XCOM 2 expansion is out

>XCOM 2 expansion is out
>no single thread about it
so this is the power of $45 dlc..

torrent where?

>letting yourself get sucked into Xcom in the middle of the work week

A fucking Rabbids game did it better.
I wonder just how butthurt is the XCom studio must be right now.


It's pretty fun, I'm actually kinda impressed by how they revamped many of the missions to make them less shit and more interesting.

I really feel sorry for you if you are so cucked that you can't enjoy an hour or two of video games every day or so.

Where resistance soldiers on terror missions always in the game? If not that is probably my favorite addition

Too lazy to configure creamapi to play it

I can smell your bo from here

>for bug fixes
jeez no wonder a shallow nintendo xcom clone is doing better

XCOM 2 has much more content though.

Please tell me this is some joke currency like New Zealand dollars

>Wanted to play it yesterday after work
>30 gb
>just play mario rabbid and its 2.7gb filesize instead
>Still didnt finish downloading it

Why is it so big?

Has anyone tried Beta Strike? I'm tempted to use it for my first WotC run but I don't know if I should play the way God intended first

>Greenman gaming proceeds to fuck up launch and fail to release the game on time.
> Sends an "Apology" email with 6 free games!
> Literally 6 of the worst games they have in store.


It mostly just adds stuff that makes the game easier.

I get wiped every single time I encounter the Chosen cunt in a random mission.

It's basically an entire separate package. They rewrote large portions of the originals game code to accommodate the expansions features, so from a code point of view it's somewhere between a stand alone version of xcom 2 and a dlc/add on to the base game

No, it's definitely a new addition. I don't think the Resistance guys show up during every Terror Mission since I've had the old version and new version happen.

I have to pay for the game to run decently? Fuck that

i see that the art direction has taken another step down

>implying 99% of Sup Forums isn't too stupid to survive even a few months of Xcom2 on normal
Sup Forums hates hard games of any genre

Shit, I'm honestly on the fence about buying it. I don't know if I want to go back and replay X-Com 2 again even with the massive improvements

Sup Forums is gonna love the shit out of Rabbids, though. It's reasonably fun and is babby's first X-Com

it's graphics and sound assets that take space, not engine code. it's just shitty, lazy deployment.

>Listen to giantbomb because officewagie
>Yeah Mario and Rabbids LOL
>Luigi dabs!!!
>Oh yeah WOTC came out...
>XCOM 2 had performance issues fuck them must be shit
>A rabbid pulls something out its ass XDDD
>Proceed to talk about what they had for din dins and dabbing for 30 minutes

Yeah pretty mad about it.
It's like every game I've enjoyed this year just gets blacklisted by media.

xcom 2 gets ignored on because it was bad.

It really feels like it's own game. Hell, even most of the story and main missions have have been tweaked to be harder. On the first blacksite mission where you get the vial of goo, the female chosen shows up to Fuck your day up. However the map is way to fucking cluttered now and looks even worse than before.

>Tweaked to be harder
Oh good, I didn't save scum hard enough the first time through...

>mfw gave a 10% coupon too
>Used it on Near Tomato since I've been wanting to play that

>and looks even worse than before.

and here i thought it couldn't be done

>xcom 2 gets ignored on because it was bad.

XCOM is bad because of savescumming.

Mordheim is the best Jagged-like from this generation, and it's not even close.

>Free weekend
>download and play XCOM 2
>graphics are nice but the rest is kinda meh
>Punished Bradford is funnier as a meme than as an actual character
>the new science and engineering officers are annoying
>dressing up as a ragtag band of mujahideen is pretty cool but once you get tier 2 armor its no longer relevant
>constant time limits are more tedious than motivating

>reinstall EW

I just finally finished downloading it thanks to my shitternet.

Pretty excited since I haven't touched XCOM2 since launch, though I'm pretty sure enabling all the DLC at once is going to buttfuck me with a simultaneous Chosen/Ruler attack

what are you doing to best girl

Chosen are actually easier to deal with than Rulers.
Plus, with the new hero units and the ability to actually give your units every skill in their skill tree + a bonus one, you basically can steamroll midgame if you play your cards right.
Early game is now handed to you, with research inspirations and breakthroughs.

Learn your place, 85. You're treading on 88 territory.

>what is Ironman

>the new science and engineering officers are annoying



>simultaneous Chosen/Ruler attack
Doesn't happen. It's either one or the other on a mission and the Rulers are now initially assigned to guard facilities and don't start showing up on missions until you first engage them there.


Rulers are on facilities and you're given a warning.
I'm really disliking the assassin chosen though, but at the very least the mission timer freezes for chosen duration.


the funny thing is, whereas before the game would take about 3 minutes to load each mission for me, it now needs about 10 seconds. the only long loading screen is when you restart and load the game for the first time.

When will people realize doing this makes them look like fucking retards?

>le personality-free science man and le quirky punk science chick

They had two good established characters already and they binned them for a couple of stock characters.

After 20 years of guerilla operations I'd imagine Shen would be more machine than man, and Vahlen would be a obsessed with biological weapons and even more turned on by alien vivisection than she is in EW.

It's already out of style. Came and went faster than the WHIP NAE NAE XDDDD bullshit

I fucking hate nigger music and its enablers

>When will people realize doing this makes them look like fucking retards?
Bullshit it's ebin

But he is actually a black science man and not a meme one like the other Fag.

Have you encountered Daddy Warlock? You'll be happy to see the Assassin after you face him. Nothing like having him summon ADVENT Priest, MC your Templar, then the Priests MC two other soldiers. Or when he summons like four exploding zombies, two Berserkers, and then Null Lance your Ranger.

I don't really mind Shen's daughter but replacing Vhalen was a bad move

>tfw so many cosmetic kids got ruined

It's so hard to play this game without that crazy customization that I got used to

It is fun. Or I am having fun.
People who want to discuss this game or are hyped for it are already doing it on XCG. It is not like this expansion is suddenly gonna pull in fresh blood.

Post more dabs

>16 health Sectoids
>20 something health field commanders
>god knows how much health stun lancers have

proceed with caution.

Should I turn on the Alien Rulers DLC or are they still annoying as fuck to fight?

>shitty character
>shitty emote
I can't take it


Yeah, that guy is a notable step up from thee other two in terms of power. Definitely not looking forward to assaulting his fortress and fighting him 2+ times back to back even with plasma and power armor.

Keep it on but don't do the site.
If you turn it off, they appear randomly.
Like it says in the tooltip.


How about now?

Annoying, but far more manageable with the nerfs to them and the new toys the expansion gives you.

Is the performance increase in the base game now or only if you get the dlc?


>make a genuine, honest to god expansion with more content than the main game

>most talk is complaints about the price


While I do love XCOM, I gotta admit Rabbits is just a lot more fun to play and thats the most important thing in the game

A long time ago PC developers decided bloatware was the standard.

Only in the DLC.

seems pretty awesome. ill get it at some point

>"performance increase"
>by cutting shit out rather than optimizing it like a good dev

Dabbing along with Twerking is nigger rhetoric.

I hate it.

It's fucking stupid.

What got cut?

better :3

Lucky. I was running out of dabbing video game characters.

>Modders make a better game than firaxis

hello /leftypol/

Low, base and animalistic garbage.

this makes me legitimately uncomfortable to watch, what kind of person enjoys kids acting this way?

>what kind of person enjoys kids acting this way?
I think you can guess

Well shit. Guess I'll wait to replay the game so the dlc can drop in price

I like it so far.
Its going to be even better with mods.
Missing that particular mod that lets you know whether or not moving into a position is going to give you an advantage or not.

oh boy i cant wait to see p3 or p5 dabbing

pedophilia and progressive gays wanting their kids to be the popular generation and attention whore

that kids gonna have aids or some gay disease by the time he's 15.

Dabbing is not a function of brainpower

Its shit but apparently the base game was ridiculously fucked in regard to coding.
Hence why WOTC is a seperate client entirely rather than integrated into the base game like the old DLC.

I'm not worried about disease here, I just think its damaging to try and manipulate your child like this before he can even determine his own sexual orientation.

That combined with parading him in public.
Its disgusting.

Progressives, probably some pedo bum bandits too.

fuck you you lying sack of shit adding $5 onto the price just to get me to reply

I was thinking of trying out this game so I pirated XCOM 2 first.
>literally 90% accuracy shots still miss
>long ass loading animations
>matches almost take an hour long
>fucking VIP missions

How the fuck are people playing this game?

Feels Bad Man

not sure if this is bait but oh well

>literally 90% accuracy shots still miss
what did you think the other 10% represented?
>long ass loading animations
this is fixed with WOTC
>matches almost take an hour long
>fucking VIP missions
you're not good at the game

>90% accuracy shots miss 10% of the time

My dude this is in the base game now, just press alt when moving your soldiers.

This shit is fun as fuck, anyone telling otherwise is just bad or not into the genre. I do understand people complaining about the "avengerization" of XCOM but this stops being an argumment once you start to gotta go fasting with the Skirmisher. I've spend at least 13 of the last 24 hours playing it and this is by far the best 40 bucks I've spent in a while.
Do not listen to Sup Forums shitposters who complain about unfairness or whatever it is shitters complain, just drop by /xcg/, don't act like a cunt and ask for help and people will teach you how to play. Once you do, it becomes one of the comfiest games ever, even with all the shit it throws at you.

Nigga, you better not be talking about Last Door. One of the best Horror games in the last couple of years.

>complaining about 90% misses

come back to me once you've missed a 100% shot against a snek you fucking casual piece of shit

Also, performance is through the roof, I don't think I've had more than 20 second loading screens so far, but most of the time it's done before Bradford is even doing his pep talk.

>Decided to check this out
>watching a random twitch streamer with the most view
>he goes into overwatch with 5 guys
>every single one of them fucking misses despite the enemy being like 10 feet away

Did they seriously not fix this bullshit?

I wonder how peoples mentality would change if the just showed chance to miss instead of hit

>Its a retard can't into percentage chance episode.

I-it's still shit, f-faggot, heh.

The thing is that even a retard would not miss a point blank shot