Other urls found in this thread:
Anything in Danganronpa
when western devs suddenly turned into free speech hating communists ~2008
When your mother told me she was preggo
The one in Bionic Commando remake, it's one of the most retarded things ever written but that only makes it so much more awesome.
Turns out that grandma you were helping was actually the internet in human form.
It was all a dream.
Wait. What?
>Creator is totally not some neckbeard nerd, but actually some handsome, extremely powerful god-like man that is able to do all tons of shit.
The game is just a "game creators are much better than you, oh we are so lovely" jerkfests.
I don't think this can ever be topped.
I used to read Word Up magazine
Bayonetta. What a mess.
You, the player is Big Boss
Crucible kid from ME 3
What the fuck were they thinking
nier's omg the monsters r human t__t
>im big boss, and you are too
Bioshock Infinite
Nobody ever saw this coming
that isn't a remake
>it was all a simulation
would have been cool if the only way to unlock the secret ending was to get big boss ranking
>You are me
>Also this whole plot was meaningless
Have to go with this. It would have been fine if the endings were all generic and I wouldn't care but this fucking nonsense pissed me off. They could have just left the topic open and not try to explain why the reapers are trying to kill advanced races, fuck even a simple Matrix type "they harvest us for energy" would have been fine. But no they went full retard and ruined everything. Also why the fuck did the Protheans - The 50000 years old extinct race that was hyped up for 2 games had to just be a generic passive aggressive humanoid bug that understands English and cries about shit constantly. Fuck BioWare seriously.
ding ding, we have a winner!
There were no druids
tyrone pls
>Final Fantasy XIII-2
>one of the characters in the game say "If you change the future, you change the past"
I was just about to say, Danganronpa 1 is great up until they twist it up and make it a shitfest. Danganronpa 2 suffers from being Danganronpa 2 as a result because the exact same happened. It was fine util it opened up and then it wasn't.
And Danganronpa V3? My fucking god that shit was just plain weak.
Yeah, Big Boss actually being Chris Redfield didn't make that much sense
>The ending was never a game
Let me ask you a very fair question. Do you understand what communism actually it is? If so, how does comment make any sense at all?
FFVIII's "We all grew up in the same orphanage but forgot" wasn't the first reply or isn't mentioned at all?
Wow, Sup Forums really has changed.
>communism is freedom
Xenogears in its entirety.
When everything becomes a twist with no buildup to it or anything, twists cease becoming twists.
metal gear solid 3
>Le would you le kindly Xddd
Political Correctness is communism for the 21st century
Educate yourself moron
You could have just said no
would you kindly?
That actually has nothing to do with communism, lmao. Do you really not understand what communism is, or is politics just a series of edgey buzz words to you?
I created the Reapers to enslave and destroy all alien races because you are all bad and I want a fucking utopia without wars and shit.
Woah, so deep.
hi leftypol how's the culture war going? not so good last I heard
Totally ruined Indigo Prophecy
Unironically this. I remember feeling disgust and loathing for Japanese storytelling tropes and then shame for having played the game that far.
You're required to undo everything you accomplished throughout the game in order to let the bad guy win and save an unlikeable bitch
Fuck I hated Prince of Persia 08
When it turned out that the original Earth has been destroyed thousands of years ago so the faggots decide to call their new home Earth because they gay.
Succubus is used to weed out and kill men who are not committed because they are not making children.
>This little guy that been following you around is actually Light Gaia a primordial entity from the dawn of time and the incarnation of light, day and rebirth that has been in an eternal conflict with Dark Gaia to protect the planet since the earth's beginning
what the fuck sega
he said worst
I actually liked it because it made the opening segment of the game sort of a microcosm of the whole thing. I also really like that they close the game out with one last morality test to make it just a unclear whether you've actually escaped the simulation or if you're just on yet another level of it.
The whole "it was all a dream" ending is frustrating but I think it was at least handled well.
wife arm
That time they talk to the player
But that was pretty good actually
fucking Sup Forums
It was basically just the same twist as MGS2 just done with a positive tone rather than one that ridicules the player.
That one is pretty decent, and too damn dark for a kid friendly game.
There are a lot of little hints in the game that make that ending even better.
The alternative ending fucking sucks tho.
1. Something being a social construct doesn't make it not real
2, Egalitarianism recognized individual difference in ability, it's about hierchy
3. Liberal position, not leftist
4. What
5. Huh
6. What
7. Dictatorship IS bad
8. Claim is not leftist
9. Nazi's are Nazi's, not all Republicans
10. Dumb fucking argument, so tired. Just because you participate in a system it doesn't mean you cannot criticize it
11. Leftists thought that one was evil too
12. No leftist makes that counterclaim
13. Depends on the islamist group but typically, no
14. All Republicans are so stupid or will fully cruel. Also most leftists aren't fond of Obama and criticize him plenty
15. I don't know what stick it to the man means in this
16. Not a real claim, criticism would be held for specific view points and overreach into gov
17. Is honkey a "slur"? Lol
18. How in gods name is flat tax fair?! Lmao
19. Hence why you can't abort post viability. If you want to talk about governmental overreach, few things are as gross as their repeated attacks on the reproductive Rights of an individual
20. Actual claim is we need clean energy/ energy independence. Carbon tax is important because corps should pay for essentially borrowing from future generations with dirty energy
21. It doesn't, and it does definitely white nationalism
22. Why would you be against this?
23. It wouldn't make sense if we lived in a vacuum, but we don't
Also, this list barely mentions the most important beliefs of leftists. A couple ok points but mostly I rate this as trash/10
would you kindly?
what were they thinking-tier
>random NPC is secretly a god
>the main antagonist up to that point is actually your father that got transformed into a cat because you were afraid of cats due to childhood trauma
It's awful because there is no build up to that, you don't care about your father and Lynx stopped being important for some time. It's a twist that makes little sense and it's the opposite of being dramatic.
It wouldve been better if that was just the end of it. Remember the rest of the game and how shitty and forced it was.
Or the fact that you meet you're kid self in the future
Fahrenheit with its over the top supernaturality. It went into wrong direction imo.
>My motives, they're COMPLEX, MORTY!
>I'm gonna shoot this dog now Morty, st-*brauaurp* stand back so you- so you don't get any DOG GUTS on your shirt Morty!
>You don't have free will Morty, God doesn't exist though I just mind-hacc you!
What game?
>We're releasing a new game and you'll never guess what it is
Yakuza 4
still a great game tho desu
Entirity of Yakuza series past 2, but most specifically 4.
What game are you referring to
Ryu ga Gotoku
No one expected it.
Got here before me. No other plot twist can compete with aliens randomly coming in 70% into the game to explain every single mystery the game worked so hard to build up.
Aeris dies
>when you keep telling yourself this year can't be as bad as the previous one but it just keep getting worse
Put your bet on next year problems
oh shit I though this was Sup Forums
battlestar galactica
That is actually one of the better twists. Earlier in the game Cait Sith dies, but comes back so player is left thinking "oh, I guess death doesn't matter in this game."
Then Aeris dies, and she's gone for real. No coming back.
>You were frozen for a long time again the 2nd time, Morty!
>Your son is much older now and not a *braaaap* baby anymore, Morty!
>Gods not real Morty!
>Your son is the head of a- of a terrorist organization Morty!
>Now nuke everyone because that's badass and gods not real Morty!
>god is not real morty
I can never tell if it's a meme or triggered people
>This retard doesn't know how to save Aeris
Star Ocean 3 has a bad one apparently, I never got that far though
>the villain you were trying to catch was you all along :^)
Kurono Kurosu
How was that a twist?
Wait, even the teacher? That doesn't make much sense.
I mean, I understand not recognizing some people from your childhood