Knuckles with Drop Dash
Sonic Mania mods
Oh cool, now I can mod Modern Sonic in.
Can't wait for futa Tails.
>Five fucking minutes taken to show Knuckles jump and roll on the ground fast after
I fucking hate Youtube """""""""personalities"""""""""
>5 minutes is alraedy too much
I fucking hate user """"""""personality"""""
Brevity is the soul of wit so its no surprise someone 4chins proudly outs themselves as witless I guess. You take care bro.
Nude mods when?
Waiting for the Metal Sonic mod since the sprites were already done.
>buy mods now with the SEGA creation club
can it mod in a good game in the place of this overhyped meme shit?
Metal Sonic sprites from his boss fight
Holy shit this dude's voice is obnoxious as fuck.
Fuck you for making me give him a view.
Where's the mod for using the drop dash, insta-shield, and super peelout in Sonic+Tails mode?
Can't wait to completely and utterly destroy the creators' artistic vision!
Rosy when?
Chaotix when?
Mighty when?
Super Sonic flying in normal stages
They are nude. You mean for Robotnik?
This one is cool. What sort of debug menu on the start?
This isn't Forces autists.
>literally just a sprite swap
What's the point
This one is a bit more interesting.
how can it have mods if it has denuvo
You can't edit the exe file. You can edit everything in the .rsdk file via rsdk unpacker though
>start video
>some intro which I hadn't initially realized is his faggot channel intro, skipped it assuming it was a Sonic Mania cutscene
>turn video off
kill you're self you stupid underage faggot
denuvo allows babby stuff like sprite swaps like the mod in the OP, it doesn't however allow anything complex like what you'd be used to in skyrim or mount and blade or team fortress, counter-strike etc
>game is out since 24 hours
>Flying around with twin dicks
>When Tails hits his exhaustion point he cums and he spurts during his entire descent
yeah, look at Just Cause 3 haha
Dreamcastxz1 will be mad about this one.
no. Fuck him, and fuck you OP.
>Mods are here
>"quick, I need to find something to break the fun!! I WON'T STAND IT!"
now, who would hate mods?
I want this.
>Mods are here
sprite swaps are nothing to get excited about
Yeah, me too I expected Sonic Mania Complete with a whole new campaign in the first hours.
Can we expect mods to happen once someone cracks and removes Denuvo?
Where's the mod where shill user chokes on a dick? That's the one I wanna see in action.
only Sup Forums would get upset over something as dumb as greeting an audience
they are already here.
I mean actual gameplay mods not the old swap A for B mods
those things take a little more time.
that's a cheat not a mod
>in a sonic game
Shit's stale as fuck, colour swaps don't change that fact, you autist
Soon, we will have Sonic CD levels, full Sonic Genesis level, Sonic Before Sequel and After Sequels levels, tons of shit like that.
I think LakeFeperd won't allow it, even with better physics than the original.
Bummed it isn't the complete stage.
All I care about in regards to miss are playable Blaze and Amy.
Crack out yet?
doubt it
she never had sprite works. Only 3D.
Is there a mod that lets me keep momentum while flying with Knuckles and/or take away that crouch when hit the ground after a glide yet?
hmm not bad.
Fuck off
Mods are great. Don't take literally two minutes to do get to the actual gameplay in order to create your personality for your audience. Shit is fucking annoying. Just show me the new shit and be done.
>idiot give me credit
this shit is one of the biggest things that'll keep me from watching a video
it's even worse if they spend two minutes to shill their patreon at the very start of the video
Crack out yet?
Here's some Blaze sprites that may work better with Mania.
>what is mugen
honestly i'm hoping more for a Mania-ified Sonic 3 sprite set
>Shitty intro
>YO WHATS UP GUYS right after
And close
>Ball not of fire
mute it and skip to 2:01, that's when the gameplay starts
Is there a blue arms mod yet?
blaze is the most overrated character in the franchise and i'll never understand why people like her so much
i'd rather have nigger sonic or one of the chaotix
Almost forgot that it came out because of the delay. How is it?
Best Sonic game ever
it's shit
it'll be very good once it's cracked though
don't buy it unless they remove denuvo
It's great, it's about on-tier with 3&K in my opinion. My only issue is they kind of just drop doing zone transitions midway through, it's a bit baffling as to why. Also the ending (good or bad) is pretty weak.
Decent to Good in most parts. There are a handful of really good spots and mediocre spots.
I personally found most of the remixed zones to be fun, and mostly liked the new zones but they were awfully long. Especially titanic monarch.
It's much better than Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I played S3&K for the first time in 20 years after beating Sonic Mania. It was a huge step down. You can especially see it when playing the remakes of the S3&K levels.
For how much people are bitching about Green Hill Zone they sure like to demo their mods on Green Hill Zone.
It's good. If you like Sonic 3 & Knuckles you'll like this.
Personally I enjoy the shorter Sonic 1 and 2 over those two since levels can get a bit long.
>but they were awfully long. Especially titanic monarch.
There's some zones in s3&K that can be really long until you learn to zip through them
Yes, but the first playthrough for them didn't hit 8+ minutes unless you got stuck on the barrel.
Hope there's a mod ghat lets me play as all 3 at once. Was so disappointed &K mode w/ Sonic & Tails didn't let me run around with all 3
It's not even that hard to figure out some transitions even if they had to go back and forth between places which was a dumb move but hey.
>Angel Island should have been in the air when Sonic and Tails first make it on there. The location should have been different, but they had to rope in knuckles somehow.
>flying battery should have just dropped them off at Press Garden. There wasn't anything they needed to do there.
>Knocked off the little planet which ended up over the top of Angel Island into Hydro City
>Recover the tornado from the top of Angel Islands beach area climbing out of Hydro City, Meet up with Knux or Sonic & Tails and follow Eggman and the heavies to Mirage Saloon. Eggman is attempting to fuel the thing he's building to use the Ruby with.
>From Oil Ocean fly back to the bottom of Angel Island and break in through some bottom access entrance Knuckles knows about and split off into Lava Reef. Knuckles get separated to take his own path to the Master Emerald Shrine.
>From Lava Reef shoot back up to Little Planet and Metallic Madness in the background rocket. Or just have Eggman building/Transporting Metallic Madness in the background of Lava Reef which explains the machinery.
>Metallic Madness to whatever Titanic Monarch is.
i've timed out on carnival night zone a few times even with knowing about the barrel, that stage's existence and the general excessive length of the stages is why i prefer sonic 2 over 3&k
sonic mania has some long stages but the gimmicks never feel tedious and annoying and i usually don't notice how long i took until i beat the boss and look at the timer
This was made for purposes.
How likely is a Metal Sonic mod with Denuvo?
You know what Mania was missing? Asides from Green-hill Zone (and maybe Press Garden act 2, if that counts), there are no nature themed zones. No mushroom hill zone or Hill top.
Denuvo prevents the EXE from being modified. However, Taxman's retro engine he's used since his fangames and Sonic CD draws its graphics and resources from a data.rsdk file; once extractors/injectors are updated again, they'll be able to modify the assets directly, bypassing EXE problems. This doesn't allow for level-editing outside of graphical tweaks, however, meaning it's functionally impossible until Denuvo is moved.
Stardust Speedway Act 1?
What about Press Garden 2?
I just realized I can't read
Now this is a cool one.
Now we need a mod to remove the super music.
Custom blue sphere zones are possible. I'm still poking around them but i did manage to swap the spheres around a bit.
What type of editing? Could a tool be made to put stuff from blue spheres in?
Marble Garden Zone still hits 8+ minutes for me and I've played through the games 3-4 times.
i wonder who's behind this wahoo
I want to play as nude Rouge
Holy fuck you take long
she actually had a 2D appearance in Sonic Rush actually