Be localization team

>be localization team
>get tasked with adapting korean moba for the west
>decide to piss off whatever niche the game would've had by covering up the anime tiddies
Why do game companies kill off their niche games before they're even released?

it works for nintendo

ninteniggers would kill their mothers if reggie told them too. A literally who kr moba doesn't have that ability.

If that's all you care about then why play the game? Just get pictures of the characters and fap to them and be done.

they are only adapting to American values.

It's not the tits, user. It's the principle. I don't want to support a game that cares more about appeasing people who don't play the game over those that do.

Do Westaboos throw tantrums when Japan ports our games to their country and censor the violence?


Outraged weebs generate more publicity

>except the freedom to have anime tiddies in vidya
god bless

But it's a Korean game, they exist solely to make you hard.

honestly? probably

Different regions have different standards for what's acceptable or not. If this is just a generic western release, yeah it's shit, but Americans are famously prudish.

user, censoring titties it's not a recent SJW thing, Americans have been censoring sexual content coming from other countries for decades, just like the rest of the world censor the most violent bits from American media. Stop throwing a tantrum about a literally who game.

>people skip the game because of censorship
>kotaku runs a blog post- I mean, article about manbabies angry over censorship
>game is still empty

>giving a shit about a Korean game, let alone a Korean ASSFAGGOT

>It's the principle
>That's why every thread about censorship I get autistically butthurt that the tiddies are censored.

Are you trying to bait him?

>Americans have been censoring sexual content coming from other countries for decades


>dude just accept it. that's just how it is.
lol no you fucking cuck.
If the dev is gonna ignore their own playerbase then they can just die.

>all of the very good goyims sticking up for censorship

Kill yourselves

>excuse me but the way this female character is portrayed is very problematic. I want you to change it immediately.
>oh, of course. we're so sorry. we had no idea. Here's the new look for the character. As you can see everything about her new design is in line with what you want. We hope you'll enjoy playing her!
>oh, I don't play games.

>muh anime tiddies
Every fucking time with your censorshitters.

The absolute state of western censorship.

Hmmmm love the smell of a dead on arrival piece of censored shit in the morning.

You should never, ever support censorship, even if you dislike the thing being censored. Censorship is all about precedents and degrees. The more it's overlooked the more it will grow.


>removing the skindentation
Okay, this is a real crime.

It brings me joy every time censored game fails.

>a literally what game has no players
Stop the presses

Nothing I care about gets censored so this isn't my problem.

Of course it's dead, it's a nobody ASSFAGGOTS from Korea that competes with at least four huge ASSFAGGOTS that aren't going to die any time soon.

you're right. the slippery slope we're all about to go speeding down because they had the AUDACITY to add half an inch of cloth to a shirt worn by a girl in a video game is going to end in the total and complete censorship of the entire world. we cannot let this stand, fellow gamers.

>add pointless censorship
>sjw types still call your game gross because it's not censored enough
>players shit on you because you censored it at all
>die before you even leave early access



I seem to recall some Eurozone countries banning sales of recent anime games.

All shitposting aside, do you honestly believe it would've flourished if they didn't censor anything?


You're unbelievably retarded. The powers that be would not have such influence if people like you didn't exist. They count on you.

>instead of trying to carve out your niche, antagonize what little playerbase you could've had by trying to make your game normalfag friendly with censorship
when will they learn?

Who cares? The game will suck like every other MOBA.


>don't censor your game
>some weeaboos buy it
>censor your game
>nobody buys it
I wonder which option is more profitable.

At the very least it would've been easier to recommend
>hey dude, have you heard of hyper universe?
>isn't that the korean moba that got censored for no reason?
>y-yeah but I swear it's f-
>no thanks

This is fucking pathetic.


No, it's was a niche product from the start, and them the publisher goes and piss off the people that would actually play the game.
>Only thread with more than one page on the forum is the censorship one.

It's actually pretty good. The NA side just killed it in the womb because of this asinine censorship.

>hey dude, have you heard of hyper universe?
>isn't that the korean moba that got censored for no reason?
>I guess? I don't know, it's fun. Want to play with me?
>[autistic screeching]

>having principles is pathetic
Don't you have a bull to prep?


Is this real? It's literally just a size reduction. Her clothes are exactly the same.

I always wonder what people get uncomfortable from cleavage. Is it the nu-males with the cuck beards, is it little Timmy's mother, is it some feminist that has never played a game in her life?

>Baww they made the tits less visible
Who the honestly fucking cares?

Thanks for reminding me to check u18 for new pages of this comic

The people who cared enough to go out of their way to make the change in the first place? They could've done nothing.

Most the changes are that stupid. It reeks of then trying to please two masters
>look feminists, we removed and inch of cleavage! That's totally womyn friendly!
>b-but she's still totally sexy, gamers. So please come play our literally who game wait pls don't go.

Ask the dev once the game is out of early access and no one is buying anything off their cashshop. If the game even makes it out of early acces.

Then let it die, you people keep claiming to vote with your wallets but it doesn't seem to be enough to get titties everywhere, wonder why that is?

>mfw I actually influence what vidya my friends play
>mfw shitting on all censored games

>half the posts in the thread of one guy defending the changes

>Then let it die
That's what I'm doing.

>vote with your wallets
I am.

Dead on arrival game.
They must feel great for ending up without jobs thanks to censoring.

>be game dev
>censor game to please feminists
>release game
>whoops, turns out feminits don't play games
>meanwhile, receive backlash from actual players over censorship
>ignore them and hope normies start buying the game
>normies too busy playing their normie games to care
>blame gross man children when game dies

>Some fag shilling this game on Sup Forums every day for the last week
>It ends up being censored, so all interest is lost

I was super hyped for the game. Any excitement I had for it is dead. Haven't played it in 2 days.

Slippery slope is only a fallacy when it isn't clearly supported.

Because in the current Western political climate you run the real risk of killing your entire company if you don't self-censor and happen to get embroiled in internet faux-outrage

Explain Rockstar Games

Speaking of the cash shop, they censored cash shop outfits too. Not even TERA's localisers were that stupid.

why did they need to change it if it just added half an inch of cloth?

Witcher games have naked women everywhere, nothing happened.

I was literally going to buy this, but not anymore after censorship.

What is her name? I love the porno where she's wearing those bright color glasses and gets treated like shit.

I was looking forward to this until i heard about the censorship.

Question: why don't they have 2 versions of the game? The burqa version and the normal version? That would solve all problems.

SJW types can't let other people have nice things. they don't even want to play the game themselves, they just want others not to look at cleavage because that's literally rape.

>Covered up cleavage
>In-game sprite still bounces about like mad

Blame white women and white men for this, white women for being such whiny cunts and white men for being such beta fags.
The last thing these companies want is a social media campaign from a bunch of feminists calling their game misogynist accusing the creators of hurting women at the same time beta fags like Keplek do hit pieces on the company and it's creators, potentially giving them lower reviews and negative publicity.
Foreign markets are understanding the ultra conservative attitudes that have been adopted in videogames in regards to sexuality lately, they just don't want to be attacked by the "journalism" mob, can't blame them too much but they really should hold their ground, this only encourages the prudish faggots even more.

What game? Is that the censored version, I'd love to see it uncensored.

Can you play with the original korean art and assets?
If no, then no interest.

Fuck the moralists

I didn't even care about this because it allowed me to get a full view of Morgana's cute little head.

We'll im sure with all the female friendly censoring the feminists will jump right on this and play it oh wait.
>censor game for people that don't play video games
>all your publicity is now of you giving in to SJW and having no balls while everyone that actually plays video games and buys them takes a shit on you

It's not even that they censored it just to appease whiny SJWs, they admit that they wanted to make the changes themselves.

That's what's funny about this to me, most of the women who complain about sexy ladies in video games don't actually fucking play video games. Most of the grils I've played vidya with either don't care, or think the girls are hot/look badass.

>listening to con-goers as if they are core fans
how many times will creators do this before they realize conventions are just for fags and whores?
seriously this should be common knowledge at this point

It's a struggle for cultural hegemony, you don't have to be interested in the medium at all.

Pretty disappointing. It's less about how insignificant a single example of censoring is (though how many times across how many games have we had this conversation) and more about acceptable the practice is/how unacceptable benign sexuality for the purpose of fun titilation is in the western culture. No matter how you slice it it isn't a positive thing.

shadowverse, that is the uncensored one.


shadowverse, it's basically a japanese hearthstone ripoff
right = original
left = censored steam version for baka gaijin

Well maybe these kinds of people shouldn't get into the fucking business of localizing sexy anime games if they DON'T LIKE SEXY ANIME

Good thing I don't care about western shit.

What is with Cygames, they even censored a fucking Granblue outfit in the English version. Makes no fucking sense when you have to get the game through unorthodox means just to play it English, which is fucking stupid.

>they admit that they wanted to make the changes themselves
the suits want it censored.
i doubt the original artists created it and released it like that, and then thought "nope that's too sexy, i have to change that"

Localization companies fear the bad press more.

Bad player reception = money wasted for that game.
Bad press = no more work for them, company breakrupts.

That's exactly why they get into the business, though. They do it specifically so they can alter the content because they don't want other people to be able to access it since they personally don't approve. See

Is this fucking HyperUniverse? Is there even a fucking reason in this game to go Support or Tank? Every time I queue into a match my team screams "WE NEED TANK/SUPPORT" while immediately locking in a Striker/Bruiser/Assassin so I bite the bullet and decide to go Tank but then the other team runs over us anyway because they went full Attack and their damage output completely overruns ours as a result.

Obviously not, given that the original artists are not the people in question.

with a face like that, tiddies are optional anyway