Why did Illidan kill that naaru? And what will happen next?
Why did Illidan do that?
He did it in self defense, totally justified. Illidan doesn't want to become a light cuccboi. What bothered me was how everyone who has been following that Naaru for the last 10000 years was so cavalier about its death, including Velen.
Do u know anything about that naaru's background? story? What was it planning to do to Illidan? And what will happen now that its dead
he's an edgelord
It wanted to force him to be the "chosen one". He wanted to control his own destiny. Illidan did nothing wrong, and straight up says they have to save themselves instead of relying on bullshit prophecy.
>And what will happen now that its dead
It becomes coal for this patch's newest RNG
In any case Turalyon and Alleria will now represent the balance between light and void. Seems like the light isn't good or infallible, at least that's the narrative they're pushing with Illidan.
can this meme die?
pity, cant help but wonder how cool a light aesthetic would be on illidan
*tips fedora
So they straight up copied the light and darkness balance plotpoint from XIV? Lame.
>Illidan kills this dumb piece of shit that's been whining about him all expansion
I'm actually kind of mad
Hopefully we'll be done with Illidan after this patch and Blizzard can keep on ruining other popular characters like they will probably do with Jaina.
>Giving a single shit about WoW "story" after WotLK.
Why is every blizzard cinematic exactly the same. Its always the same beats. Everyone talks in the exact same way. Its almost like a fucking melody or something. The writing is so fucking weird to me can someone more articulate explain to me what the fuck is going on?
This is getting more annoying that anything. People trying to pretend they're above a cause because they boil it down to a laundry list of goals and attributes when they themselves only identify by similar lists.
Pop culture has always pushed this all or none, us vs them mentality and now when its WIN WITH EVERY COST! People are under the illusion of being neutral in a sad attempt to rise above it.
Yeah, now they do.
Do WoW players get excited about this shit? At this point Blizzard is just fucking the rotting corpse that is Warcraft lore.
A reminder that Illidan literally did nothing wrong.
we learned since the begining of legion how naarus aren't innocent little light boys who want peace and nice things
the naaru were the first to cry about illidan being alive, and now she literally put him in a light prison to force destiny, while naarus never gave a shit about mortals
she even put our character in the void just to "talk" about us on how illidan alive is important.
So why can Illidan just eyezap oneshot a Naaru?
Because Xe'ra wasn't prepared.
Illidan is more powerful than nearly anything in the Legion's army, barring Sargeras himself. Naaru also aren't all that powerful, especially in the physical sense. Literally just floating crystal wind chimes.
I quit at the beginning of Legion.
Why is Illidan a demigod now?
When we killed him, he won.
Mary Sue powers.
He gets BTFO by Death Knight Arthas but apparently has the ability to obliterate a Naaru in one shot.
The best I can tell you is, that it's Blizzard. He came back from being 'dead' and promptly killed (alt-timeline) Gul'dan in the same manner that Gul'dan killed Varian. Overloading their body with so much Fel, they exploded. But keep in mind this Gul'dan was exceptionally powerful, very capable at using Fel energy, and was recently empowered by Legion.
I hope that gives you some perspective on this shit heap.
>Why did Illidan kill that naaru?
No means no. The last time he got juiced up by an ancient eldritch being, his eyes got burned out and he got locked away for 10k years. Xe'ra should have remembered who it was dealing with.
>Xe'ra deceives Illidan and tries to give him the LIGHTED treatment
>his 'allies' just stand there and do nothing
>Turalyon accuses him of betrayal
>In truth, it was I who was betrayed
Illidan has done a lot of shit wrong, but vaporizing that chiming fuck wasn't one of them.
That's because Arthas was a real OG nigga.
Frostmourne to the dick
>apparently has the ability to obliterate a Naaru in one shot.
It had rez sickness.
Illidan probably would have gone along with it if he didn't already see how retarded the holy dreadlord looks without his horns.
when both sides are retarded shit-fests, it is not unreasonable to stay centered. in fact, it's the most reasonable course of action.
being a reductionist doesn't make you smart, and staying neutral is not a bad thing.
One side wants to destroy the universe
The other wants to stop it
I seriously love him zapping that fucking wind chime. I think people at Blizzard were self-aware and this was the plan from the beginning
Why would Illidan trust those fucks after they attacked him.
This. It's obvious the Naaru were planning this shit all along to try and force him into it.
Haven't you heard? The Burning Legion wants to save the universe from the Void Lords.
Also, the fact that the players are going to save the universe without Xe'ra's help is a good indication that it's an 'us vs them' situation.
Fuck your chosen one bullshit, is what I'm saying.
It was literally:
>You're not the boss of me now
>and you're not so big
What's a Naaru? What's a Void Lord?
Whoops, should be
>that it isn't an 'us vs them' situation.
>What's a Naaru?
Something that's been in the game since TBC. Not exactly a new addition.
>that voice acting
Jesus fucking christ
Hegelian dialectic operates independently of evidence. If you approach every situation looking for maximum popular appeal (read: "being right"), then you are outright ignoring the possibility that one side is categorically more right and has evidence to prove it (read: being correct). People who do this only care about appeasement and are incapable of original thoughts. There's a difference between refusing to join a "camp" for your sanity and insisting that the compromise position is correct. You are conflating the two things because the people who taught you to do this boil almost all difference of opinion down to labels and "sides." You learned to look at the world through media hyperbole, that doesn't make you "more reasonable" than other people. It makes you look like a child who relies on other people to form his opinions.
Because Illidan wanted himself (and the mortals) to be strong independent and need-no-gods.
His ultimate goal is probably to create a world without gods, where mortals are masters of their own destiny.
Nice post. Too bad it quickly falls apart when you realise you have no idea who you're talking to or what they really believe
You're a dumb nigger. We're talking about demon armies and magic prophecies. Why the fuck are you going on about
>media hyperbole
Is the Burning Legion running a fucking PR campaign? Jesus Christ you might be a literal retard.
>Jesus Christ you might be a literal retard.
He probably learned to look at the world through media hyperbole
Holy shit, please fuck off back to r the donald
Illidan is a self insert for the new writing team.
Most people hate this light shit.
Illidan died like 10 years ago, retard.
>X'era was actually right, and Holydan was the only way to defeat the Legion
>Illidan literally locked in the bad end
I know that Blizzard doesn't have the balls to pull off something like that, but man would it be satisfying.
Bronze/Infinite Dragon Ex Machina
user, what was the last expansion you played?
Even if that's the ending they wanted, it would be pretty stupid if Xe'ra was the only way to show Illidan the Light.
Also we've seen that Naaru can come back from being "dead".
isn't he somewhat immortal? being a demon and all.
going full holy would cancel that i presume.
X'era is a prime naaru, the last one left. The Naaru channel the Light, and it is through them that priests and paladins get their powers.
It's not too far-fetched that someone as far gone as Illidan could only be purified by a prime Naaru.
If Naaru aren't the source of the Light, then just go to the source.
What exactly is the Light anyway? Was there ever an in-depth explanation of it available?
I hope this doesnt mean all the Naaru are as crooked as their "Prime is". Because if they are this some new level of shit tier writing even for Blizzard
It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the World of Warcraft together.
That's like saying "Go to the source of matter". The Light is a fundamental force in the Warcraft universe, it's not something that spews forth from a wellspring at the center of the universe. For all we know, the Naaru could be the only things that can make it manifest and channel it into other beings.
I honestly took it to mean that Xe'ra was just desperate, not cruel or malicious.
That's wrong. It's literally like the force if anyone could use it, you just need to have a strong enough will.
I thought Velen was pretty miffed with the Naaru because of something with his son. But yeah, not a lot of shock even.
He was blatantly not talking about Warcraft, just making a general statement. That method of finding compromises usually causes problems to just go on forever since it never actually proposes a solution, it just declares yourself the most right.
It should be obvious why this is stupid in a fictional story with stakes. This is what causes writers to portray all sides as bad regardless of their actions. It's not uncommon to see their preferred main character framed as automatically right and a better person, but without the writer being skilled enough to have them say something convincing. A lot of people hold the philosophy I described before and for this reason they feel compelled to defend bad writing because they approve of the neutrality.
>What bothered me was how everyone who has been following that Naaru for the last 10000 years was so cavalier about its death
Turalyon literally tried to kill Illidan.
I think they are just so bound to that "The prophecy says" stuff that anybody that goes against it must be in the wrong and shown why they are right.
It just picked the wrong person to do that to.
>establish a perimeter
>The Light is a fundamental force in the Warcraft universe, it's not something that spews forth from a wellspring at the center of the universe. For all we know, the Naaru could be the only things that can make it manifest and channel it into other beings.
Except people have been doing that already long before the Naaru showing up. Also, what is Elune.
>see this pic and hear that Illidan kills the Naaru
>expecting him to just eye blast it so he could smugly turn to Turalyon and Velen and say "where's ur light now? time 2 fite 4 urself nyeh nyeh neyh"
>the thing was actively trying to light-corrupt him despite his protests
>Velen was pretty fine with him blowing it to chunks which you then clean up as your next quest kek
it went much better than I expected
The thing I don't understand is why was the prophesied chosen one Illidan, instead of someone who would actually make sense, like Anduin.
I'm pretty sure Xe'ra is the only Naaru who believes in the prophecy garbage. Otherwise the Sha'tar wouldn't have been so focused on killing Illidan.
Because he IS HIS SCARS
the whole universe was made from the fight between light and darkness right now the balance its heavily tilted to the darkness side of it so that's why we see the light and everyone aligned to it as the good guys but in reality both sides want complete domination ultimately destroying the universe, illidan did nothing wrong.
Cause muh redemption storyline
>Burning Crusade
>Naaru are so powerful that they can keep Illidan and his entire army at bay and just invade Black Temple whenever they want
>Illidan can one shot Naaru with an eye beam
>Spent time to restore Naaru
>Naaru killed
>Illidan is still old stinky Illidan, nothing changes
It's bad storywriting when there is no consequences for actions.
Gul'dan was incredibly weakened from the players kicking his ass, Illidan simply finished him off. If you look at him in the cinematic Gul'dan is all bashed up and fucked.
>He was blatantly not talking about video games, just soapboxing
Illidan gained 40 levels
Basement edgelord spotted.
>yfw that Naaru was about to vore Illidan
Good thing based Edgelord didn't get spooked
It's actually a thing that happens, though.
Think about it. When did it ever end well for "The Chosen One" in Azeroth?
Retard, I'm glad they avoided Illidan being needlessly edgy, and the thing was forcefully converting him with light against his will.
>bitch Naaru constantly whines and bitches about Illidan
>cheesy chosen one bullcrap
>oh boy, let me guess...a redemption story
>gets BTFO by Illidan
This is the best thing Legion has done so far.
No it's not, you fucking edgechild. Light can only bless. And only darkness can corrupt.
It's pretty obvious Elune is going to be a light Lord
What I don't get is that the Light and the Legion aren't even opposing forces. Fel and Arcane are opposites, just as Light and Dark are. Life and Undeath are also opposites, but that was a battle between Light and Undeath too.
Why do opposing forces of the Universe never fight one another in Warcraft?
>they avoided Illidan being needlessly edgy
Where? There is nothing except edgeshit.
you're only getting one (you) out of me
>Fel and Arcane are opposites
Wait, how does this work exactly?
Elune is the super Naaru-god and humans discovered the Light through the Naaru.
>Light can only bless. And only darkness can corrupt.
Think about it this way - what Sargeras did to Illidan might be considered a blessing by many beings.
Those terms (bless and corrupt) are relative.
Fel is chaos and Arcane is order.