What are the worst redesigns in vidya history?

What are the worst redesigns in vidya history?

Picture very related

Can you give us a before/after for point of reference?

they gave her a manface


French womans looks like that though


Her old ult was so much more fun. They ruined her.


This is her current splash since they "fixed" it. It took multiple times to fix her face both ingame and the splash

Her kit was the problem. Her new kit is great. I love the way she plays now. I saw no reason to """"""""update""""""" her visuals at all. Her kit was all that needed work.

I just hate how there's such a disconnect between who players thought Fiora was and who Riot thought Fiora was. I saw Fiora as the young beautiful prodigy swordswoman. But apparently Riot thought she was an arrogant noble.

I looong fur a wurde oponant


>old ult
>just a carbon copy of juggernauts

They just gave her more angular features. I wouldn't really call them masculine features though.

This will always be my number one. What on earth were they thinking

>tfw teacher fiora will never step on you
Also man I'm glad I quit that shit game in the second half of season 3, every change I see seems to be for the sole purpose of running the game into the ground

R.I.P in peace BonerKing

Angular = masculine.
Feminine jaws have a soft, round line.

Shut your fucking face and post feet and dicks and boypucci



Angular and rounded are independent of masculine and feminine. Feminine jaws are narrower but they don't have to be rounded. I'm not super attracted to rounded features myself.

A lot of models etc have angular features and high cheek bones.

From this...


...to this

to this

If your only point of reference is anime, sure.

to donte?

>updating a new fucking champ like Fiora instead of old ones that actually need it like Fiddle/Amu etc.


Riot is the least deserving developer ever and every day League continues to print money is an unforgivable sin.

It is very very clear that no one still at the company gives two shits about how or why their game ever became popular in the first place, let alone what actually makes it good. Riot is the worst example I can think of when it comes to thinking complexity is equivalent to depth.

Nearly every champion rework just seeks to add as many unnecessary features to a character as possible, regardless of that character's identity or if it actually improves the gameplay. Every character needs to have some fucking minigame gimmick or some unique quirk to make them interesting, because they've boiled down the meta game to such a stale colorless paste that just playing League of Legends is no longer enough to keep even the most ardent fan's attention.

Point and click abilities aren't "skillfuil", every thing needs to be a skillshot. Every passive needs to be some ridiculous requirement to get an extra bit of bonus damage or health. Who cares if a kit actually bring an interesting new dimension to the game or actually opens up a new niche in the completely stagnant meta, just pump out another completely forgettable champ ridiculously over designed in every aspect from visuals to gameplay so we can put out a bunch of flashy videos showing a bunch of "complex" plays.

I have never seen a company so dedicated to making sure everyone sees their game as "competitive" and "skillful" to the detriment of everything else. It is bordering on absolutely pathetic how Riot is willing to throw everything good about what their game used to be into the trash to just have this ridiculous facade.

This game used to be kept alive by the love of the community, but now its just a husk kept on indefinite life support by chinese fun bucks and the most soulless e-sports league in the industry.

Fuck Riot.

A lot of this is true but even as somebody who hates Riot deeply, they have done some cool things.

URF was a good idea, and with a few tweaks can be a lot of fun. Doombots is a fun gimmicky mode too. Bard was a great champion release. Xayah/Rakan was an interesting concept executed decently. They've made incredible leaps in quality on the voice-actors (the most stark improvement in my opinion).

At the same time, they abandon and ignore and squander a ton of other opportunites. The 3v3 map, Fiddlesticks/Amumu/Mundo. Muh Magma Chamber, Still only 6 items? Took them years to fix their asstastic launcher. etc.

>What if we make a new skin for a champ that hasn't had any skin for years?

It's been more than 5 years since the last swain skin.

fuck riot games
they touched my nigga singed

t. assigned male artist

>lets make some changes tonold champions
>like NERFING anivia for no reason

>tfw 12000 games of league played
>tfw every champ you ever played got removed from the game aka reworked

rip warwic, sion, veigar, fiora

I'm not saying the reworks didn't make bbetter characters, just that the old ones are gone

Vlad/sion reworks are fucking great

lmao didnt they make him better


Bomberman Act Zero, obviously.

Yorick literally has not had a new skin since RELEASE.

What really sucks about it is that many older champs, particularly a lot of the melees without mobility, don't have options for dealing with half the bullshit the newer champions do, at least not by themselves.

Then Riot keeps removing game modes, while Dota has a ton of different maps. Rotating Game Modes are a joke.

Riot is a lazy and greedy company that's merely riding on the success of people (and fans) that actually put effort into the game almost half a decade ago.

>Every character needs to have some fucking minigame gimmick or some unique quirk to make them interesting
this started to be obvious to me in like 2010 or 2011 when I quit, which is why I started playing dota instead because sure they might not have the latest gizmos and doodads on each hero but they could just throw out a kit with
q: stun and move a guy w:chain lightning e:passive spell resist aura r: holy shit spell steal this changes everything



What the actual flying fuck is this what type of mentally damaged fuckhead thought this looked good what the FUCK I'm actually mad now

"Hey guys you know that badass gas mask

Both the old and th new designs are shit.

Warwicks rework is pure kino. Absolutely love him. Plus he looks beast.

kys brainlets
