Grim Dawn thread?

Grim Dawn thread?

Build and Lore discussion welcome

I like the world they built, and I'm curious as to how many different "god" factions there are. There's C'thon, Korvaak, the Aetherials, and then other ones like Mogdrogen. I wonder how they are all related, hopefully the expansion will answer that.


I've regretted buying that game. It's so much worse than TQ.

setting and mob design is much better in TQ but build diversity and gameplay is miles better in GD i hope that expansion will get the setting up par to TQ

its still later this year at some point

just saw that the expansion is adding 4 new factions, and "beasts" are becoming their own faction apparently.

Yeah, this game was a huge swing and a miss for me

I was expecting a lot more the way people talk about it, but it was dull and completely rubbed me the wrong way

I've asked the developers on stream and they said it's definitely coming out this year
If I'd have to guess I'd say October but wait is unbearable

I don't view that as a fault on grim dawn as much, ancient greece, egypt, etc plus their mythology is a GOAT setting for a game

I cab only talk about the base game and the skilltree in GD feels so timid I'm often not sure if anything changed at all when spending 2 points.

how is that any different than TQ? I loved TQ btw. Dream Hunter was utterly broken and so much fun.

in TQ the mastery bar was maxed at 32 points and in GQ it's at 50 so as you can see in TQ in the end you would have much higher number or skills maxed
that was one of the first thing i notices as well

It isn't any different from TQ but at least that game had a GOAT setting instead of boring swamps, boring plains and boring [other template terrain].

I feel that. It's strange how when you start maxing out skills, it feels like barely anything is different. Yet the moment you put one point in a random passive skill, you get this crazy power spike.

I have no problem with the mastery bar requiring more points but rather that the points you spent felt like they're making such a miniscule difference in gameplay.

>build around retaliation just to see if it works
>it does

it fucking shouldnt. it's too easy

Currently, Demolitionist/Occultist seems to be the OG dual pistol class, since Demo's auto attack passives + Occu's damage boosting skills make you a murder machine.

With Inquisitor coming out with all it's neato gun focused skills, which class should you pair it with to become the all new dual pistol god? Demo or Occulist?

oh i see well yeah it does have a problem with many skills being 1 point wonder you are right there

Give us them dirty deets, baby. What's that build looking like?

have fun killing ranged enemies
probably warder

They're called one point wonders for a reason.

Retaliation/reflect is the easiest viable build in the game and has been for a very long time, it doesn't need any specific rare gear.

It's slow and boring as fuck to play and you often have to ignore and run past any ranged enemies but it's basically foolproof.

Not him, but a full set of Perdition armor gives you massive retaliation damage. Soldier has the most benefits for a retaliation build, demo has some too as well. Just remember that retaliation damage is separate from normal damage, so an increase in % acid damage done for example does not increase the amount of acid retaliation damage. The Chariot of War ( I think) and the Hound constellations give benefits to retaliation as well.

This, I had a blast with TQ but they lost the great setting and overall feel of the game completely with the blandest world design imaginable. Doesn't help it's almost the same 10 year-old engine.


Dawnbreaker baby. Full lightning retal with Spear of the Heavens, Crab, Targo's Hammer and Autumn Boar. Stack an ungodly amount of block and watch motherfuckers explode if they so much as look funny at you.


>counter-strike and menhir's bulwark maxed for soldier
>oakskin maxed for druid
>get messenger of war devotion
>sit in a crowd and use blade barricade from mark of the myrmydon in a shield

for ranged, i have lifestealer nova vit dmg ranged procs from Kriegs cleaver and vit dmg storm totem along with sacrifice from the relic of the same name to boost it all. i get to 38k pierce retaliate at lvl 68 so far