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This isn't suprising
A lot of mods haven't been ported.


What's the difference between basic Skyrim and Special Edition?


>our game is about to get another release on another good guy console
>reddit is in development hell

all is good

SE has nomods due to no SKSE, but has better multithread CPU performance.

original skyrim has mods

Better performance and stability and slightly better visuals. Special Edition doesn't not have SKSE (3rd party program that allows mods to have more functionality) yet, so many mods have not yet been ported.


>not yet
skse 64 is never coming out


Special edition has some graphical updates and is available on ps4/xbone, it also lacks most mods because everyone on pc could already update their graphics with texture packs and no one want to convert mods 5 years later when everything was already on original

its really amazing how the witcher managed to have a worse combat system than skyrim. Truly impressive to be this fucking terrible.
Also the witcher 3 has no character creation no one new to the series wants to play that old coot and the world isnt even open

shit game the only thing of value if the card mini game i dont even remember its name


Can you please describe what it's like to be this autistic? I just want to know how it feels.


>A game for casuals being played by more people is a surprise.

Funny how everybody forgot about Mass Effect: Andromeda two weeks after it's release, but people still keep making The Witcher 3 threads after over two years since it's release.

>witcher is for le hardcore gaymer

LOL you believe this

The witcher is very story driven where skyrim is more "open world roleplay". The replayabilty of the witcher 3 is not very high. Skyrim will keep players till tes6 but the witcher will fall.


nice thumbnail stupid faggot

>Came out during the same year
>More people are still playing Fallout 4 over Witcher 3

Basically OP is a child that doesn't understand that Bethesda games (FO and ES in particular) are purchased for mods. They're not actually good games on their own. Furthermore I'm sure you're totally not googling the lyrics, you're probably just looking through the booklet that came with your dads CD.

Thats cause everyone hated andromeda, even most biodrones.
>tfw skyrim gets constant threads even after 7 years

So this is the deep and exciting gameplay of Shitter Pee the Bile Cunt. Damn.

I wonder who's behind this thread...

Soon I will have enough .webms to actually finish the song.

I completed witcher 3 on max difficulty, even though im old and my reflexes aren't that great. I can't even complete Dark Souls 3 dlcs without phantoms help, yet i've done witcher 3.

I don't think you understand. If a "gurl gamer" can play Skyrim on the hardest difficulty with apparent ease, the game clearly has some problems.

Go back.

are you saying that witcher hardest difficulty is hard ? LOL oh man youre really not helping your case over there

yeah no shit. Skyrim may not be the pinnacle of action RPGs but it's cetrainly better than clunker 3

Harder than Skyrim in all aspects.

>Can you please describe what it's like to be this autistic?
It means spouting "b-but muh GOTY" when your shit game is relatively a massive flop in a genre that is one of the biggest normie bait genre sever.

The Witcher 3 is certainly not hardcore either.

No it's not. You can't dodge all day long in Skyrim.

Imagine making daily threads at the same time about how much you hate the witcher 3.

OP is this sad.

meh i doubt it but even if true its by a tiny margin. sure as hell isnt enough to call skyrim ''casual'' and call witcher ''not casual'' which was your entire point

witcher 3 has no replay value
>no character creation
>50% of playtime is cutscenes
>"use your bat vision to follow the footprints and watch the peasant get cucked"
>combat is still shit 3 games later

i know right?
>Sup Forums in 2015 after witcher released
Complete shock and awe, admiration, half of threads were about how great is witcher 3
>Sup Forums Anno Domini 2017
One autist claims the witcher 3 is shit posting the same webms all over again

>your shit game
It's not "your" game though, it's a game you either did or didn't enjoy and had nothing to do with the development of, spamming random shit just makes you look like an autist

Witcher 3 combat is basically Soulsborne combat, just easier. I liked it.

Is this a reference to something, Sup Forums?

>threads filled with drones and shills
>threads no longer filled with shills, only a bunch of drones remain

Hmm, I wonder why the general "consensus" has changed?

>relatively a massive flop
Witcher 3 was nowhere near a flop by any metric.
You not liking the game doesn't make the game not-profitable.

i guess the shills budget is depleted

Skyrim has in-built infinite quests no matter how lame they may be and insane amount of mods. Witcher on the other hand only has material for two playthroughs at best, and even with that you have to go through lots of same interactions twice.
And honestly, Witcher really banks on the world design and story, gameplay isn't worth writing home about. So even if it did have infinite quests, I don't think people would keep playing it.

But I still think it is better than Skyrim.

Compelling argument you've got there, user.

So we can all agree skyrim is better then tw3 right?

Who the fuck gives a shit.

Honestly why is Witcher 3 so widely praised?

>Clunky controls
>Boring combat
>Literally fucking cut scenes when you want to trade with a merchant
>Obnoxious horse riding
>Every quest is follow the tracks/scent using your batman senses

Which one cost more to develop?


Wow some Skyrim shitter is REALLY butt blasted about his game being shit on for being garbage

Even the shittiest open world action game with sandbox elements is profitable. DAI is a very good example of this as it sold over 2 million copies on PC alone and it was blasted by a massive black PR campaign, propagated partially by GOGshills and Witcherdrones. Despite its massive hype, the Shitter 3 has sold like dogshit, compared to actually good games in the genre, you will just have to accept the truth, potatodrone.

Explain this



>106k comments total
>103k positive comments
>2.6k negative comments - though some of them are positive like "why are you reading negative comments? go buy this game right now!"

Find me a game with more ratio of positive/negative comments on steam, i dare you.

The more the contrarians push against Witcher 3, the more I like and praise it.

Explain further.

You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded. Not even the same user.

yeah we're really buttblasted about having our game surpassing yours even though 6 years

>the Shitter 3 has sold like dogshit
It hasn't sold like dogshit.
Unrealistic expectations doesn't make the sales shit, or Witcher 3 a flop.
Rather that than a fan of Bethesda, Jesus fucking Christ.

>m-muh GOTY
>it doesn't matter that nobody play my shit game, these meaningless GOTY titles awarded by literally who bums with no credentials are more important that people actually playing the game!
Like clockwerk.

You play through W3 and that's that, everyone who is interested in the game has already played it through.

Skyrim has enough mods to last for a lifetime.

>Rewarding the one single troll shitting up this thread with his shit bait with (You)s

Skyrim is a 6 year old game, that's been on sale dozens of times, sometimes for as low as $5.

Witcher 3 is less than 2 years old, still has recent expansions and has not gone on deep discount yet.

This is a really stupid comparison OP.

Just because McDonalds is more popular than In-N-Out doesn't mean it's better.

>our game

He isn't even trying to hide it

>Find me a game with more ratio of positive/negative comments on steam, i dare you.
Plenty of visual novels and niche games do that.

But that is due to people who buy them being people who already expect/know them to be to their liking.

Would The Witcher series be more popular if you created your own character?

>The Witcher 3 thread
>instant shitstorm

Ya earnd it, kid.

one has actual modding support and the other doesn't

I'm LMAOing at all your lives. Both games have their strengths and weaknesses, and I play/love them both.

Also, anyone who says W3's combat is bad is pretty much dumb as fuck. Sorry to say, lads.

>Skyrim is a 6 year old game
>Witcher 3 is less than 2 years old
And Skyrim still has more than twice the players.

Just because you think something is good doesn't mean your shit opinion actually matters.


People played through Witcher 3, there just isn't much replayability.
None of the replayability of Skyrim is from the game proper.
I guess 99% of singleplayer games are shit too because no one plays them anymore.

It would be more popular if it had pedo mods.

Sure. And if you could choose build. I mean, sword or crossbows or even magic. That would be awesome. Right now it's just sword spam no matter what you level.

Lol i'm actually impressed by the level of autism.

It would be more popular if it was easier to mod.

how will they ever recover lmao

Sales dont matter with this comparison. Tw3 wile good has no replablitly. Especially compared to Bethesda games.

>massive black PR campaign, propagated partially by GOGshills and Witcherdrones
Come the fuck on. EA didn't need any help ruining the PR of the game themself, and the Witcher 2 to Dragon Age 2 comparisons were pushed by game journos in same way that Dark Souls to Skyrim comparisons were.
>the Shitter 3 has sold like dogshit,
Over four million copies sold is good. Something selling insanely well doesn't render other good sales shit.
>compared to actually good games in the genre
What good games in the genre have sold better than Witcher 3?

Bethesda games by themselves have no replayability.
It all comes from the games being easy as shit to mod.

>What good games in the genre have sold better than Witcher 3?
Skyrim and all other games user can find that "prove his argument" even if they're not even in the same genre.

>b-but Skyrim has mods!
How is this a bad thing? Skyrim has mods because Bethesda has put a MASSIVE effort into creating an easy to use creation kit that is one of the most convenient and powerful official modding tools ever made. Just because the lazy shitters at CDPR can't make anything similar to the CK, doesn't mean Skyrim having CK is not a valid advantage.

>Sup Forums claims to hate Skyrim/Bethesda
>W3 comes out, gains popularity
>Sup Forums claims W3/CDPR sucks, and Skyrim is better
Really gets my noggin' joggin'.

>Bethesda releases game
>It's unplayable and broken as fuck
>Don't worry, someone will mod it!

>How is this a bad thing?
Not one person in this thread has said Skyrim having mods is a bad thing, just that that's the reason Skyrim has had such a long life, not because the game itself is good, but because there's a metric shit ton of mods for it.

>What good games in the genre have sold better than Witcher 3?
Skyrim and Oblivion, for starters. Both sold around 10 million or more.

>Bethesda using the same old piece of shit engine is a plus

Just wait until Cyberpunk comes out. Everyone will love it for a month or two and then it will be trash and TW3 will be good again. Damn it guys.

>Sup Forums bitches about Skyrim/Bethesda games being unfinished and require mods to make playable
>W3 releases
>Sup Forums claims mods/creation kit are a "powerful tool to extend the longevity and replayability of the game"
wew lad

>2.6k negative comments - though some of them are positive like "why are you reading negative comments? go buy this game right now!"
Why the fuck do people do this

Anons will never concede Witcher 3 being a good game, they'll compare Cyberpunk with Fallout 4 and praise the latter.

>mods/creation kit are a "powerful tool to extend the longevity and replayability of the game"
How are they not? Literally what is wrong with this statement?

Apart from a few autists like OP, nobody actually believes that. The Sup Forums hype train for Cyberpunk before even an actual trailer is released is unreal.

>massive black PR campaign, propagated partially by GOGshills and Witcherdrones
What the fuck are you on about? Nobody is arguing that Skyrim having mods is unfair advantage or some shit, it contributes to insane replayability that the game has.
Why do you think people aren't replaying Witcher 3? Because there is nothing worth replaying, at least now while game is still fresh on people's minds.