Excuse me, sweetheart. I'm about to actually deal some damage. Take your toothpicks and butterknives somewhere else

Excuse me, sweetheart. I'm about to actually deal some damage. Take your toothpicks and butterknives somewhere else.

What weapon are you going to start with in Monster Hunter World? Going to learn something new or stick with your tried and true favorite?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Excuse me, sweetheart. I'm about to actually deal some damage.

oh yeah?

My trusty swag-axe of course. Hammers are looking better than ever though..

Thank god GS has super armor during charges

I played Lance all through MH4U but I just discovered Charge Blade in XX and it's incredibly satisfying even if I can't survive everything with free counters the way I could with Lance.

gonna attack very fast with my dual blades

Easy to say you're doing damage when nobody else can fucking attack because you're tripping everybody.

Make way for the real heroes.

Faggots pls. Make way for the GOAT

Step aside children, the carry has arrived.


Have fun being the second least popular person in the room after the LS user because you're flinging people all over the area with your big clumsy dumb swings.

>anything ranged
pussy desu

Dual Swords forever

All weapons look great, the new moves are baller.
I'm a CB man myself but I may try to get into GL and SnS in World.

>Not tripping hunters that are taking your positioning

Way to be a virgin.

I've been playing since mh1 and I've never used a bowgun because I have a nice dick and a good jawline.

>want to play monster hunter
>remember that i have to play it with that small ass 3ds

worlds can't come soon enough

If by "carry" you mean "carry into the air and let go" then sure.

Every game i pick a new weapon and play it until endgame to learn it. Time for CB, assuming they fixed its awful move changes from Gen

They don't, that little shoulder charge is the only thing with rocksteady. You can wear a Rocksteady Mantle to not get tripped though.

>I've literally never even tried a ranged weapon

They did.
>brought back shockwave
>brought back shortcut into super AED
>didn't nerf shortcut to charging shield
>added fade slash
>added new method of sword charge which likely deals impact damage

>tfw you will never take the knot and be subjected to excessive electroejaculation

True heroes use SnS

literally the one weapon that I ever enjoy using

Man, my boi gunlance seems to be back so I'm definitely running gunlance.


>pellet shot EVERYONE

just so i post them all

Nah, just gotta be more careful.

Poison sns is great.

Mfw salt mining with pellets

>sweetie posting

hammer and gl users are way more cancerous knocking people around.

>no XX localization
>at least 6 months till World

Excuse me, sweetheart I'm about to actually have some fun

Sup friends.
Mind if i help?

I was gonna try something other than my usual GS, but that new shoulder bash and double slam attack look to awesome to pass up

It's going to be a long wait until 2018. I'm trying to pass the time learning CB in 4U but goddamn it I just want to play World.

>heal XS

I'd prefer if you attacked rather than sit back and toot.

If you do that then sure.

Charge Blade. Maybe a bit of Insect Glaive to play around with if CB gets boring somehow.

You are welcome friends

>SnS with gimmick


>This MH thread
>NO shitposters in sight

Is this the comfiest MH thread since MHW was announced?
Also, I'm a CB main, got quite good at it. IF it keeps the same GPs in world, I can't see giving it up. However I'm also wanting to look into hammer (mained it in tri, shit was cash) and actually GS this time around.

At the risk of derailing the thread, does anyone know when that white people monster hunter clone goes free to play?

GPs are confirmed to be the same as 4U

>he missed out on maining GS in MH4U
It was too good.


I wonder if they'll add turbo-mega-super-ultra-sentai-galactic demon form this time.

Not quite, but Demon Mode gets a Naruto run now

Looks like you metal swinging idiots are having trouble.
Don't mind me, I'm just dealing the constant damage while you get your shit pushed in.

DGS when?

Wow, when did mods start doing their job?


sonybros jumped to sonic mania shitposting for the time being, i wouldn't get used to good monhun threads yet


They do. There are different kinds of armor-- you have true superarmor which is what you are describing, and then friendly-fire armor. Go play GS and Lance while a longsword user is beside you attacking and see the difference. Trying to lance online in Tri was fucking suffering

this guy gets it

when are they going to update GS so it takes skill?

That's when you just start spamming charge until they fucking learn to give you some space under the monster's nuts

found the LS player

They actually made it easier with the new shoulder tackle shit. GS in a group doing consistent charges and not just unsheath attacks over and over takes pretty good knowledge of the monsters, but some of the stuff is silly. Of all the E-Z weapons though, GS is definitely not the easiest. It just happens to shit damage.

>insect glaive
>4U charge blade
>tri lance

its one of the hardest weapons to actually be proficient at because its extremely reliant on placement and reading monsters.

This nigga gets it

>mh4u's gp are coming back to worlds
This is the best timeline

Eh. Bow is way more difficult to get good times with. GS in a lot of the games benefits greatly from being able to flinch easily. I mean, I agree with you that you have to know monsters well-- you are way less mobile and the reliance on focus means you can't generally just use generic blademaster set, but GS is easier to do damn well with than several other weapons (gunlance, bow, HH)

Bow in mhw looks fantastic bro

Depends what you're doing. A pure Hit & Run Crit Draw build is pretty easy most of the time.

>Implying it's not Mustards

As soon as a franchise comes to PC, the threads go to shit. Sonic threads were great when it was just Sonybros, Xbots and Nintenbros playing the game and enjoying it.

The same thing will happen to us once the PC version hits.

I mained lance in Tri what kind of problems did you have you were gemmed for evade 2 right?

Honestly? Everything.

I use SnS

Longsword was at peak popularity and no lance pokes got armor so you were in a state of constant tripping from other players. It has nothing to do with your armor. They could literally stunlock you.

>implying I havent played every weapin for at least 15 hours

goddamn worldfags are even newer than I thought. I know you guys are finally putting down your FPS games and overwatch to give our game series a try finally but damn do you really have to be so obvious about it?

well you could play 3U
or the first game

Oh yeah I remember now. Then again I played solo alot of the time while helping friends now and again. I rarely encountered long swords unless I was using them for some reason like for cutting tails.

I've never been able to stick with gunner weapons before so I might pick one of those up. LBG looks rad.

As far as blademaster goes, I'll end up gravitating back to hammer like I always do, but I usually play a little bit of everything.

para sns is pretty good too if you got 2 para sns bros slicing ankles, hammer bro on head and gs bro on tail

Playing MHXX on switch right now and having a blast. I startrd over from low rank since I played 3ds mhxx for several hundred hours.

If anything, this is making me a little hype for world (of which I have had a negative opinion until now). Even if the monsters look more boring and the elder won't be near as cool as atoraru ka, plus no styles, I'm still doen for a massive change in the formula.

just dont like the casualization of gunner armor and the weak damage monsters do (maybe just the demo tho)

No fucking shit it's just the demo, they do this every time and morons always bitch about it.

All of the day, bro

Casualization of gunner armor how?

It's effectively the same thing, you just don't have to commit twice the parts if you dare to want to try out gunner weapons now.

I REALLY want to see my character this time...but I just can't walk away from Charge Blade.

>not making it a barrel bomb he's hitting

>Every so often have the desire to pop the original into my PS2
>Can't do the online content anymore without using a Gameshark

What weapon types used by other people online do you typically find you have the least problem hunting with and the most positive experiences with?

I've always wanted gun hammer to expand into its own weapon class.

You get 6 chambers to load in different ammo types that deposit guaranteed huge elemental or status damage, and every hammer can accept different kinds.

Without ammo, they do paltry damage and middling KO damage at best, so they're basically status depositors.

Greatsword and Bow/Gunners

Hunting horns. In my experience, no one uses a hunting horn unless they absolutely know what they're doing.

Pretty much this, along with maybe SnS or HH just because so few people play them. GS just can't fuck you up too much even if they are drooling retards (and it's a popular weapon for a lot of decent players)

Swag Axe all day erry day

This makes me want to try out hunting horn.

What gets me is just how slow some of the swings are vs the payout of damage. It's not a solo weapon at all, which is what compounds people not using it much. It isn't even a monster at KOing in XX-- SnS, Hammer, and CB all do it better.

>can hit head
>smash head real good
>crush head real bad
how cutting weapon even compete? ook ook
there anything hammer no do?

Stick with gunlance, enjoy the changes.

Reach a head on a tall monster. Cut tails. I love hammer but some fights are just ass because good luck getting head hits.

>16 player hunter hub
>tfw a shitter joins and posts his quest right away you can just ignore it without having to kick him and wait for another hunter to join

>better sns than sns
>better axe than switch axe
>better blocking than lance

>all those urgent spams in 4U

I want to forget but Jesus christ

W-will there be Guildmarm?