
Gameplay looks fun.
Was a good thread with minimal shitposting about it yesterday.

Other urls found in this thread:

I pre-ordered it. Dishonored hasn't done me wrong yet.

the 2 was kinda disappointing for me kinda short and the motive of the MC didn't work as well as the first one
emily's power are kinda cool

What happened to corvo

2 had a weaker setting and plot, but it was better than Dishonored 1 in every other department, I thought.

He's protecting Emily while she happily reigns. This is a story about Billie and Daud going after The Outsider in the meantime.

>bethesda shills still trying
You guys are the reason why Sup Forums and video games are cancer

yeah probably but i played the second one on ps4 and it kinda hurt the experience imo

Playing Dishonored with a controller is a terrible idea. Blink and Hook require too much precision.

yeap but my little bro bought it on ps4
and it was running badly on pc at first so it didn't seems to be worth buying on pc at the time

Is this a prequel to 2 or a sequel, or is it running at the same time


I'm guessing it's a sequel that's following directly on Billie's ending slide (assuming you don't kill her)

so progressive that they made her that ugly

Yeah, I'm real worried about how my character looks like in a FPS game too.

Havent finished Dishonored 2 yet :/

Gotta finish my high chaos run

I seriously never play games with niggers on them


"taking care" of his daughteru now they both have worldbending powers for some crazy caretaking

Why does this nignog have white people hair?

That's sad

Can't the Outsider just kill them by thinking about it?
I mean the Outsider literally has to want to be killed if Billie and Daud want to succeed.

They have bullshit time travelling powers, so all logic is out of the window.

by grace of the outsider.

Still why kill him, he is just some trickster god that gives powers to some key people to see how they would react.

But all magic comes from the Void, which is controlled by the Outsider. Why would he give them powers to kill him if he doesn't want to die?

He did give powers to Daud and Delilah. Dishonored 1 and 2 wouldn't have happened without him. Basically, Daud feels remorseful for killing the Empress and feels like he's justified in killing the Outsider for the troubles he's created.


>give powers to someone
>he abuses them
>wow even though I used them to kill the fucking empress somehow that is his fault

I imagine this is shit that will be explained better in the game, but my guess is that there's some sort of supernatural black market for the Void. For example, I do remember reading about actual witches that have great powers and weren't at all related to Delilah or Granny Rags. Was The Outsider behind those witches too? Or is there some sort of back entrance.

He did give them to Delilah too. The point is that the fact The Outsider gives powers to people that can abuse them is the problem to begin with. He doesn't care and just wants to see interesting shit happen, but there are deaths by the hundreds to provide him entertainment.


It seems some void powers can be harnessed by people not touched by the outsider. And the witches in D2 also seem to be gaining more power with their own magic, even though its a lot more complicated than that of people touched by the outsider

I don't want to play it because I killed her in my playthrough of the first game's DLC. I only accept my version of the things that occurred.

>Playing as a bisexual black amputee

Played fine for me. maybe you're not used to using a controller enough

>Samefagging this hard for (You)s
w e w

t. *smacks lips*

You do realize that that picture has much more niggers that know the answer and only one that doesn't. so whatever you want the image to imply probably doesn't work




sure man


Bitch is dead in my book, Harvey. She can stay on boat for all I care. But making whole standalone dedicated to literally who tier character - no. Fuck off with that shit.

>Picture evidence

>smug anime face
like pottery

I hope Sokolov is back in it somehow.

Nah, Sokolov went to Tyvia.

>No retort
Spun on a fucking wheel, user

>Gameplay looks fun

No offense, but the player choices don't really matter to the story, I mean, the canon ending is the medium chaos one in both games and that you spared daud and billie lurk

>high chaos not possible since black people dindu anything.

Billie Lurk is a piece of shit and the game acknowledges as much.

>tfw sokolov starts judging me for self defense when he fucking experimented on people

I know, I'm saying this game follows the canon where you don't kill Billie

>Death of the Outsider
What, you trying to kill the guy that's the source of your power? Or are you just gonna travel back in time with some popcorn and watch some kid getting sacrificed and turn into the Outsider?

>What, you trying to kill the guy that's the source of your power?
Yeah, he's the source of the power for the villains too.

>Or are you just gonna travel back in time with some popcorn and watch some kid getting sacrificed and turn into the Outsider?
That would be a cool non-chaos way of doing it. Stop the ritual from happening so that The Outsider isn't born.

Don't bother trying to understand, it's a retcon so they can fit their lesbian niggress into a game in a last gasp before their shitty SJW studio collapses in on itself.

>you trying to kill the guy that's the source of your power?
Actually Billie's powers in this come from ancient artifacts

Why do black people say 'Axe' instead of 'Ask'?

Sup Forumstards have shit taste in vidya. Who would have thought?

Yeah, because its a retcon in the name of "diversity"

Go shill your shitty progressive game on neogaf faggot

The retcon isn't on the fact Billie Lurk is the main character. It's on the fact that people are killing The Outsider.

>Implying you have ever played the Dishonored games
>Implying you have any fucking clue what you're talking about

I mean, Time Travel is a part of the series, so prehaps you are literally creating a retcon by going back to stop the Outsider from ever existing?

Yeah, the only question is how they have that power to begin with and why The Outsider doesn't stop them.

Whenever you make that thread, you need to automatically dismiss any user jumping ont he occasion to go full retard with the" NIGGER WE" overused meme bullshit.
Dishonored 1 was a great unexpected game when it came out.
Dishonored 2 received less favorable reviews due to a very poor PC port and a somehow less interesting plotline, but it was other than that a truly great enhancement of the first game. The universe is amazing, graphics are good, the gameplay is still just as great and the even improved a few things that felt perfectly logical.
Based on that and all memes asides, if you liked the previous installments there's absolutely NO reason you shouldn't like that one.
I, for sure will play it ASAP.

>He says, while retconning the post he's replying to to fit his personal agenda into he's reply

I believe it's stuff relating to the void.
For example, i'm pretty sure the sword Billie has was the one used in the ritual 400 years ago to create the outsider.

butthurt nigger detected

Go fuck yourself nigger lover.

Nobody is going to buy your nasty ugly negress game, nobody is going to support the obvious retonning of the Dishonored universe or the pathetic time traveling negro storyline.

Than you for your input, a (You) has been deposited into your Sup Forums gold member account.
> namecalling
doesn't disprove any of my points.

You certainly aren't, considering you know nothing about Dishonored and are only here to shitpost. Lurk some more and maybe you'll be able to convincingly pull the "Dishonored fan" card in a few threads.

Not black or whemen enough.

Oh great, SJWs strike again and ruin another game.

*smacks lips*
*retracts arm shank*
*decapitates and pouts a 40*
*takes welfare*

>I was all for more Dishonored, but a black woman? Nah, fuck that
The state of Sup Forumstards


>preordering in 2017
>even after seeing disaster after fucking disaster preorder situations

Dishonored 2 would've been so much better without a voiced protagonist. He was just cringey.


I have never pre-ordered a game I regretted playing. I only pre-order good shit.

Trying to discuss games while the underage hoard of redditor retards in the US are awake is like running at a group of cops with a loaded gun pointed at them fully expecting to come out the other end with no bodily harm. It just doesn't work.

why support the practice at all?

Because there's no difference between pre-ordering or buying at day one to play as soon as the game is out. I'm not waiting around to play games I'm looking forward to.

>playing as a man

Including non white males in videogames is evidence of SJWs run amok

I only can identify with MCs that look identical to me

Its not the race persay, it's the fact that an SJW touched it

If black people really want to fix their problems they should only focus on black on black crime. But if i want to fix my problems, i should post about the skin color graphics on the fictional characters inhabiting the fantasy world in my digital copy of a videogame that i will probably never play. Blacks Lives Matter need to examine their priorities. Gamergate is the real issue.

This is a prequel

This. Sup Forums has literally no arguments ever. hate facts have no place in our free society.

10 years ago I'd buy it if it got good reviews. Now reviews are trash and I can't risk even a slim chance of monetarily supporting sjw bullshit, since that character looks like the type they love. (Ugly hair, ugly face, black). Pirate it is.

>pretending to be a woman on the internet

Is this a double falseflag, or are you just really bad at convincing people your strawman exists?

Where the fuck have you heard a black person say axe before?

>implying playing as a girl makes you a girl

It's even funnier because this is unironically true.

>playing as a woman

Has the performance improved at all? Dishonored 2 is really fun so far but dealing with drops to 10fps all the time and massive load times is really irritating

>not wanting to roleplay as a woman who is willing to murder half the world just to get daddy's cock back

Which of those points is a strawperson

I don't even care that's she's a nigger, but why did they have to make her butt ugly?

>Admitting you've drank so much of the Sup Forumstard kool-aid you'll deny buying a decent game because REEEEEEEEEEEE BLACKS!!!! WOMEN!!!! FUCKIN' SJWS!!!!!
There is no hope left for this generation.

The combination of them all put together, idiot.