What will people say when we look back on it two years from now?
What will people say when we look back on it two years from now?
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Sonic knows how to bun a zoot.
This is the last relic of sega.
"Yeah that was really a good game, they really outdid themselves with Mania 2."
Wow. This was a really fun game that is extremely faithful to the original series. I'm glad I purchased this when I did.
RRRRRREEEEEEEE! Why can't I play it?
RERRRREEEEEEEE! Why can't I pirate this? Fuck Capitalism! Fuck Whities! Fuck Trump! FUCK FUCK FUCK!
I doubt how badly they bungled the PC release will ever truly be forgotten and probably be a part of discussion of the game forever even if 100% of problems are fixed. But it'll be overpowered by disucssion of the game because fuck me it's so good.
I imagine a lot of "Remember how we thought Sonic was saved after that game came out?" posts. Because a lot of people said the same thing with generations.
>I imagine a lot of "Remember how we thought Sonic was saved after that game came out?" posts. Because a lot of people said the same thing with generations.
Sonic Mania is probably my favorite Sonic game, even topping S3K, but you'd have to be pretty stupid to think it's saving the franchise and its reputation considering how we've got Forces right around the corner
Redpill me on Denuvo.
It's DRM that everyone is blowing way out of proportion.
Sonic Mania PC is an always online game
"That was a really good game I'd recommend it"
You need to be online when you launch Mania.
Yep, that's it.
What a shitshow
Why is that such a bad thing? Doesn't everyone and their dog have internet these days?
>that's it
And that's unacceptable.
I'm a Switch owner so I don't have a horse in the PC race but I hardly think it's being blown out of proportion. One specific platform getting delayed by two weeks THREE DAYS BEFORE LAUNCH just to get online-only DRM forced into the game that, by all accounts, even the devs themselves don't want in the game. Those who pre-ordered but no longer want the game because of the DRM can't even refund it because the delay has been two weeks - none of that seems like a massive smack in the dick to you?
If I was a PCfat I'd be raging, and rightfully so. I'm still pretty pissed off at the whole fiasco because it could well affect our chances of getting a Mania 2.
>single player game needs internet connection
It's unnecessary and nearsighted. What happens ten years from now when they stop supporting the game?
But it's absurd you depend on internet connection to play a game that doesn't need it and for which you righfully paid.
If for whatever reason you don't have connection, you aren't allowed to play it despite having paid for it. It's bad.
Its unnecessary, the game does not require that online check to actually function. Fuck off with your apologist attitude.
Everyone and their dog has internet problems every now and again too. And when Steam is down (like maybe some angry fucks decide to DDOS it one day) you can't play the game that you paid for. It all comes down to paying for single player games as a service and not as a stand-alone product. If you think that it is okay you are not my friend.
You use the crack?
I mean my internet goes down only when it is being worked on, and even then I don't play offline games. I go outside or watch tv or read something. Do you guys actually play games offline?
You're a fool if you think they won't eventually remove this shit. I can fucking guarantee it was to stop day one piracy.
>RERRRREEEEEEEE! Why can't I pirate this? Fuck Capitalism! Fuck Whities! Fuck Trump! FUCK FUCK FUCK!
nice, but I'm still going to pirate it
>crack in 48 hours
can't wait
>Do you guys actually play games offline?
Nigga it's the only kind of games I play.
Not the point, and you fucking know it.
From a completely pragmatic point of view, it simply offers ZERO benefits to the end-user. There's nothing having online DRM can do that benefits the end-user, it only inconveniences. Its not there because it makes the game better or more accessible, its there because the publisher wants tighter control over their product. It is unnecessary and only hurts paying customers.
I agree with most of this but I think the fallout would be more likely to affect whether PC gets Mania 2 more than it would affect Mania 2 being made at all.
>crack in 48 hours
Nani???? Youve got some info you want to share with us user?
It also stopped day-one sales, since it royally pissed everyone off.
I like to do what I feel like doing when I feel like doing it, I shouldn't have to worry about somebody else's schedule nor worry about what will happen when a service is provided to me.
I own Sonic 2, I have the physical product and can do what I want with it whenever I feel like it. I can play Sonic Mania only when Gaben lets me and he and his service are living on borrowed time. Is this acceptable to you? Are you such a, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, a KEK that you feel it's okay to be told when it's okay for you to enjoy your purchase?
My concern is more that Stealth (and potentially other Mania team members/Aaron) not knowing when to keep his mouth shut - even though he's clearly in the right - is going to affect their chance of getting a new contract for a new game. You're not supposed to speak out against your higher-ups like that without going through the PR teams, even if the point you're making is obviously correct.
And thats even worse!
We got whipped with mania 1 and now this is a conspiration for pc users to not get a mania 2? Thats bullshit!
If sega doesnt give us a proper mania 2 for pc the backlash will be even worse.
Inside source here.
That user is wrong.
Crack is actually coming in 5 hours.
>"Thank god there was at least 1 more good Sonic game before these 20 shitty ones came out"
"It was ok but I wish they would stop putting green hill zone as the first fucking level."
you made good points and used humor, thanks.
thank you, I never thought of it this way. I don't think I will buy the game just yet, hopefully they remove the denuvo.
>that allah sentence
nigga just killy yourself
Most people who bought this game didn't give a shit and probably didn't even notice it.
Most games I like are either single player or local multiplayer. Not very interested in most online games. Maybe the occasional shooter but it's been years since the last time I got hooked to CS or FEAR combat.
FEAR combat was damn fun for a free to play videogame.
I quite literally already have sonic mania uncracked on my desktop already. The ETA for the crack is just under 5 hours.
Pls be real
May allah be gentle to you in the afterlife, infidel 4channer
Insider-insider source here, make that 5 minutes.
You're getting behind in your memes, son. Wouldn't want the other kids to laugh at ye!
I already played this shit back in my childhood but I hyped and paid for it anyway because I'm a dumb cuck
Is that why reviews are disabled and its incorrectly displaying the overall reception as "Mostly Positive" when its really "Mixed"?
Did I just see someone change their mind on Sup Forums? Unacceptable, call somebody a nigger.
>I already played this shit back in my childhood
Shit dude hit me up with the ebay link I'd love to get a cartridge of Sonic Mania
oh wait you're full of shit, never mind
>RERRRREEEEEEEE! Why can't I pirate this?
>when we look back on it two years from now
Consolet stop shoehorning your idiocy into every post.
First great Sonic game in years wasn't even made by Sega but they still found a way to fuck it over.
They went way beyond with this one.
Levels were a mixed bag. Bosses were shit, special stages were shit, bonus stages were shit, DRM was shit.
>mfw I have on several occasions realised I was wrong and admitted to my ignorance on Sup Forums.
Nigga, stop spreading fake news, it's 5 nanoseconds.
Good... good...
Breathe hope in these gullible piratefags
"Man, it sure was nice when we played video games without government probes in our foreheads..."
Sure am glad nobody can tamper with it!
>thinking that an exact copy of the existing original with a few added levels is worth paying for, even if it's nothing but a major patch at best
>Bashes a game he obviously hasn't played
>an exact copy of the existing original
Don't know what game you're talking about but it's not Mania.
>acting as if his hyped piece of trash is original work
You kids will swallow anything
I'm a Switch owner but I sure wish the PC version didn't have Denuvo so fucks like you could at least pirate it and formulate real reasons to shitpost rather than "I clearly haven't played the game" shitposts like these
Fucking truth. Don't fucking fall for the (((Mania))) meme kids, it be no more than a romhack.
"I wish I could still play the game now that the verification servers are down."
Who else --'--''-- time here?
Forces looks fine.
>Calls people kids
>Obviously is one
>Proceeds to samefag in support of himself
>Thinks (You) farming is a worthy use of his time
Sure, you could do that, but it's not something you should have to crack at all. Plus there are a lot of people who bought this game who don't even know what a crack is.
It phones home from time to time sending information about your pc to their servers, and most of the times doesn't allow you to play offline (it' happening in this game right now). I tested it this morning by going offline right after playing the game once and it didn't allow me to start the game until I went online again.
Using this crap in a single player game is ridiculous. Denuvo didn't even stop people from fucking up the time attack online scores.
People won't even remember this game in 2018
>Yes, please take away more of my freedom
>Yes, please, restrict me more and more
>Yes, in the ass, I like it there, like the homosexual I am
Please don't defend bad DRM.
I think you accidentally described BDSM lol
That it was the best Sonic game since 3 & Knuckles. No one will care about Denuvo two years from now.
Hopefully by then a sequel for it would've come out and we'll look back on how quaint it was as a first time.
>insecure heterocuck
Hell, from all the backlash it's gotten from the consumer base and even Taxman/Stealth themselves in only one day they're probably gonna remove it at some point. It really goes against the game's origins too.
>Splitting the gameplay into 4 styles, thus basically ending up with the same problem the Adventure games had which caused the playstyles to be so unpolished
>Classic Sonic gameplay looks worse than Mania (obviously) but also looks leagues below even the classic gameplay of Generations. Absolute garbage that neither classic nor modern fans want in the game
>Boost levels look way lazier than they did in Unleashed or Generations and way slower too. If they're not as awesome looking and not as fast as those game then it begs the question of why they'd bring back boost at all, since it was all spectacle and little substance to begin with
>Edgy wubwub music
The game looks lazy and unfocused. I'm not even going to pick on the story because that's some low-hanging fruit, but if this is your definition of "fine" then I'm worried about what you'd consider "bad".
1.They all share similar goals, and the tag team style plays very similar to Modern Sonic anyway.
2. I find it harmless, but yes Classic Sonic was massively boring even in Generations
3. I think the problem with boost levels is the lack of levels we have seen.
4. No comment, but I do like main theme.
It doesn't look exciting, but it doesn't look terrible. I am glad the series is trying to have serious stories again.
I think few Sonic games are bad. For example I absolutely cannot get the hate towards Lost World and I actually really enjoy Shadow the Hedgehog as it is essentially the Adventure gameplay for an entire game, with more combat options.
it's fun
mean bean machine boss made me happy
>Is able to have fun
run as fast as you can and don't come back
I'm surprised that I don't mind replaying the fight again and again every time I start a new game. My Puyo skills aren't getting any better, but at least I can do simple two combos sometimes. Also Robotnik usually just kills himself anyway.
>guys, Sega is so much better than Nintendo because they gave indie romhackers a job instead of smacking them in the face with their legal cocks
>what do you mean they're scummy and shady? Just buy the game bros, there's nothing wrong with a little DRM in your ass! Piratefags, am I right?
Sega was smart by okaying this project.
But its unforgivable that they did all this shady shit to fuck over an entire userbase just because some troll comments.
Those who paid had the right to enjoy the game alongside consolers too, but not only we missed the game, but also we have to play it with a drm system known to actually harm systems.
tldr: shut your fucking mouth!
People are going to be shocked when the Discover another secret route/Easter even after 20+ playthroghs. This game is scary deep
>get to mean bean machine
>chuckle at first because it's hilarious
>then get scared it'll be as hard as MBM on genesis
>turns out it's fucking easy
Kinda wish the difficulty was greater for that boss.
If Nintendo put their games on Steam, you know they'd put DRM on their games too. That's exactly NoA's style.
Literally why does this shit even matter?
It in no way affects the gameplay, can you at least complain about Denuvo by itself and stop pretending this is the game's fault?
>Sonic Mania was always shit and Sup Forums always hated it
It happens to every game without fail. Screencap this post. It'll happen.
It's a DRM that prevents you from playing offline, makes performances worse (full evidence in the RiME fiasco) and is ultimately useless as games get cracked anyway.
Denuvo is a shitposter's wonder drug. Keeps them pepped up for days.
Its the second stage boss, theres no way they vould do him harder without annoying any non puyo player
Sonic bosses built around SPEED CONTROL?
This...fucking sad. This place was fun when people actually got excited about games. The hype leading up to them, then the solid month of "FUCK YEAH THIS GAME" while everyone is sharing tips, doing co-op, or organizing to troll newbies.