That one kid who played a female in MMO's

>That one kid who played a female in MMO's

Ya thats weird. Its totally okay in single player games though.

>Its totally okay in single player games though.
>not playing a female whenever possible

Am I the only one who flips a coin when it makes no difference?

That's almost worse

>always reddit in cuckadelphia
go back

male spellcasters make no sense so i always play female magic users


>Playing as a male

totally me I mostly play as female unless the guy looks cooler, which in 99% of cases he's not.

How did you know what that character was from?

he "read it" once in a book somewhere...

i dont know if they have it on reddit but we have reverse image search? give it a shot sometime but only AFTER you go back

I wish to be the girl

Being this much of a faggot

How will I try a feature that is supposedly exclusive to this site if I leave?

>looks cool
This is the only thing that matters 2bh

>that kid who didn't play a girl in MMOs

>That kid who RPs in MMOs

>that kid who didnt RP in MMOs

>That kid who played MMOs

Shut up bird

>that kid who didn't play MMOs

>That kid who only played single player games

>he doesn't roleplay in the MMO
jesus, way to cut yourself off from half the gameplay

>That kid who ERPs

>Not pretending to be a girl for attention and special treatment
I-I always wanted to do it but I'm too scared.

baited :^)

i love sunny xDDD

DAE love me some RUMHAM xDDD

Hes right tho all mmo are garbage.

>*swaggers over to you* "Heh... another small-fry adventurer walking into my tavern... You think you can say that kind of shit to me in here? I'll show you what happens to disrespectful assholes like you...!"
>*flags for PvP*

What would you do?

since this thread is garbage, may as well ask here. Anyone know how to find the rest of this comic? /r/ is useless, don't tell me to go there

I'd rather have a grilled charlie desu

I admit I don't fully understand what 'roleplay' is in MMOs. If I name my character after some anime girl, am I roleplaying then? I don't try to be in-character or change my speech pattern to match that character, it's just the same name. I read what RP guilds do and usually they create original characters with their own imaginary backstory and daily life routine, sometimes living out married life with another real player. I certainly haven't done that.

you're shit and should consider suicide

>pretending like you've never been to reddit
we've all been to reddit, decided it was trash, and now we're here. pretending you've never been is faggier than the people that actually like it there. faggot.

Stfu retard weeb

Legit thought it was ss, thanks for the warning.

>Half the gameplay
>Playing pretend

>that kid who would RP as an Orc peasant in WoW

If I wanted to RP I'd play DnD
MMO's are exclusively for showing off how rich you are to other players

better than a mary sue hero of the alliance as the story would have you believe
raid content intertwining with "main characters" and "big fantasy baddies" was a mistake

but D&D doesn't let you flourish with your writing abilities

>That kid who still plays MMOs


I saw it in another thread that 404'd before it got dumped. thought it was straight shota, was curious. If it's vore I am most certainly not interested

There are many different varieties of RP, user. Light RP can just involve a token effort to stay in character without a clearly defined backstory, while heavy RP would be more like what you describe. If a game is really well designed you should be able to do some light RP without ever really realizing that you're doing it, it'll just come naturally. Heavy RP, meanwhile, typically won't arise organically and has to be organized with groups of people-this leads to RP guilds and the cancer associated with them.

Decline and continue doing what I was doing.

>it's a dennis episode

I had someone remove me from friends & ignore me because I changed my character's gender in Runescape.

>ywn suckle on brittany daniels' thick manmeat
why fucking live?

My main is a male who I play with my real life friends. My alt is a female who I rp with strangers.

Bet he felt really conflicted if he ever got to that quest that forced you to be a girl to complete it

If given the choice I play almost exclusively male characters so I can self-insert but I know people who play female characters just because they're hot and they're honest about it.

Why the fuck would someone do this shit? I hope that asshole gets fucking killed and peppers stuffed up his asshole

>*laughs* "Heh heh...the small fry really is too scared to even try and fight me! You've got guts, kid... but remember that I'm still lightyears better than you. You won't catch up to me in ten thousand years! Now run along and go kill some rats or goblins... I think they're more your style. Heh."
>*smirks at you*

>mfw she got blacked

What is this cancer you speak of? Never interacted with any RP guilds

>That one kid that played male character in WoW
>Kept staring at his ass
>His muskles so stronk
>I want to be him
>I want to be in him
>I want him in me
He's totally not gay

RP guilds are notoriously full of drama whores and other unsavory elements who don't just use the game for escapism, but try to live vicariously through their characters. They'll typically get very angry if anything ever so much as scratches their godmodded piece of shit. These are also typically the kinds of people who ERP frequently. They get angry if you talk to their RP spouse or in one case there was a guy who fell in love with a friend of mine who was playing a female character, even though he repeatedly told him "she" was a guy.

If you join a smaller guild it's typically not as bad, but I'd still steer well clear.

I'm a male who always plays a female character, what does this say about me?

It says you like to play as a female character in videogames.

Do you also play a healer?

>play ESO
>meet some guy in a public dungeon farming gear
>befriend him
>run dungeons together for a while
>he invites me to his guild
>say fuck it why not and accept
>it's a fucking RP guild
I still get invites to roleplay with these faggots every weekend.

Okay OP, I'll play along. What if the character is ridiculously high or #1 in the metagame and just so happens to be female?

you're still a faggot for playing a girl

Probably autistic

>Not playing Female in VtM:B
The game was balanced and designed around female PC.

You could have just said you've never played D&D, because that's a blatant lie.

>femmalk will never succ you

i've watched plenty of streams, buddy
i know what goes down

>I-I play because she's fun and meta
>I-I play because female designs are better than males
>I-I play because sausage parties are kinda gay h-haha
>Oh I needed to go female for a quest then forgot to switch back haha


>That kid who RPs in games that aren't MMOs

they did that to me when I was 5 years old, and I turned out fine. The turtle is going to fine

Can you imagine being an adult and trying to roleplay on Garry's Mod or Jedi Academy servers again?

>that kid who RPs in FPSes
>"alright tango down stay frosty everyone"

fuck!!!!!! the autism is strong with this one

literally go kill yourself, and hopefully the next life will be better for you

Whats up, you wanna roll with Harry Potter?

>it's a charlie and dennis episode

But I'm gay and I alway play as a guy

>not roleplaying FPS in real life checking corners and finger banging your mam and dad
wtf is with you edgy faggots

>That one kid who sucked everyones dick in highschool
Thank god for jimmy.

>:that one kid who makes too big a deal about other peoples actions



you are gay

i like female in single player cause there may be gay things my characters need to do. and its sexier if its girl on girl instead of guy on guy lol

>that kid who thought looking at girls makes you gay so he stared at guys all day

>he cares if the person playing the game is a guy or not

No, I play as a grill in mmo's.

>not secretly erping with your friends with the alt acc and then crack jokes on your main how pathetic erpers are making them uncomfortable




>being so new you don't recognize word filters
please kys

no u

That kid who didn't ERP in MMO's

>that kid who erp banged more sluts in MMOs than there are stars on the sky

was me lol

why not play secondlife? its ERP heaven

>That kid who won the game because of the implication
>mfw money 1.4

The breasts were glorious.