Naughty Gods
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why is it so blurry?
To hide shitty texture and lack of a proper AA.
That thicko is ready for my dicko.
this is the normal ps4
So.... this is the power.... of the... ps1
Yea it looks better than anything on pc anyway
>looks better than anything on pc anyway
Stop or you'll trigger the mustards and endless flood of Crisis 1 shots accompanying their delusions.
I love how short and thick Chloe is in this game.
really make you think.
>being this impressed by a bunch of lod models
If they remove Nadine and that shitty pop song in the ending, I might buy it.
What do you think I'm trying to do :^)
>Sup Forums gets triggered by a PlayStation exclusive
Wow, never seen that happen before.
Thats the actual level you retard. It's from the openworld segment
You missed the point entirely.
Can they carry another sequel? They have good chemistry
Level of Distance models are low-poly models with flat textures that use fancy tricks to give them depth.
Usually to make them you render a frame of the real level geometry with the lowest possible poly count.
I'm retarded and said Level of Distance when I meant Level of Detail.
Fucking kill me.
>thinking I care about your point
All I care about is laughing at your jaded life you furry fuck
>playing fps games in the year of our lord 2017
You must be a brainlet, cause only a sub human cuckold would play such a shit tier genre.
Each and every multiplat on the PC looks much better than this blurry, washed out piece of trash.
>talks shit about fps trash while playing third person cinematic trash
Perhaps. I just don't enjoy generic third person shooters that have wayyyyyyy too emphasis on telling on story.
>>playing fps games in the year of our lord 2017
>You must be a brainlet, cause only a sub human cuckold would play such a shit tier genre.
Nu-Sony fans, everyone.
Do it yourself faggot
You almost tricked me into thinking you were intelligent, but I'm afraid I have to disregard your opinions entirely.
Climbing looks terrible
>Wojack poster
>shitposts on Sup Forums
>praises cinematic games
neo-Sup Forums
Get Nadine out of there and is gold, Sam is great.
That holster is fucking stupid. There is no comfortable way to draw that gun.
Its real
30 or 60 fps?
eh.. doesn't matter. anything below 120 is too pleb for me at this point.
Ya stick to whatever garbage you backed on early access
he never said it wasn't real. he said it was fucking stupid.
Fake. PS4 doesn't have 1080p
I think you replied to the wrong post senpai.
This is why threads about this game will never be anything but shitposting threads.
ITT: Butthurt PC fags
what the fuck, this is horrible
Says the faggot who plays cinematic third person corridor shooters
more like "turd" person am I right folks?
>butt hurt SJW subhuman shil FAG
I like the coloring but hardly impressive.
ND and Sony have been doing this for years
All the screenshots from the PS4 "source" are all higher quality than the actual game.
Actual PS4 games are blurry fucking messes that only half blind console babies can think look good.
Looks like a painting
right? who the fuck cares about actual gameplay nowadays, things need to be more cinematic
UC4 has always looked weird to me. It looks too soft, if that makes sense. It's kind of going for a realistic art style but at the same time it's colorful as fuck and everything looks like it's made from playdough or something. In the end it ends up looking really, really weird.
Real talk though, this is incredibly blurry and ugly. Pretty sure the main game looks better in similar vistas.
looks like dogshit
Maybe i should get a Ps4 after all
It's your shit TV, faggot. I play pS4 Pro on an OLED and ND games all look amazing. Stay mad though.
God of War may be the only game on that list worth playing, wait until it's out.
Nd is ahead of the holy industry, nd games looks like a painting, the art style is incredible, for some reason reminds me zbotw
disable the motion blur = happiness forever #motionblursucks
sony fanboys keep pretending like photo mode doesn't do this
well they're all retards anyway so maybe they genuinely can't tell the difference
I read somewhere that ND paints your textures by hand, maybe this explain
Any more Chloe ass pics?
because a third person shooter riddled with auto aim and "platforming" sections where the character does all the jumping and timing for you is so much better
that game is insultingly dumb. they really didn't try shit for the puzzles and battles. And the AI shits the bed all the fucking time. Hard to believe this was made in a post Metal gear solid era
Not everyone is fat
I want to cum inside Chloe's asshole
So is it good? I heard they have a new writer.
Her ass isn't fit anymore, it's just fat and old now.
would what you anons rate this ass ?
>I heard they have a new writer.
Sure is video games, faggot.
3.rd person view in a nature setting is all they have in common. What's so bad about that?
Writing and pacing has always influenced the gameplay and overall experience due to the structure of this series.
painting *-*
got the full webm?
It's dependent on the game, but you wouldn't care.
HZD for example has no special effects in Photo Mode except for the option to add DoF and instagram filters.
Can you imagine how TLOUP2 is gonna looks? This scares me just to think about it
You do realize the game was made using a pc right?
Meanwhile on pc
yikes please tell me this is low settings
too much brown
>hey, look the ancient city
>see the statue? you can climb it!
>where is the city?
>down this corridor
>it's a dead end
>but drama cutscene and fake puzzles!
fuck, ROTR glacier city looks more amazing by the year.
it is, also wasnt this an ass thread? fucking pubg shitposters i swear
it is also closed beta
rotr-kun do you have some panorama shots?
valley entrance,glacier and the library would be nice