Dude altruism lmao

>dude altruism lmao

>dude feminine penis lmao

>dude individualism lmao

Fuck you I liked the game.

>games believes that altruism exists in biology

>what is a parent-child relationship

>user thinks he knows shit about anything

>what are endorphins, structure in life, responsibility, and the otherwordly pain of losing a child

Kill yourself you dirty commie.

>create a game criticizing objectivism and free market capitalism.
>the event that destroyes rapture is Ryan Nationalizing his competitor's assets

Really moves my marbles.

>communism is bad
I hate this meme

>none of those things exist in biology, but they exist in biological creatures known as human beings

What is being a pack animal

>defending totalitarian regime responsible for more death than muh Nazi's and the plague epidemic tenfold
Fucking communist pigs should be hanged.

I was making the point that the parent-child bond still stems out of a need to acquire pleasure and avoid pain. The pleasure being the joy of raising a child (all parents will tell you that it outweighs the cons) and the pain being the unspeakable feeling of losing or hurting a child, or the social and legal fallout from being recognized as a bad parent

Is there an appropriate virgin and chad meme for the Bioshock games?

>he thinks that was real communism
Wew lad, read some fucking Marx

>dude what if we rewarded shitty behavior by stealing from successful people at the point of a gun.

>being surrounded by able-bodied companions that will help you hunt and fend off predators isn't in your best interest

>it wasnt real communism meme


>i-it wasn't real c-c-communism y-you guys, it hasn't been done y-yet for realizes
All you pinko commie fucks deserve to have your guts strewn on a flagpole and left there to be pecked at by birds.

>it's really this easy
Why do I even come here anymore

Redistribution is not theft, it is giving money to people who need it more, it's more like charity.

Fuck off to leftypol then you subhuman communist faggot.


Where is Sup Forums?

>I was making the point that the parent-child bond still stems out of a need to acquire pleasure and avoid pain.
That's not a point backed up by anything in reality as most animals operate altruistically towards their offspring despite not having conceptualizations of what pleasure and pain are. They don't even have thinking capabilities in order to weigh the pros and cons of having offspring.

What societal and legal obligations do animals have for raising their babies? They don't have societies, they propagate themselves because they're DNA based lifeforms like ourselves.

>it is giving money to people who need it more
Humans and societies are infinitely complex entities that can be compared to eachother in billions of ways
Who gets to decide who gets the money and why?
Why would anyone feel any motivation to do great work if there is no hierarchy to climb?

Please tell me how real communism will distribute according to each's need without a totalitarian state.

Pro tip, you can't because people who actually like being productive don't like having their shit stolen.

I wasn't the one who baited, fellas. I'm just a disappointed onlooker.

Why do you need what I have? What right do you have to the property of others? You know you have to articulate your reasoning, right?

Why should everyone have the same amount of money when there is no correlation between wealth and happiness once you have an adequate living wage?

All over the place, because I can form opinions, not just biases.

>if I steal your car and give it to my poor friends it's charity.
You do realize that people are still charitable even if you don't point a gun at them

Tests keep putting me just a bit below where "activism" is on that chart

>Who gets to decide who gets the money and why?
The government will, through the will of the people of course.
>Why would anyone feel any motivation to do great work if there is no hierarchy to climb?
No one really works to gain money, that's just a capatlistic distortion. We work because we love to work. It doesn't matter what position we're in or what we're doing. Competition is unfair towards people who can't compete.
That is a distortion of what Communism is.

The word you're looking for is "Collectivism". Also it isn't about that, just like Bioshock wasn't about "Objectivism".

>No one really works to gain money

>believing a human being can be unbiased

They don't, they work for the joy of helping their fellow man

Majority of Sup Forumseddit is bottom left considering you can't have any good, racist bantz on this board anymore even though this site as a whole has proudly made fun of niggers since 2005.

>No one really works to gain money, that's just a capatlistic distortion.
I'll tell your boss not to consider you for the next raise

>believing I didn't type "not just"

>I'm just a disappointed onlooker.
Then stay that way instead of posting useless garbage with no correlation to the thread.
>Who gets to decide who gets the money and why?
>The government will, through the will of the people of course.
You are naive to think that would ever happen the way you are imagining.
>No one really works to gain money,
That's the only reason why I work.

it wasn't supposed to criticize objectivism. it was just a neat setting for a game. nerds on the internet decided to make it ""deeper"" than it was.

yeah it's not like we need money or value to get the things we need or want or anything. barter systems totally weren't around before evil capitalists with their top hats and big wallets

forget second link

This thread is being hijacked, it's now a best BioGirl thread pic related

You only think this way because of all the money being stolen by the 1%, if we all had a living wage we would still work because it's ingrained in us.

>no one works to gain money
If you never got rewarded and compensated at the end of your time and use of your skills it wouldn't be called work you dribbling, retarded pinko fuck. God how I wish to hunt you faggots down and ship you out to true commie made shitholes.

>We work because we love to work.
I have never seen anybody so wrong in my entire life.

We evolved to do the absolute bare minimum in order to survive and propagate. That is an inherent part of our genetic makeup. If you're handed the ability to live without putting in anything, then most people will do nothing. There are outliers, and some will compete for social standing or power, but most people will take the handout if they are unable to compete.

Nobody works to gain money, but they do use money to produce new things and improve on old ones. Why the fuck should people who know nothing about most industies be allowed to regulate then through force?

>that's not real communism because I don't like how it sounds

>if we all had a living wage we would still work because it's ingrained in us.
No. You are stupid and generalizing a wide margin of people. I would waste my time on the beach if I never had to worry about a living wage.

You need to learn more about neurology and biology in general, you're right that altruism as it's usually defined isn't the basis for most parent-child relationships but pain and pleasure or the mitigation of it aren't the sole causes for taking after your children. It's different processes in the mind and body that make up an actual parental instinct. It's even a stress response for female primates, when a mother feels threatened the female counter-part to "fight or flight" kicks in, called "tend and befriend" where she's actually hardwired to make sure the kids are okay and try to get help. Instinct and responses like that can better explain why we take care of children we consciously or subconsciously see as our own.

Alright, and your point in relation to anything relevant to my post, or the OP is what exactly?

>If you're handed the ability to live without putting in anything, then most people will do nothing
Then why the fuck do we play video games when we're bored. We need tons of work/competition-like stimuli to "do nothing".

>dude I only like games if they talk about an ideology that I agree with

>muh 1%
>Pajeet running the Wal-Mart down the street wants to board money for himself
Kill yourself

The idea was that Ryan was a broken man that got played at his own game, and couldn't stay true to his ideals.

You simple minded idiots are why Bernie lost

British Liberal.

fuck off nigger

Bernie lost because the DNC kicked him out for being an unaffiliated kooky socialist.

how very dare you

Bioshock was about how extreme ideologies are bad.

Objectivism, Collectivism and Nationalism

It was never serious.

He's right though

That jew lost because he was a spineless communist faggot much like yourself. The day """""'socialism"""""" which is just pseudo communism is the day the United States goes to another Civil War.

Labor =/= Entertainment.

wew lad.

This is not video games.

>extreme ideologies
Define what makes an ideology extreme.

Nationalism on its own is not an extreme ideology by any stretch of the imagination.

Building a city underwater or building one in the sky so you can practice it with "purity"

>you can't talk about the messages and themes of video games


If Nationalim isn't extreme then why are European countries removing it

I'm not saying that Nationalism itself is extreme. But comstock had taken it to it's extremes.

None of them are talking about the message of the game. They're talking about communism and one guy is false flagging for sick (You)s.

he's not and that very much hurts my feelings

>Labor =/= Entertainment.
Labor doesn't always equal entertainment but labor can equal entertainment. There isn't any hard barrier between those.

The problem is that labor nowadays depending on the country does worse job or has more downsides at stimulating the brain than other activities. Desk jobs are hardly interesting, but some people make their entertainment activities into labor. We're in a way biologically hardwire to do something with ourselves but the problem is that the contemporary world makes it so that doing something with ourselves isn't always useful.

>if trees aren't bad why are we cutting down the Amazon rainforest

And Communism and Libertarianism play huge roles in the fucking story you unbelievable retard. Thanks for bumping the thread I guess.

Because the EU is a facist regime that is trying to quietly kill the native peoples by importing millions of uneducated, unskilled hordes of savages who breed like vermin. All under the guise of "preventing another world war" of course.

>the EU is a facist regime
opinion discarded

Turning everyone into goo to pump into a singular vessel is another great example of maybe being a little extreme.

No, actually they don't. Collectivism =/= Communism/Libertarianismm.

>arresting citizens for thought crimes and threatening countries that defy the status quo of subhumans

Actually they do and it really seems like you don't know what you're talking about. I'm not saying collectivism = Communism/Libertarianism, nice strawman.

Doesn't happen

>reprimanding and punishing nation states that don't tow the line
>not fascist
Germany is the de-facto leader of the EU and it seems like they didn't shake off their shit since 45.

Then what do they have to do with the game? Because besides Ryan being pissy about them, they aren't ever brought up.

>There isn't any hard barrier between those.
No but a distinction should be made that when an user says most people would do nothing and another counters with video games; productivity was the underlining theme. Like you said, many jobs most people ONLY do out of necessity. 90% percent of all retail workers would not be working there if they didn't have too.

Are you fucking ignoring the entire part where Ryan creates Rapture to be a Libertarian paradise where you can splice your DNA until you go crazy and tear everything down?

>what is class-divide

Fuck you for making me reply, this is your last (You)

>this site as a whole has proudly made fun of niggers since 2005.

Because it was a joke. Nobody took that shit seriously like half of you fuckers do now

>nobody took that seriously but half of you did

You sign on to the EU, you abide by its laws. What are you, a brexiter?

Yes, but the point is that we are hardly evolved to do the absolute minimum when for example games like basketball are still played for entertainment and they are hardly good for energy saving. I am not defending some commie shitposting but rather saying that we aren't made to just lie down once we've provided ourselves with food and water.

For some reason my brain flat lined and filled in Libertarianism and Liberalism, but that still doesn't explain what discussing Communism has to do with Bioshock.

Learn your tenses user

>all over the place, because I have absolutely zero principles and lack a consistent reasoning behind my beliefs.

My mistake, just the half of the people you happen to not be involved with are nobodies! Haha, thanks for the help user!

>My mistake, just the half of the people you happen to not be involved with are nobodies! Haha, thanks for the help user!
meant for