Post your favorite jobs and why.
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playing FFXIV is a job and it fucking sucks
>Most casual MMO ever
>A 'job'
>waaah it's too much of a job
>waaah it's too casual
Goes to show ff14 strikes the perfect balance and why it's the up and coming mmorpg right now
Cause i feel like there's always something i can do to improve. I like that each fight's blm "rotation" is a puzzle in its own
drg but i main drk now
Monk, because punching things is fun
I'm dont have any friends to do Savage with but i've done all the EX Primal stuff a bunch and im bored of grinding tomes and rouletttes
What other content is actually worth doing outside of PvP?
I've got the glamours i want, i'm buying a house when the new patch hits, i've levelled my Squadron up to Level 40 (doesn't seem like there's new content to do for them though)
Is levelling up Retainers worth it at all? Anima weapon? How about Treasure Hunting? Hildebrand Quests?
You don't need friends to do Savage, just patience
def not mch
Machinist, Stormblood made it shit so fuck me I guess.
My favorite job is potato because I want to fuck one
go back to xivg and stay gone
Bard since day one baby, I just like bows, glad to see that for I dont know many years I've had a guaranteed spot in every fucking raid :^)
>waaah it's too casual
Are you a legit retard? What made you think that's what I was trying to say? In the grant total of 7 fucking words, where does it say or even IMPLY any whining about how casual it is?
Do i swap to machinist from DRG/SAM
SAM? no, you'll always be fighting for a spot against the millions of other SAMs
DRG, maybe, you wont have much competition so its reasonable to play. both MCH and DRG are pretty rare and well liked
Warrior. Fell cleave and storms eye are still the coolest looking animations that any melee job has
Though having a lightning bolt strike your sword during Requiescat Highlander style is sick as fuck.
god i wish she would punch me in the dic
Both are braindead combo classes. SAM was built specifically for the gamepad. I have not managed a single good combo setup that felt good juggling the 3 main combos with kb+m.
Gekko combo = 1 2 3
Kasha combo = 1 s2 s3
Yukikaze combo = s1
That's 4 keys to do all 3 combos user and they're all within about 5cm of each other
- fun in dungeons
- doesn't have to autistically remember a long rotation. but in exchange you still have to autistically remember everything in each fight
- aether manip is one of the most fun skills in the game
- adds replayability value because with BLM you have to relearn the fight
- skills have amazing impact and sound effects
- good, intuitive flow but isn't static
- 10s gap closer/disengage so it's mobile as fuck
- most other jobs build gauge up and blow it in one go after a while, so those still feel like glorified cooldown timers. SAM does it in smaller amounts and it feels more like an actual resource.
- damage boost + slow wind up to a gigantic dick hit is always the most satisfying shit you can do in a video game
- shinten is the most fun ogcd in the game
- never not have something to do. can generate dps during downtime, can respond to raidwide damage
- good aesthetics. many of the weapons aren't a bunch of spiky overdesigned shit. the mocaps are have weight and impact and some of the least flashy in the game. satisfying sound effects
I love DRG, was a DRG main all through Heavensward, but I switched to NIN for this raid tier.
I like NIN, but it's not as fun to me as DRG, I miss it.
>tfw SAM and having major issues with uptime
How do I force myself not to stop pressing shit when I fucked up or missed a positional even though I know it's not as bad as the other melees to miss a positional as SAM
There's also my bad positioning and my spilling spaghetti all over the arena whenever the boss jumps or teleports but that's a whole other issue.
crippled whore
because its easy
it's actually just as bad to miss positionals as any other. you will lose 60-160 potency depending on what that 5 kenki is going to
in worse cases you will arrive at midare, or god fucking forbid, higanbana, with 15 kenki
>dzemael hold
>in less than 30mns
BRD is my first job that I got to 70, and currently I have DRK at 68. However, from the little that I've played of it, NIN is my favourite job out of them all. What do Sup Forums? Should I drop BRD?
is SMN fun?
>Level DPS
>Smooth sailing. Massive damage output means quick runs
>Level healer
>Get stuck with shitty tank? Whatever, heals so strong it doesn't matter.
>Get stuck with shitty DPS? Meh, as if they do much damage anyway!
>Can often match DPS in AoE
>Do at least 60% of a good DPS's output
>Level tank
>Get stuck with shitty DPS
>Get stuck with shitty healer
>Go full DPS stance and it's still not enough of a DPS boost to account for DPS doing half the damage they should be, or a healer doing nothing at all
not even SMN players think it's fun
there's complex and there's buttfuck retarded. though XIV is a game that designs both of these hand-in-hand
>started game as SCH, played it exclusively from ARR until SB rape
>figured Sup Forums was exxagerating about the netflix healer/no dps healer meme
>found out i was fucking wrong
holy fucking shit
play bard because I can actually move and shoot
Started the game as a whm, fell in love with healing (though I'll never ever touch sch). Got whm up to 70, now I'm getting an ast up to 60 so I can start on SB. This class is fun as fuck, bros. The job quests are nothing but skipped cutscenes because the characters are all boring as fuck but everything having to do with stars and constellations is cool. I love passing out buffs and taking time to plan out how I'm going to use each card I draw.
You can most likely clear v1.0-v3.0 if you're patient and willing to learn
this, and i can never get tired of that pic
Stay away, wish I didnt waste my jump potion on arcanist. SMN is not fun because you have to work 10 times harder just to output as much damage as any other job. It's not even the least bit rewarding because of how crappy it is.
>use devotion
>healer is in melee range so healer gets it
>move pet to melee spot
>melee moves tank or healer gets it
>accidentally use aetherflow right before DWT
its the only one i have found in the game that i actually enjoy. I think im retarded.
Any roleplayers here play AST? I wanted to try it after looking up the arcana, but every description I've found hasn't been clear. What does the Ewer mean?
How's this game work again?
I had a max level Summoner on A Realm Reborn ages ago. Appears I have to buy Stormblood to play.
I just started another character with a free trial. Should I just start from scratch?
paladin because it's the only job i'm good at
if i could choose to be good at any one job tho it'd be WHM because it's what i find most fun to play
>clear O4S in a Chaos PUG
Well ain't that a fucking Christmas miracle it's like my namedays all came at once
is anyone else annoyed by the slashing sounds from some SAM skills? it just feels so out of place
fwip fwip
I like spears and lances, and I adore the concept of a class whose entire shtick is sick jumps rather than some fancy magic.
I miss Heavensward WAR
Im more annoyed at all the effects, like it feels like im playing some type of frost swordsman instead of samurai. I dont mind having cool effects but i dont like the current ones
But user, the whole point of HWs story was to stop war.
Go back to DRG, they got rid of the autistic requirement to keep up BotD, its easy as fuck now
for me it's astro
retainer as a gatherer, is it worth it?
Maybe Midare is a bit loud and made me permanently reduce sound effects volume to 70%, but I forgive it whenever it direct crits
Kasha, Shinten, Seigan and Ageha are all manly sounds. Decisive, not really loud and go perfectly with the direct crits
If anything I'm glad it didn't abuse the cliche SCHHHHHHHHHHHWING sound at every opportunity. Western shit would force that sound down your throat EVERY. FUCKING. SWING.
It's not there to be cool. It has to be there to complete the setsugekka motif. I actually liked the way the floor slowly freeze; looks better than all of BLM's snappy freeze spells
And outside of the particle effects i'd say it's samurai and realistic enough. The mocap work is ungodly and free of overly acrobatic feats
Shitty game
nah, unless you feel like experiencing the ARR story again. also if you get stormblood, you get heavensward too so there's that
Great DPS with epic movement options. Makes it so falling off the stage/getting hit by AoE only happens if you're retarded/miscalculated the jump.
Effortless DPS
>Kasha1 2 3
>Gekko 1 4 5
>Yukikaze 1 F
Wew, so hard
Nerd, that's the best part.
Too many RDMs around, really hard to get groups.
Should I switch to DRK, AST, DRG or NIN?
>that incredible feeling when the party makes it through GCO unscathed at 49% and you know this is going to be the one
>- shinten is the most fun ogcd in the game
That's not Kuyten, user.
SAM AoE rotation is the most fun AoE I've encountered in this game.
MCH because it's fun and flashy.
>mfw DRGbros are dead
>no battle litany/disembowel
Fuck you SAM bandwagon
>great dps
Uh, did somthing change this patch? I thought they were in the shed
>in worse cases you will arrive at midare, or god fucking forbid, higanbana, with 15 kenki
>use Hakaze to gain 5 Kenki so you can Kaiten
>the most fun AOE
Can't hear you over the sound of my FOUL THUNDER 4 FLARE FLARE FLARE THUNDER 4 FOUL
Waaah. I can't be lazy and bad without being called out on it.
How did they change it? I hadn't been paying attention to changes.
Do you want to forever be a MT?
Do you like giving buffs and being the worst healer in PvP?
Do you want to be the one person who gets made fun of if their dps is not great?
Do you want to be a weeb people bring for Trick Attack?
DRG got gud in 4.05/4.06. The ones doing low DPS are scrubs who accidentally B4B/DS before their DoT
GSM because I like making a fuckton of money I'll never spend on anything except material for making more money.
I'd Litany you, user. Maybe even give you the Eye if you're real nice.
>fun is subjective
Once you master it and you master boss timings is so fucking fun to use your two mobility skills to do mechanics while still doing amazing dps. Also it's classy as fuck.
>Do you want to forever be a MT?
Why would you level a tank if all you want to do is to be a shitty DPS with no responsibilities?
Summoner is the only job in the shed. Machinist isn't fun to play but they can match Bard in dps and they're part of the meta comp.
what does black lives matter have to do with ffxiv????
>Spending money on Materia
I guess you hadn't been doing your beast tribes, user.
WHR. It's a pretty decent gil intake but it gets a bad rep in the community and you get talked down in instances a lot. The rotation is a lot of fun and requires you to be flexible.
>Spending money on Materia
I guess you haven't been doing your homework, user.
You miss spamming one combo over and over? At least SB War has some tactics and thought put into it vs. spam storm's eye and and 3 fell cleave+fracture berserk. I swear shitters have swamped War since HW when it became the needed tank and now all they do is complain now that there is a miniscule amount of thought put into our rotation.
Thanks bro, I'll give ya Hypercharge in return.
>Machinist isn't fun to play
For you.
Your mom's job is tickling my balls.
Let's talk about the real issue. When will elezen be made to look not retarded?
I guess you haven't been reading things correctly because I said nothing about materia.
Kyuten is just the aoe version of shinten and you aren't exactly weaving it user
Also I agree with this nigga , BLM aoe is more fun when you manage to pull it off but fuck you yoshi for designing trash pulls that can be evaporated with one dps and a healer
SAM aoe is up there though, having to run around to catch everything inside the cone/circle, and charged tenka goken is literally a stronger flare that takes 2s to cast
Why are you guys still subbed to this game every month when there's nothing left to do.
>Kyuten is just the aoe version of shinten and you aren't exactly weaving it user
Yes, I know, and you weren't talking about weaving.
Kyuten is objectively more fun than Shinten.
It starts at 20s when you activate it and after LotD dies.
Plus DRG is getting appreciated more often lately if only for being a BL whore so statics are seeking them.
Cool mount they will give to people that subbed for 3 months.
My static. We've almost got v4s down. We're not the best group obviously but it's fun raiding with them.
I have an entire expansion to go through, savage content to get shit on by, and EX primals to farm. That's all on top of the many jobs I haven't tried yet.
Shinten weaving is the core usage of it, you don't talk about Shinten in any other context
Legacy account, and I don't want to lose my large personal house because SE are jews.
That and $10 a month is nothing to me
Okay autismo.
i don't know why i offended you but ok
OT also has responsibilities.
>Get adds
>Be ready to grab boss during swaps/if the MT is a dead scrub
>Be mindful of CDs
>Be mindful of surroundings; You're expected to be the 2nd in command for your party
> Deal Damage without stealing aggro
This game is pure shit and it literally makes you dumber for playing it. Adjusting to the 3 second global cooldown rapes your reaction time because you become accustomed to everything operating at a snails pace. Quest and map markers have been proven to reduce your grey matter and problem solving abilities. Every job is a snoozefest you can learn in about 5 minutes or less. Repetitive, mindless content is the endgame, omega savage is a joke. Every boss mechanic in the game is brightly telegraphed so there's no possibility of failure. Quit this fucking shit game before your brain is completely rotted into nothing.
FSH has a Whaler job stone? How do you get it?
Friends, RP, and this .
There's little things I'm casually chasing on the side too, like 1mil MGP. Those chocobos won't ride themselves!
I was only pretending to be retarded.