Go to store

>Go to store
>See nice pair of shoes
>the box has a device on it to prevent any unauthorized acquisitions
>Normal population sees this and has no problem
>Loser burglars whine and complain
>Go to video game store
>See a nice game
>The game is coupled with a program to prevent any unauthorized acquisitions
>Loser pirates whine and complain
Hmm, really makes me think

Sure but where's the part where the shoes fill up with concrete when you try to wear them?

>buy a pair of shoes
>go home
>the box the shoes came in will sometimes randomly lock and prevent you from wearing them even despite being a paying customer
>there's a chance years down the line the shoes will simply cease to function as shoes because the shoemaker has moved on to newer shoes

that's a fucking stupid metaphor and you know it
in your case, you could only use the shoes in populated areas or being forced to carry your id because the police might stop you to make sure those shoes are really yours

Once I buy the shoes I don't need to be connected to the internet in order to wear them. I also don't have to sign a contract saying I don't actually own my shoes even though I bought them and the shoe maker can just take them away from me at will. Your analogy is dumb OP.

Clearly you have never been to Baltimore if you don't think police won't stop someone who has nice shoes

can you please rearrange this as a food analogy so I can understand it

Then why are you even using Steam? Why not use another service, they exist you know

>tfw dont even know how to pirate a game because I'm not poor

> Go to imageboard
> See a discussion of DRM practices
> The discussion foolishly draws a false equivalency between material goods and software
> Leave

>want to buy a juicer
>go to store
>buy this 800$ device
>have to be connected to the internet and input a QR code every time I want a drink
>none of this was disclosed during purchase
>no refunds
>internet goes off
>want a drink
>die from dehydration

The majority of issues with pirating and DRMs would be resolved if free demos with sufficient enough gameplay and time were presented for the populace. And I'm not talking neutered demo shit, I mean the actual game by a certain length of time (a chapter or two, an hour or two's worth).

that explains a lot why retards like you get so mad at pirates

>tfw know how to pirate regardless of my income because I'm not technologically illiterate

Is this bait? The cashier takes off the anti theft tags when you buy them. Do developers take off denuvo after you buy the game?

Do they take off steam licenses? Why is one form of "DRM" okay, but another isn't?

>a program to prevent any unauthorized acquisitions
The fuck? This is the first time I've heard of DRM that does this. Some new Denuvo version?

Why do you think it's exclusive to steam? It doesn't matter what service you use, EVERY EULA says you don't own your game.

>walk into subway
>make me a sub
>get sub and walk out of store
>can't eat sub cause I have lock jaw
>give sub to cat
>subway chases me
>oh no
>where am I
>voted for subway
>subway doesn't have American cheese
>get a meatball instead
>for you
>denovu says "no"
>here I am

Because steam "DRM" is easily cracked and doesn't enforce an always online requirement for single player games. If you're argument is "there's no difference between Denuvo and Steam" you're dumb af.

The majority of issues with pirating and drm would be resolved if people were sane and stopped trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Every single computer can perfectly recreate and pass on data. Trying to make money off distribution of code is literally insane.
Copyright laws are also to blame, more specifically disney's rape of them.

I don't understand
can you put that in reference of food?

>download some torrent program
>google [game] torrent
>download it
>open it
>torrent starts downloading your game
I came to laugh at you


>entitled poorfags pirate game
>act surprised when companies try to stop it

Pirate fags are the fucking worse and if they didn't exist we wouldn't have broken anti-piracy shit like this in our games. Get a god damn job or save up money like a decent human being instead of stealing the content that people spent months working on.

This is YOUR fault, faggots.

>walk into subway
>board the train normally because I'm not an American who sees everything as food

I'm not a nigger so no, I'm not likely to have stolen the nice shoes I wear.

This explain that story a lot better

>shoe requires you to be online all the time to use it

Hey did you know that in 10 years every single one of your Denuvo games that you paid for will be unplayable while I'll still play them because my games are cracked and don't have Denuvo?

>walk into five guys
>ask for a cheese burger
>they get mad start pushing me around
>realize I'm actually having sex
>write a blog
>sue 5 guys
>wait make it 4
>where's my burger

>Haha why won't they just release games for free

I buy all my games, you cum-gargling faggot. I'm saying that if demos weren't shit or were presented to the general public, then it would help.

Considering it hasn't been around for 10,years did you know that I don't give a fuck faggot

Not being able to play offline is a tradeoff for having the game on PC, where piracy is out of control. Don't like it? Don't play it. There are plenty of other games that let you play offline to your heart's content.

[citation needed] even gfwl games work fine

Yeah GOG exists and is very successful user. Did you know The Witcher 3 is DRM-free and has sold over 4 million copies on PC?

>go to restaurant
>order food
>eat food
>leave without paying

>go to pirate bay
>download game
>play game
>uninstall without paying

>go to steam
>purchase game
>try to play
>online required
>go online, try to play again
>account required
>Facebook sign in required
>blood, urine, and hair sample required
>complete arcane ritual of verification
>try to play game
>server maintenance, try again later

>walk into five guys
>get beat up because there's 5 of them and only 1 of me
>still didn't think of them as burgers because I'm not American

>buy games with no DRM
>pirate games with DRM
>specifically never stop seeding if it's Denuvo
Comfiest combination tbqh.

Now, how many were sold on steam vs GOG?

>The majority of issues with pirating and DRMs would be resolved if free demos with sufficient enough gameplay and time were presented for the populace. And I'm not talking neutered demo shit, I mean the actual game by a certain length of time (a chapter or two, an hour or two's worth).

This is false. See: Games with demos like you mentioned and how badly they get pirated.

>you can't legally purchase games AND be annoyed at intrusive drm

Stop being poor and just buy the fucking games.

Why does it matter? Everyone who bought it on Steam can get a DRM-free copy through GOG Connect.

>keep trying and failing to make data non-infinite
find a different business model intead of destroying your own product you fucking moron

you mad OP? Sonic Mania has an UNLOCKED torrent for those who are of higher breed like myself.

How about I keep pirating them and you keep shitting yourself on Sup Forums over something you have no control over?

>walk into Dominos
>some guys get mad
>took them 4 hours to set it up
>try to orde a pizza
>they are angrier
>kick the Dominos again
>sit at home for 4 hours
>where's my pizza


Yeh they're crying their eyes out because they only made millions upon millions of dollars in profits thanks to """""destroying""""" their game

>they only made millions upon millions of dollars in profits
Do you have proof this was because of Denuvo?

>walk into Dominos
>they all fall over
>don't eat them because I'm not American

why do you eat shoes?

It's right next to the proof that Denuvo has hurt developer and publisher bottom lines

Because companies need profit from investments.


Because OP has down syndrome

What is the origin of this gif?

So you don't have any actual proof they made millions upon millions of dollars in profits thanks to Denuvo. Thanks for clearing that up.

will you fuck off with that emoji?

>download fitgirl repack
>launch setup.exe
>game installed and ready to play

Felix Colgrave
Double King

Just like you don't have proof that Denuvo has been a detriment to developers and publishers!

>haven't ate in 24 hours due to getting kicked out of the subway, beat up by 5 guys and knocking over Dominos
>one last chance to eat before my cankles give out
>can't think of another restaurant for my shit post

>shoes cease to function after 2.5 years
>normal population sees this and has no problems
(because they're fucking brainwashed)
>pirates see this as an obvious human rights violation, and a market they can now capitalize on
(because they have to be intelligent to do the work they do)

Thanks. Something useful came out of denuvoshill thread.

>walk into Sup Forums
>expect quality from the worst board

This might be the worst pro piracy argument I've ever seen

Actually there's more of a correlation suggesting it's a determent than a benefit, with Denuvo and sales of games with Denvuo being dramatically less than sales of their predecessors or non-Denuvo counterparts. Even if you refuse to accept that, Denuvo has been a determent to their end products as proven by the fact that legitimate customers can't play offline with the latest release.

So are you going to show any proof that Denuvo made game companies millions upon millions of dollars in profit? Or are you just going to keep deflecting.

>implying Sup Forums is worse than /vg/, Sup Forums or /r9k/ among others

>everyone gives you arguments, worse or best, but arguments

Kys Sega baby

>shoe somehow has an antenna that requires a connection to your local official modem
>as security measure uses an open bear trap wrapped around your leg
>walk into underground subway
>connection lost
>trap snaps closed and rips leg off

what, that the thing you paid for will eventually stop working while people who didn't pay for it will still use it?

Sup Forums is worse than Sup Forums and /r9k/, not even they are pathetic enough to shitpost against piracy and defend DRM on a daily basis. /vg/ is worse I agree.

A company can put literally anything in a EULA, it's only enforced by lawyers. You could literally start a company, release a product with a EULA, and put in their "you must suck in order to use this product" and "op is a faggot" and it would be entirely legitimate. Of course someone smart enough to actually read the EULA might challenge you in court over it, but again the only powers EULA have is the power given to them by lawyers.

>starving to death in just 24 hours
As expected of an American.

>Shoes breaking down is a human rights violation

Sup Forums is literally Sup Forums with people shilling for AMD/Intel/Nvidia instead of consoles and /r9k/ is just a whiny Sup Forums

With the exception of the last line, he's right. You don't have to be intelligent to pirate a game, but you are pretty much brainwashed if you accept buying ephemeral games that expire. Which normies are ignorant of.

Go to store
>See nice pair of shoes
>the box has a device on it to prevent any unauthorized acquisitions
>Once you buy the shoes you realize that they have a GPS permanently built in to them that can't be removed.
>Shoes make sure you only wear them within 100 miles of the store.
>If you want to wear them somewhere else, you have to rebuy the shoes.
>If you decide to wear the shoes more than 50 times, you have to call in and get them to reset the counter which may or may not work depending on whether they care about the shoes anymore and they believe that they are yours
>normal people would be ok with this

I got news for you buddy. "Gamers" aren't normal and no one who is would ever think this was ok which is why shoes don't have DRM on them.

It's a consumer rights violation yeah.

Sorry, I said "pirates" instead of "piracy groups", my bad. Or did you guys actually interpret me correctly, and you think it's EASY to beat Denuvo?

>Americans are fat
>Americans would starve in 24 hours

Europoors are too stupid to reconcile two memes. As expected.

Oh wait pirating is a thing? Thanks user I can get my games free now. Can you also tell me what else you're hurt about, so I can just take advantage of it?

What if Americans just eat a lot of fiber and have extremely efficient metabolism on top of eating compulsively enough to be fat?

Laywers matter more than you.
>A company can put literally anything in a EULA, it's only enforced by lawyers
And by the game company themselves, since they can ban your account or otherewise deactivate your game for any reason they see fit. The only way to circumvent this is to buy DRM free games, pirate them, or only buy console physical. Otherwise you don't own your games, you only bought a revocable "license" to play them.

>company puts "you must suck" in eula
>you're actually good
>cease and desist letter comes in
>they revoke your game license, no refund
>you aren't going to try to sue because that cost money and isn't worth it
>if you do actually bother suing you get blocked because you agreed to the binding arbitration clause in the eula

It's all fucking bullshit and skirting around nonsense like this is actually something I can't blame pirates for

>/r9k/ is just a whiny Sup Forums


even at its worst Sup Forums is 100x better than Sup Forums, which is a dedicated shill board. /r9k/ manages to be even less pathetic than Sup Forums which is basically a whiny hybrid of Sup Forums and Sup Forums that hates its own hobby. Sup Forums is a fucking tumor and /vg/ is straight up cancer.

holy shit stop taking the bait you dumbasses

>Otherwise you don't own your games, you only bought a revocable "license" to play them
No you own the game. Didn't you read anything I said? EULA's are crap and mean literally nothing.
How about I make a contractual agreement right now, sneak in that everything you own is now mine, and have you sign it. Oops, looks like I own everything of yours now, tough titties pal. Don't like it you can talk to my lawyers.

>/r9k/ manages to be even less pathetic than Sup Forums which is basically a whiny hybrid of Sup Forums and Sup Forums that hates its own hobby
Why the fuck do idiots like you think they know what /r9k/ is.

Don't forget about the occasional semen sample requirement every few days

Sure smells like shills in here

Could you explain this concept with a food metaphor? I won't get it otherwise.

>can only use the shoes in 5 seperate locations/day and after that you can't use them anymore

You forgot that part, shitposterkun.

Why the fuck do idiots like you think they know what Sup Forums is.

>open Sup Forums
>enter Sup Forums
>"QR needed in order to acess this page"
>back to main page
>nothing being said about a QR protection to acess Sup Forums
>mail admin
>said that was a feature added today
>ask why there is no info about it on main page
>be told the info now was uploaded
>refresh main page
>"In order to acess Sup Forums, you must suck a bag of dicks, then imput a QR code. ATENTION: this is a Sup Forums only feature"
>strongly disagree
>QR reduces performance, so people can choose to bypass it
>i don't need to suck a bag of dicks to join Sup Forums now, neither imput a stupid QR
>normal population don't see a problem on that
>somehow, shills insist that sucking a bag of dicks is good for everyone
This is how stupid you corporate cucks sound.

>No you own the game.
NO you don't. If you buy a game with Denuvo, you don't own it. The whole point of DRM is to enforce the EULA that says you don't own your game. EULA's are crap and mean literally nothing when your game is DRM free whether cracked or by design, or you have a physical copy that isn't tied to an internet license.