more shit. They did add in more variety eventually but this strike clearly does not have any of that. Plus not loot drops until the very end to distract you.

Pvp is a bit fucked right now because the aim assist is so damn strong right now. Plug in a controller and zooming will snap you immediately to their head, and if you have a handcannon it's like two shots to kill.

>play diablo
>you just click on enemies and your characters fires magic at them and they die
>get to boss
>boss shoots magic projectiles at me
>ignore them and keep clicking on the boss
>it dies
Am I missing something here? Is Diablo shit or is it just a bad game?

Dropping the sarcasm for a moment, the fun is in leveling up and gearing your character while exploring areas. Having FPS combat where you're jumping around and going for headshots and etc is also generally some of the most engaging minute to minute gameplay that exists, certainly a step up from traditional ARPGs like path of exile, though those games are still pretty good due to doubling down on the character customization which is less of a focus for games like destiny or borderlands.

That sums up Destiny 1 pretty well. I'm not a retard so I didn't fall for the "sequel" meme.

I am having a ton of freeze and crash issues on top of that. Having to go through the two tutorial missions every time you want to try out a new class is pretty ass as well since if you crash at any point you are sent back to the start

But user, that's exactly why people hated Diablo 3 over 2. 2 had complex fights way beyond point and click. 3 is point and click, and will never be beloved.

Destiny 2 promises to be even more simplistic than 1, and that alone should be a gigantic red flag.

Casual normies and streamer girls on twitch will prob love this, another game to be half-afk while looking pretty on the camera.

That's odd, the game has been running like water out of a tap for me and everyone else I've heard. You should probably submit some bug reports or whatever.

Its supposed to be a beta after all, so I will do that.

Yes, Destiny is and always has been garbage with terrible COD gameplay mixed with endless grinding. Boring pile of shit. Only retarded underages and actual shills will say otherwise.

running any program at all that has in-game overlays will crash your game. mine wouldn't stop crashing until I turned off RivaTuner fps display. same with all the other overlays, and if you wanna stream the game you have to use display capture instead of game capture.

It's been like 6 years since I last played diablo 2 but I don't remember it being that complex. The only real trick was realizing that stacking up resistances and having an actual build that puts out sufficient damage as was mandatory for surviving higher difficulties as opposed to what I did the first time where I picked necromancer and just went "I want to summon all the things"

Destiny is not a buildcraft game, it kind of really comes to how much you enjoy clicking on people. I've been waiting for a good mmo-fps-arpg since getting hyped for that fucking vaporware Huxley in 2009 and destiny is the closest realization of that dream we've had, so I'm looking forward to Destiny: More And Also Now You Can Play With Mouse And Keyboard

This is why PC shouldn't have gotten Destiny.

People on PC are so used to the way others game play they can't appreciate the simplicity of how Destiny plays.

bought the first one during some sale and finally tried it this month due to 2 coming out soon and after playing through the story I think I have my fill of destiny

the universe is so ho-hum science fantasy by the numbers and the way it told the story was worse than world of warcraft circa 2007

Is it true the storyline is now Borderlands tier?

>running any program at all that has in-game overlays will crash your game
I also had issues with just leaving things like Twitch in the background as something to listen to as background noise. Havent tried with things like youtube yet but if I dont have twitch open it runs great. With it on it freezes and crashes. Its not due to lack of resources since I kept an eye on that.

It's a low skill ceiling console game ported to PC, not sure what you expected. It even has aim assist on PC, you can use a XIM to exploit and use a mouse with aim assist and they'll never remove it (just like in BO3) because Activision wants to double dip with controller users.

I don'tk now, I liked the PVE missions, but there's just so little damn content I'm not sure if I really want to spend money on this.
There just isn't much to form an opinion.

>pc shouldn't have gotten destiny because destiny is just like most other fps games on the market


Wow, there's a game I haven't heard of in a very long time

Either assault rifles are too shit or revolvers are too op

Destiny was fucking awful, the game turned into a huge grind shitfest and they kept moving the goalposts so you would have to grind more endlessly, I don't know how people played it for so long.

I had fun but the game feels so sterile, everything is so clean cut and the color palette is dull and dry. I felt that I was playing Borderlands without the memes and cell shading in end.

After they got nolan north to replace peter dinklage, the "ghost" robot that follows you around is basically claptrap with a slightly less annoying voice. It's not that bad if you have any tolerance for those kinds of characters. They kind of went from it having not enough personality, to having too much. I liked the dinklagebot just fine though.

In terms of the overall story of the campaign, I don't think so? D2's mainly about this huge space marine turtle who is part of a military/warrior race and he hates the fact that humans are tiny and pathetic but they have been given this amazing space magic immortality superpowers thing, so he comes to cut the players off from the source of the power and blow all their shit up and that's the start of the game.

whats the best class for beginners?

>too intelligent to play destiny

am I missing something? I just played the mission that it threw me in, and I had no idea until about 80% of the way through when I accidentally pressed a key that I had abilities. Also didn't know I could double jump until I accidentally pressed space again

am I retarded? have I missed something?

>game is so shitty, generic, and lacking that PC shouldn't have gotten it so they can't make fun of your pathetic taste in games
Fucking kek. It's complete shit.

I fell for the Destimeme the first time when the console generation was just kicking off. Traded it for Knack. I won that trade.

Any of them. I'm playing a titan because I don't like how the others look

Same, also dont play vs with assault rifles, use hand cannons.

I wouldn't say you're retarded, just that you forgot to always take a look at the keymapping when starting a game, user.
But yes, there isn't any tutorial or anything, the game throw you into a mission and that's it.

>Kill giant Vex
>"Ha! Failsafe, admit that we did a good job! Say it!"
>"What are you happy about? The Captain did all the work and you just sit in his backpack." (Delivered in a way to simulate a bored teenage girl)
>"Hmph! Switch off! You hear me? Just switch off!"

I might actually just be playing Borderlands.

>consolefags are mad because they can't lie about how good their game is anymore

Both. It won't change, it was exactly the same in the first game.

>People buying Destiny 2 at launch even though its probably going to be the same barebones shit that D1 was at launch


Whichever one you think is cooler, warrior rogue or mage. They end up playing basically the same except for different supers, grenades, and double jumps that end up being more flavor then they are function.

I like warlock because I always pick the mage class and voidwalker super is basically a nuke and the new warlock fire subclass can do like a matrix aim glide shoot thing. Titan is also cool jumping around doing ground slams and tackles like some combination of the hulk and captain america. I don't like rogues because I am not fedoracore.

After thousands of csgo, this game literally feels shit

jesus man, calm down with that aggressive spacing

Why are the environments so ugly compared to 1?

>play a match with assault rifle
>0.5 efficiency
>play with revolver
>2.75 efficiency

It's shit.

Destiny has always been this way, welcome.

That's surprising, considering you're going from casual garbage to casual garbage - you should feel right at home.

>people weren't lying when they said gunplay feels floaty
Between this and the gearbox tier writing and voice acting, I won't be buying this. Seriously what's up with the script? It feels like they wanted to imitate guardians of the galaxy but ended up sounding like borderlands

Most weapons in destiny are specifically designed to have the same basic DPS, it's just how they do that damage and in what pattern that changes. Handcannons pull ahead because it's slightly easier to make all of your shots headshots, while landing 100% headshots with an assault rifle is nearly impossible without aimbot.

Also further swayed by fuckers with a controller getting ridiculous aim assist, free headshots with handcannons right now, that'll probably be changed before release, lot of people are complaining about it.

I suppose revolver makes sense on console where the average player aim is slower and sloppier, so they had to compensate over the faster weapons, but on PC it's just insane, there's absolutely no reasons to use anything else.

Ok silver elite

It used to be like this

At the game's first expansion, they scrapped the entirety of dinklage's voice acting and replaced him with memepool.

>Destiny 1 revealed
>People are hyped for some reason
>We get gameplay footage
>It looks mediocre
>Beta comes, it still looks mediocre
>People still hyping it up
>Destiny 1 releases
>It's shit
>It stays shit for years
>PC gamers want it for some reason
>Destiny 2 announced
>Also announces PC version
>PC gamers play it
>Hey, it's shit. Why didn't anyone tell us?

You don't understand the fortitude of Destinyfags. They literally do not care what they get.

What's sad is that Bungie apparently knows this as Destiny 2 is looking equivalent to a Chinese knockoff of 1.

exactly, console shooters are laughable and should stay on consoles

Destiny raids are more complex than any PC mmo raid that's for sure.

Doesn't feel right on PC. It's much more fun on console or with a controller on a TV.

This game is going to have way less content than the first one did at launch. It is so blatantly another expansion to the first game being sold as a sequel.

So you're telling they just cut out the most fun part from the beta?

Shit bait

Uh... yes? They did cut out the open world bits and the leveling and the character progression and the endgame. If they had put that in the demo, it wouldn't be a demo it would be the full game.

>This game is going to have way less content than the first one did at launch

That would pretty much kill the series. Even hardcore Destiny fans wouldn't accept a launch as shitty as the first game.

How did such a generic and mediocre game develop such a fucking absurd autistic following? Literally MAG for the PS3 had more depth and fun in its gunplay.

Because Cayd-6 was the most popular character in the original game, and in typical Nathan Fillion fashion he was the joke spouting character. So they decided to make an entire game based on that.

As someone who has always liked D1, yeah, the levelling gets pretty intense and the first 20 pre-light levels were essentially a giant tutorial, the demo being just a few levels of such.

Still don't see how it could work on a PC, but eh I guess Halo:CE could do it

The pistol is good but I am shitting on kids way harder with the rifle. This is basically halo 1 gameplay with how the guns are balanced.


It runs very well but i would be fucking astouned if it didnt with how simplistic the levels look.
Everything else. Holy shit what a bland, clunky and not funny game. Why is shit like this even allowed when theres games liek Titanfall 2, Splatoon 2, Overwatch, PUBG or BF1 around.

Playstation was a mistake.

It has a fucking massive marketing budget. They wouldn't spend that money if it didn't work.

The strike was easy? Huh i didnt finish it as much as ive left because teammates didnt know what they were doing, falling off, and getting killed by the boss. Other than that I enjoyed it, just wait till the game releases because you will have diferent gear and it will surely be harder.

its an autistic loot grinder sim with nice art design, of course there would be autistic people defending it

Because mag isn't a game that combines elements of mmo, fps, AND arpg. It was just a large scale fps.

People want world of warcraft + diablo, but with guns. This is a thing that is has been established that people want. I want it. Other people want it. Borderlands was almost it, but the online was shit. The game overwatch was going to be sounded like it would be it, but instead we got overwatch. Warframe is kind of it, but has many of its own problems and also is a TPS instead of an FPS. Destiny is actually it, even though it's not amazing.

Being actually the only game in it's genre is what makes destiny popular.

How is nobody bitching about the cooldown timers on all your abilities? Game is basically 98% generic shooting and 2% powers/nades/etc. I mean I don't need my super every 5 seconds but the grenade and class ability shit is WAY too slow.
The fact that the "beta" (read: demo) has one PvE mission and two terribly unbalanced PvP aim assist shitfests tells me they're probably going to realease it with minimal PvE content for months and rely on the shitty PvP to keep people busy while they finish the game in $40 DLC increments.

Nah, those retards will literally eat up whatever Activision shits into their mouths. They're the same people who buy COD every year. But it's painfully obvious that it will have less because the beta is way more barebones than the beta for the first game. This most likely will not sell nearly as much as the first game did though because it is identical and the majority who bought that hated it and don't want more.

People love carrot on a stick gear treadmills.
WoW's never been fun either but it's popular too.

does the game still have purchasable spaceships for the loading screens?

They are just keeping alot of stuff secret but with all these leaks it looks really cool

I like the idea of combos, like sprinting and meleeing for a special attack. Too bad there's so few of them and they play such a secondary role

Destiny 1 had a stat you could build on your armor that would reduce cooldowns, I think/hope the same will be in D2.

Also that "generic shooting" is everything that is responsible for the success of Halo.


Destiny (and I'm assuming the sequel) is an MMO for the Call of Duty audience. This audience has never played an MMO so all this basic shit design straight out of 10 years ago is completely new and original to them.

Basically the Chad MMO.

Halo 1-Reach are far from generic. Halo 4 and 5 are the generic COD clone cancer. Destiny is just COD as well, nothing Halo about it.

But the people I know who play dowaduddy are wimpy normalfags, they are far from chads.

>Also that "generic shooting" is everything that is responsible for the success of Halo.
You are so goddamn wrong, its impressive.

>It fuckin sucks, game clearly not designed/balanced around it
PvP is probably the only balanced part of this mess. The reason why we have double primaries and obscenely long cooldown timers on abilities is FOR PvP balance, which imo sucks ass but you can't call it unbalanced because you suck ass at shooters.

be more out of touch

>autistic loot grinder
Loot grinder autist here. It's all the "looks nice" because as a loot grinder it's fuckin abysmal.

>destiney simulates fps mmo style of gameplay
>people desperately crave this, or something that sort of play style
>destiney knows this and doesn't have to try hard at being that with it being the only playable game in this market

>Destiny is just COD as well

Since when did COD have double jumps / gliding and borderline-quake-like jumping combat? You spend more time in destiny airborne then you do on the ground

If they don't add some amount of emphasis to vehicle play, I will actually not buy the game. Vehicle shit is the best part of co-op play.

>Generic shooting

jokes =/= quips get your facts straight, redd*t.

Pretty pointless to go around labeling which other game Destiny "is". But in Destiny fights are usually more than whoever sees the other one first wins.

I love how everyone shits on this game so hard because they can't admit they want to play it. They don't want to be alienated on their anonymous chinese imageboard, it's amazing.

Sorry you faggots don't remember how to have fun, maybe try another hobby if you're unhappy with video games.

Since FW, tard.

woah since when did Destiny have quake-like anything?

>normalfags are actually playing Destiny 1 & 2

lmfao @ nu-Sup Forums

it's just as bland and mindless as diablo...who woulda known in a looting game that people would like this repetitive shit.

I didn't call it generic, he did.

Destiny has the same basic gameplay as Halo 1. Literally. The. Exact. Same.