Real talk: Why is everyone praising Sonic Mania's graphics when Sonic 4 is objectively better-looking?

Real talk: Why is everyone praising Sonic Mania's graphics when Sonic 4 is objectively better-looking?

Pic related. Sonic 4 has HD graphics, advanced shaders, 3D characters and particle effects up the ass. Meanwhile, Mania is a 240p game released in 2017.

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sonic 4 is so awful besides some of the music

this is bad bait

people like you are the reason remakes/remasters of old shit end up looking worse than the original

Let's ignore animations lol!

I played episode 1 and enjoyed it. Why does Sup Forums hate it?

Name one song that was good in Sonic 4

The main flaw of Sonic 4 was using the green eyed modern Sonic. Other than that, everything was fine, but it wasn't a true Sonic sequel.

No one's saying Sonic 4 is a great game. But the graphics are clearly better.

Imagine if The Force Awakens were good. That'd be Sonic Mania. Sonic 4 was the prequels.

Mind you I like the prequels but I wanted an analogy that'd make sense on here.

All that shit doesn't fucking matter if it doesn't fit together you massive asshat.

Why can't I into sonic? Everybody seems to be in love with it but it does nothing for me. I played the original when I was a kid but chose to play Lion King and Taz Escape from Mars instead for the most part so it's been a lifelong 'meh'.

I just don't get it

The new Build Fighters OVA was pretty good

It literally isnt

Sonic 4 looks like shit though, while mania looks like a good 32x game

>Name one song that was good in Sonic 4


>But the graphics are clearly better.
The graphics are higher res, but how can anyone think that lazy ass cell-shading looks better than the high quality sprites of Mania?

Metal Sonic theme and thats it

>3D model on 2D background

it's a terrible analogy

Fuck off

based Jun Senoue

Nothing about that mess of shrubberies looks good

Sonic 4 is shit though
It's just 3D Sonic in a 2D world with all the problems that 3D Sonic has.

Mania is a proper 2D Sonic game and not some half-assed pandering attempt

Higher res is better. Or are you a console gamer who thinks 720p everything is acceptable?

>high quality sprites
This isn't 1995 anymore.

I meant metaphor.

Your analogy sucks

>Other than that, everything was fine


>muh graphics makes the game better

Playing Sonic 4 and Mania for the first time gave me about the same enjoyment at the times those particular games came out.

I never played through Sonic 4 more than once tough, and I beat Mania probably 5 times already

How did DIMPS screw up after the wonderful Sonic Advance series?

I meant comparison.

looks like sonic rush

Sonic looks like ass in 3D. He's a 2D character that works best in 2D, like Mickey Mouse.
Also sonic 4 is really badly animated. It's stiff and lifeless.

At least you can tell they're shrubberies. Everything in Mania is so low-res you can't make it out.

Sonic 4 has technically better graphics but a far worse artsyle. pic related

I think Sonic looks great in Unleashed.

Now THATS an analogy!

Style > Strength
Sonic 4 has none of either

Compared to this that song is pure shit

Lmfao. This is really poor bait.

Your analogy is good

sonic 4 looks sterile and plastic

Not everything is for everybody user. And that's okay. If it doesn't click with you then don't fret it and move onto something that does

Mickey Mouse is an antiquated character. There is a reason he isn't Disney's main moneymaker anymore.

Sonic 4 have terrible level design and is incomplete with zero updates since 2015. Wait for hd texture packs for mania

>OP larps as someone who genuinely believes Sonic 4 looks better
>Every single person in the thread larps as someone who believes that the OP isn't a shitpost and responds seriously
I'm out of touch with the kids these days

there are a few Sonic 4 songs that I like. they actually sound like Genesis era tunes than Mania's CD-esque shit. probably because Based Senoue actually composed for Sonic 3/K and 3D Blast
if only they weren't all ruined by that fucking drum sample

>Sonic 4 is shit though
Oh boy. Here comes the Sonic Furry Brigade to ruin everybody's day with bad opinions.

Sonic 4 was closer to Sonic Advancein terms of pacing and that game was, in my mind, a true successor to the old school games. I've seen nothing in Mania so far to tell me that it's in any way better than Sonic 4. As always, self-proclaimed fans of a series display that they know dick-all about the thing they claim to love. These people should hang up their furry costumes in shame.

Most critics loved Sonic 4, too. Only the Sonic "fans" hated it.

Sonic fans can only take things literally they don't understand shitposting.

Same as autists

It was bad, Sonic Advance was better.

People who complain about modern Sonic's green eyes are literally no better than CWC complaining about Boom Sonic's blue arms.

if sonic 4 was so good why did it get cancelled?

>Boom Sonic's blue arms.

Blue arms don't make sense. Look at me, my arms aren't blue.

It was a classic sequel, they should have used classic Sonic.

It is also why they shouldn't bring modern characters into mania sequels.

It has spindashing autolock and the retarded modern SEGA obsession with holding forward and letting things happen.

Sonic is a platforming. Why do Sonic games always forget this? Mania remembers what Sonic is really about.

This is how they wanted to make the original look but lacked the budget until now

240p is a video mode you tech illiterate faggot. There's nothing stopping me from playing it on an interlaced screen.

>HD graphics, advanced shaders, 3D characters and particle effects up the ass.

Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

People complained Sonic wasn't fast enough in the Adventure era.

Just because it's 3d doesn't mean it's better.

There's something called style to take into account

Funny thing, the green eyes thing was brought up the first time sarcastically. It gained notoriety because everybody else ridiculed the guy for it

>Stealing background trees from Donkey Kong Country

It's like saying the Rocket Knight sequel has better graphics than the 16 bit predecessors because it's in 3D and has polygons and is higher resolution and stuffs.

Maybe it's more technically advanced on a higher level, but that doesn't mean it still does not look and play like shit especially compared to the earlier games.

>retarded modern SEGA obsession with holding forward and letting things happen

every sonic criticism i see is "waah i can't go at top speed and avoid all the obstacles and enemies the first time i play the game"
sega is just reacting to criticism, albeit at the cost of ignoring those who are happy with what they have already

And the shit that Sonic became is what happens when you listen to the masses

I'd actually be ok with HD / Polygon graphics if the gameplay and style was good. Sonic 4 just didn't feel like Sonic.

Listening to fans is guaranteed way to ruin your series.
Never listen to idiots.
The dumbest ones are always the loudest

Isn't Sonic Mania also the result of listening to the masses?

>can't even do seamless texture looping
Shame. Reminder that Sonic 4 was originally a mobile game called "Sonic the Portable" and there are still remanents of this in the game's assets.

Sonic 4 was rather sterile, and the 2d elements layered in a rather noticable manner as if they were separate objects (which they are, but they shouldn't look it).

>if sonic 4 was so good why did it get cancelled?
Because the 3D Sonic games sell better. Same reason Sega will never greenlight another Mania.

Art direction matters. Sonic 4 looks like trash.

yeah but Sonic 4 runs and plays like donkey ass
it also need adobe air installed in your system

I always thought Sonic 4 was just decent. If the game wasn't called Sonic 4 people would't be so critical about it.

Sonic Mania is the result of finding the people with talent and ability and listening to them while ignoring everyone else

>save a screenshot from game that uses pixels and sprites
>make it a JPG and worsen the quality on purpose
>re-save it as a PNG
>claim that the game looks like shit

wow shitposting is so hard these days



I know this is bait but I wouldn't be surprised if some people unironically think this, since there's the whole "Look! Mario running in hyper realistic fields! PC masterrace!" or "Look, I bought this 2k PC to stare at pebble textures!" meme

I didn't like how he put an Egyptian spin on it. Felt completely out of place with the theme of the stage itself.

Lots of people wanted classic Sonic back and claim that Sonic never works in 3D.

>Sonic Mania has DRM
>Sonic 4 does not
Sonic 4 is the superior game.

Art style is a meme. Real life doesn't have an art style, and everyone agrees that realism looks great.


Then why has SEGA been nostalgia pandering for the past 7 years?

Check my Double East

You're right. I wasn't being fair to Mania.

Here it is with post-process AA. So much better, right?

>egyptian spin
>out of place
I dunno user, seems fine to me.


I genuinely like the art style, I never played the original though so that might be 95% of why it doesn't upset me

>and everyone agrees that realism looks great.

Nice bait Sonic 4 looks like somebody barfed all over it

awful b8. go away

Almost every nation produces some oil.
But that doesn't mean it's appropriate to have, say, Canadian music for an oil themed map

Fucking trash

>they actually sound like Genesis era tunes
No they fucking don't you fucking cancer
I will fucking KILL YOU for ever comparing this TRASH to the Genesis games

>Mania's CD-esque shit
Mania sounds nothing like CD

Hataya and Ogata >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that hack Senoue
Kill yourself Adventurecuck

And yet all of those shaders, 3d models, and particles just make Sonic look really slow and janky. Sometimes good spritework is just better

>Sonic 4 has technically better graphics
No it doesn't
They take more horsepower but so does FF7 and that looks like trash

>interlaced screen
no such thing


Sprites give a game a certain look that 3D just cannot replicate. You also aren't suppose to zoom in on sprites. Bad bait, you're a fag OP.