Holy shit Sup Forums, look at this adorable baby elephant

Holy shit Sup Forums, look at this adorable baby elephant.


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P-pls stop

What game?

Yono and the Celestial Elephants.

Basically an isometric Zelda game, starring a baby elephant.



This game has sold me on that pic alone

WTF I want this

Hope there's no jumping. Jumps in isometric never work.

the game looks great but the sound effects sound like they were recorded on a fucking rock and optimized for the 3ds. I really hope those aren't final.

Considering how the voices in the NMH trailer were fucked up too, that was probably Nintendo's fault.

Fucking nintenfags and their baby games. This isn't dark or gritty enough. Fucking KYS for shilling this indie garbage.


Anyone know if elephants are good cocksuckers?

Oh my can you just imagine the nice and smelly farts which come out of that little anus? Oh must smell like every mans dream.

Don't cut yourself on that edge, bro.

Why settle for a blowjob when you could get a trunkjob?

damn that's a really cute elephant
>tfw no switch

man now i want a switch

Steam, too.


hell yea, absolutely adorable


Nah it's a switch exclusive

nintenbros btfo

Has a Steam page up...

ironic shitposting is still shitposting


so cute it's making me uncomfortable
the uncutey valley


I want to hug it. I want a giant soft plushie of this elephant and hug the hell out of it while falling asleep with it.

>tfw you want to buy a game because it has a cute elephant
how did they do it

They should totally make plushies of this.

No I seriously need to fuck his tight elephant shithole.

Why do you assume we're being ironic? Aren't these the questions we've all been asking?

i thought this was little big adventure for a second

You mean kiss?

Sound effects are a little bit... low budget, I would say. But this little matter aside, the game looks great! I would definitely give it a try

>tfw you can release literally any shit with cartoony graphics and as long as it is on switch, people will shill it for you

Switch and Steam.

It's also on Steam.
Why are you shit posting so hard?

It's an indie game. Just what were you expecting? Not low budget?

Again, Nintendo fucked up the NMH trailer too. Wait until we see(hear) more.

If it were only on steam, we wouldn't be having this thread.

I dunno. I feel like the NMH trailer was intentionally made that way by Suda. It feels like a bad parody of how loud and obnoxious WUB WUB WUB dubstep is in other games.

Yono is cute! CUTE!

it is tho

If Valve released a video showcasing their indie games, you damn well know we would be in this very thread talking about it as well.

If it were only on Steam it probably would not have reached as much of an audience. If it somehow would have, then yes we would be having this thread.

Stop getting triggered by the Switch, and stop going into threads for things you don't like just to get mad. Go cool off.

There's always this

You know you're on Sup Forums right?
This is shitpost central.

This is straight up elekino