Jeffs wife is being tested for cancer

>jeffs wife is being tested for cancer
jeff had a hard life


>jeff opens up about the horror of not knowing the test results yet
>ben responds with a story about how he had a test which resulted in having to have open heart surgery

Whats the big deal? its just a test?
Its like if i was tested to be hitler
I'm not hitler until the test is finished

Actually, you're both Hitler and not Hitler until the test is finished

sure, but if you were born in 1889 austria, hate jews, run germany and is about to invade poland, theres a good chance youre hitler

>his voice cracking on the latest episode while he clearly fights back tears for a moment

Heartbreaking. Jeff is the only thing stopping GB West from going under. I like Brad but he's little more than a host.

....Schrödinger's Hitler?

Just fucking end it man. Jeff's gonna go off the deep end when the results come back positive. Ben is a literal cancer with a loud minority following. Brad is still bad at games, has the personality of beige, and STILL doesn't know shit about any of the games he QLs. Jason is p cool. Rorie is autistic as fuck and needs to go.

Dan is a retard, but a funny foil. Vinny is based. Alex is preachy cancer.

I can't imagine what their sub figures look like now compared to 2 years ago even.

>Jason is p cool

Nigga what the fuck are you smoking? Jason is the fakest motherfucker out of all of them and doesn't know shit about the game series he says he loves.

is it karma for selling out to CBSi?

Literally who?
Fuck off with your ecelebs, you look like a bunch of old mexican women discussing about their soap operas

it'll probably come back negative, or they can just remove it. Breast cancer is one of the more survivable ones anyway

So this is how they fish for attention these days...


>start smoking at the age of 14
>surprised when you have cancer

they've mentioned a few times that they're having the best year financially

I really hope this doesn't destroy the Gerstmann. I know there's a dark storyline somewhere where he's already done himself in after his dads death, Ryan and his roommate.

I've already come to terms we'll never see the golden years of 2011-2014.

Reminder that they'll all bad at videogames except for Jeff.
I did a free trial to watch their Mario Sunshine playthrough and HOLY SHIT is it bad

Havent checked the site or the podcasts in a while now but I hope things work out for them.


Some cringy fuck that looks like a hideous microwaved potato.

>Rorie is autistic as fuck

He's clearly a coke head look at him on camera he's like fucking Sessler.

It's ok Jeff it'll come back negative and you'll be at PAX