You're going to celebrate Miku's birthday with her, right?
What songs are you going to work on today Sup Forums? I think I'll try to finally get that perfect extreme on unhappy refrain. I've gotten so close so many times...
You're going to celebrate Miku's birthday with her, right?
What songs are you going to work on today Sup Forums? I think I'll try to finally get that perfect extreme on unhappy refrain. I've gotten so close so many times...
Other urls found in this thread:
Is Livetune making another album? I thought he'd have that other artist doing the cover.
A ton of artists have come back with new stuff for the 10th anniversary, not sure if livetune has done something new, but is featured on the new 10th anniversary album (pic related)
Meant pic in OP related lol.
Was supposed to be a joke at some of Livetune's albums; Re:Packaged, Re:Mikus, Re:Dial, and Re:Upload
I'm really not sure how I didn't connect those dots. Well.. it is like 4am, got back from midnight album releases haha
People are still perpetuating the Vocaloid meme?
I'm sorry you don't understand the value of a creative, global community.
>40k and counting new miku+10th anniversary images hit pixiv so far in 4 hours
>Itunes new album pages crashing constantly
>Entire city changes traffic lights in celebration for the weekend
>Sega, Crypton, Yamaha among others whom have offices near venues give employees extended weekend for the events.
Sure is memes.
Anyone play on gamepad actually able to do extreme excellent / perfects? I can do a lot of the songs up to great but I'm starting to wonder if a controller is just... not good enough.
Bumping your own thread only works once.
So it's exactly like the Touhou meme, then.
im gonna touch miku with my winer
Nah I don't really want to right now.
So you just don't know what that word means, got it.
>want to play FT
>lost the remote to TV and the volume is stuck fairly high so all my roomates would hear it blasting through their wall.
>tfw you've witnessed VR porn of Miku with a Vive
What a wonderful age we live in.
Don't you have a smart phone...? You know most of them can be used as a tv remote, user.
I just saw that the album is shipping actually op
You'll find that all the pros use the Dualshock too.
Why are you making it looks like it's a bad thing ?
>I'm starting to wonder if a controller is just... not good enough
What controller ?
Also best options are : homemade pad, the dualshock, virgoo fever
Yeah but gamepad could refer to anything.
I use a DS4, more practice it is then I guess!
I actually went and bought a copy from a store at midnight here (Chiba)
I don't think user is aware, Vocaloid is pretty much considered a trend at this point for NA/EU. I went to a concert in LA while I was in the states, the amount of normies was confusing.
Even a Vita?
I've never been much for playing vidya on the go but I'm going to be on planes a lot in the next few months... Is it still fun to play on a tiny screen with a vita?
Also holy shit the amount of 10th anniversary artwork is staggering. Miku's fans really love her, don't they?
Are they seriously not announcing any new games?
I don't care about merchandise and CDs
i fucking wish
There is a "big announcement" this weekend but I think it's more likely a global tour, maybe a game too?
There are big events going on starting this afternoon thru the weekend, so announcements may roll out during those.
Could happen! I hope it does, but I'd also like some new songs.. maybe even a new game on PS4 with 4k support. Or maybe even a PC release, dare we dream. Sega has been pushing for some PC ports lately.
I personally really like the vita buttons and dpad
Yep, though you're probably not gonna like f since it requires you to swipe the screen or rear touchpad. At least you won't have to configure anything
Just don't do remote play if you don't have a good connection.
a switch or pc port of future tone would be like a dream coming true
>Project Diva: Future Tone Switch
Hmm! Maybe I'll pick one up before I start traveling, rumor has it there's a 10th anniversary edition about to be announced. And I know better than to try to remote on a game like this haha, remote play is still a ways off for some genres.
I've always hoped for a PC port to be honest, going to 60fps felt so much better than the old games on ps3, I can only imagine going up to 1440p 144hz+ would feel even better, plus I've no doubt modders would quickly find ways to import MMD models / animations and such into it, though this is also why I fear it may never happen.
>rumor has it there's a 10th anniversary edition about to be announced
Vita or PS4/Pro? Either way if it's true, I'm importing immediately. I'd have to miss out on the homebrew scene though.
>Huge secret announcement
It's not going to be about the games, user. Not at an event like this, maybe at TGS though. The games are really one of the smaller parts of the communities attention.
The buttons are alright but it's hard to get a good grip on the vita. Can't imagine doing all those insane edits without it falling out of your hands.
It's mostly rumor at this point but has been trending along some of the more credible JP fansites, the timing also makes perfect sense since we have the 10th anniversary this week and TGS in less than two.
Kinda makes sense for Miku Anniversary, not so much with the Project Diva series.
All these new songs, what are you all hoping to see make an appearance in the next game/DLC?
A likely one I hope is the new Wowakka song... Though really? When do we get some S.C.X in project diva, Vermillion Universe is amazing.
It'd also be a great way for sony to push the sales of some PS4 Pros in Japan if they wanted to be dicks about it.
>not so much with the Project Diva series.
You mean the series that just re-released a game with 1 additional song at full cost for the 10th anniversary? It'd make perfect sense for them to push for a limited edition console / vita / switch?! right now.
Know what'd be funny?
They sell the top shell of the PS4 slim/pro with a slapped on miku like they did with the original PS4's hard drive covers. Heard they're easy to take off without voiding the warranty
>Miku debuted in 2007
>10th anniversary in 2017
>Project Diva debuted in 2009
>10th anniversary in 2017
One of these doesn't make sense.
I will celebrate by masturbating to her and getting her in Shironeko.
>I will celebrate by masturbating to her
You better at least be using VR and an onahole.
Just plug some earbuds into your ds4 and set the proper PS4 settings and listen to it through there.
Dreaming ChuChu in FT when?
Oh I wish, buddy!