ITT: Games so boring you're not able to finish them no matter how many times you try

ITT: Games so boring you're not able to finish them no matter how many times you try

The combat is fun but by god does the boring world make this game a chore to get through. I'm on my third reinstallation and I'm nowhere near the end of the main quest, let alone BBI


I actually managed to finish it.
It stands as a testament that good story won't save a game with shit gameplay.

Shit taste, it wasn't a masterpiece, but the setting and different characters you can switch should be enough for you to bear it until the end
Don't know what to say, if the combat isn't enough and you're not interested in it you might as well drop the game, take note that by making a slim character with very low burden helps with "going through" the world, it's much faster

Singularity. I tried twice but I just dropped it. It's just bland.

This game was made to be played in Coop...but they never did it. Why?

Broken Sword 3, I keep trying to play it but the genius control scheme makes me turn it off after 15 minutes

I'm trying really hard to finish pic related but the quests are just too fucking boring. Scan shit kill, repeat. Got all the over rides, I'll probably just focus on the main story tomorrow

Clive barker's influence was wasted on jericho. Maybe someday there will be an actually good Hellraiser-universe game

Persona 5 is such a boring slog, it's a pain in the ass getting railroaded when I want to do stuff for the day and the combat is repetitive and dull.

>Alien Isolation

bant me wrong.

Any X4

Assassins Creed revelations
So fucking boring. I've installed it like 4 times over the years and have never finished it.

Probably something to do with limited resources or "coop will ruin muh story" mentality.

AC in general is shit. Bad Rats or gtfo

Same with SOMA, I signed up for a horror game not walking simulator undersea edition.

>I didn't sign up for a walking sim
>From a game dev who has put out nothing but spooky walking sims.

Arkham Knight.

Fantastic opening and first few levels are good.

Rest of it had me forcing myself to complete.

Apparently I heard co-op is great.

soma is fucking great but te monster chase sequences sucked dicks

Fight me

Despite being in an interesting setting, the map felt very boring to traverse.

Dragon Age: Origins.

Fuck you Jericho was amazing!

Just want to be Rawlings in co-op healing my buddies whilst firing off Faith & Destiny

I liked it, the ending is good, stick with it user

I always get bored after 2 hours


I'm dead serious.


same :(

a real shame too cause I kinda like the western setting

Fallout New Vegas. Beginning is so boring, I can't stand it.

I agree with you

Its not for everyone I remember dropping it twice before things just clicked and from there it became one of my favorites.


Played it for a couple of hours before I noticed it was made by the same company that made Dead Island.

The former game I played through maybe 3 times back in the day, but the similarities of combat and the predictable story killed my interest pretty quick even with the parkour and night time gimmicks.

I loved Demon's Souls. Couldn't get into this one.

nice bait


Dragon's Dogma, Bioshock, DA: O

ironically this


>game is boring, needs mods
>game still boring, needs more mods
>more mods
>too many mods, game stops working
>can't be bothered to sort out mods
>quit for a year
Every single time

Like every time I play it I play for a few hours while thinking to myself "man this game is really good I should play it more" then I don't play it again for months

>get stuck on a boss on hard mode
>can't switch difficulty mid campaign
>can't be bothered to play through the entire game again
It can be a pretty fun game at times, especially the coop.

I've beaten it once and tried several times to play it again with another build but it always feels like I'm doing too little damage and then drop it before I get to Anor Londo because I don't know how to proceed.

This. Bored by Primm. Unironically enjoyed 3 more.

>tfw you enjoyed jericho

I just like the environments and monsters, the ridiculous death metal design of everything was great, but the gameplay is serviceable at best.

My negro, Rawlings was the best character

The game was great for the first couple of hours
And then when the monsters start hitting harder, your ai stop functioning and all you're able to do is just res your teamates over and over again

>tfw you bought jericho at full price and than a couple months ago on steam everyone could buy this game for 80 cents

>Far Cry 4
>Every Asscreed after AC2
>No Man's Sky

Was there ever a reason not to play as the chick that can stop time and toss instakill bombs?

Played for a week straight while job hunting.
Never experienced burn out like I did with persona 5.

AC never had that good gameplay, but at least Ezio trilogy had god-tier environments and likable characters. But III? Progresses slow as molasses, takes place among boring wooden huts and ditches the only interesting character after the first chapter. Nope.

No game has never killed my interest in a series harder than this.

I got this for free from ubisoft and it was fun for the first 30 minutes pretending to be an old timey rich person but then it fucking died after you're just collecting shit for old people

had it since it came out and ive tried to beat it 3 times, get further each time and then uninstall it because its shit compared to 1

its literally cod with invisibility

>AC never had good gameplay
AC2 actually has some pretty fun fights once they start bringing in armored characters that force good positioning

shit taste desu. Crysis 2 is my favorite modern shooter.

Good call, it was so boring I completely forgot it.


Game goes to shit later on when you get outed as a centaur or whatever. Only the first half is good.


The shrines feel so disjointed. Like ideas that couldn't fit into dungeons so they made them separate. Not to mention the empty overworld.

Deus ex


Jericho was shit, you nerd. Undying was the good one.

I find it hard to believe anybody finished this game.


Trails in the sky wasn't particularly good but this piece of shit was horrible, all the same flaws but the writing managed to drop from mediocre to offensive, I could actually feel my brain cells rotting from reading the dialogue