How do PCbros feel about not having access to a whole genre of games?
How do PCbros feel about not having access to a whole genre of games?
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God of War
Zero Dawn Horizon
you couldn't pay me to play those games
Feels bad to be honest, but it's ok.
I like to watch the playthroughs on youtube without any commentay and hold the left stick down on my pad.
Hopefully somebody can one day create a new IP for us PC guys
but user, I can go on Netflix
Does PC really have no third person over the shoulder action games?
What about that new Hellblade game?
Dont care, consoles usually only have 1 or 2 game exclusives i care about anyway. I can just emulate them later.
>whole genre of games
I wouldn't spend hundreds of dollars to play one or two games in specific, that's retarded
>Does PC really have no third person over the shoulder action games?
PUBG is over shoulder isn't it?
That had half the budget, half the length, and Sup Forums hated it by default because of the DmC game from the same dev.
But yes, its the closest thing on PC.
why can't normies get better taste?
why did they allow cinematic """games""" proliferate so hard?
is it just their bad taste, or is Sony's aggressive marketing to blame?
the science speaks for itself. TPS is the more mentally stimulating. Playing FPS is officially JUST
The author of that article admits in the article that he hasn't read the original study. But you haven't even read the article, so you wouldn't know.
What number of people in the study?
What age were they?
What else they had in common?
Was the measurement done once or in multiple phases?
>study suggests that people who eat hospital food are more likely to be sick
Yeah, fuck off.
Well, consoles don't have access to several genres and they don't have the best games from most others like FPSs and RPGs.
Also, third person action-adventure games is one of the worst genre, those game are never interesting.
Wasn't there a similar article that precised the fps tested were casual shit like Borderland, COD and Overwatch?
We already have walking simulators.
Doesn't The Witcher fall into this category?
And Dark Souls?
Maybe Fallout and The Elder Scrolls?
I think Dragons Dogma is similar.
You haven't played any of the games in PC if you think what you listed is similar.
Save quite a lot of money watching all these online with my PC.
We got shadow of mordor and can emulate Breath of the Wild and whatnot
We're not missing that much
There's already walking sims on PC.
i really want the omega collection. theres not much id really want on ps4 pro. but in 9 years it be nice console to collect for like my £15 ps3
>i dont even play the 3rd person games
>taling shit about third person camera
Thats the best fucking camera fuck you
>How do PCbros feel about not having access to a whole genre of movies?
Indifferent I guess
Im more upset about Skate
I prefer videogames.
Consoles have some exclusives that I'm very very interested in, but those shouldercam movies are not amongst them.
>a whole genre
>But yes, its the closest thing on PC.
>He hasn't watched The Last of Uncharted
Well there's not a whole lot to go off of...
Darksiders, then?
Pretty fucking good actually. If I wanted to watch hideous women get covered in shit and mud, there's pornhub for that.
Watch this and think what in Darksiders is like it.
>Roguelikes (the real kind)
>Text adventures
how do consolebros feel
Why is is all third person trash?
Why not put a good game like yakuza or p5?
All of those games looks the same.
I feel terrible
What in that video is like any of the other games in OP? We need to define the "genre" before we can continue.
I feel like I can watch it on YouTube for free, if I ever get an itch for a third rate movie script.
I don't want to play linear interactive video. But it sucks i can't play Bloodborne.
This is why I will never buy a PC. I actually enjoy video games.
Story driven scripted cinematic set piece over the shoulder third person character driven fully voiced big budget action game for gamepads.
Personally don't care if it gets on pc ok if it doesn't no problem here. Really don't see a reason to be upset. I'll just borrow my friends console if I want to play this games. Like i did with PS2.
PCBros usually have ps4 for exclusives... Hell my ps4 costed less than my pcs fucking ram
i'm okay about it. the only one i'd play from that lineup is the new God of War.
the others don't really interest me
>zombie game
>tomb raider game
>robot dinosaur game
I mean... I just downloaded all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
They meet most those requirements.
Kat's game is fun. I want more like it.
>pirates of the caribbean movies are action games
no, they are action movies
you don't play them
You "play" them about as much as you play any of the games in OP
>Kat's game is fun. I want more like it.
too bad
didn't sell enough, unlike these """games""" be excited for the Last of Us 2, not the Last of Us, and the Last of Gods tho!
Sony paid for it so let Sony have it. They don't owe PC players anything.
PS4 has some good exclusives, and that picture doesn't have any of them.
Don't you mean the cinematic western shit template?
Same thing
>copy paste of the first games
>quicktime event sim
>it's literally just zombies
>BOTW clone
what the fuck happened lads? I'm just praying spiderman will save Sony
excuse me but they're freakers
What are you talking about? I can play movies on my computer.
>using western as an insult
How do Sonybro's not feel about having the best action game of the year?
I hope Xboxbro's enjoy it though
PC has plenty of over the shoulder shooters, PUBG, Tomb Raider, Quantum Break, etc
& they are all shit
But at least PUBG is funny for streamers getting butthurt
These are the biggest meme articles ever. >Niche japanese games sell under 5 million each?
Gravity rush sold maybe half a million and TLG sold about a million.
When you have really tiny teams working on these games and they still sell in the hundreds and thousands, then it is considered a success. Japan has huge RPG's that sell around 100k and that is considered a success over there.
sorry fampai
All shitposting aside PUBG is the biggest non f2p game since minecraft.
I do wonder how much microsoft paid for it
>Has less early access passes sold than Uncharted 4 has full game sales
>Costs half of what Uncharted 4 cost at launch
Might be the biggest non f2p game on PC but that isn't saying much.
maybe he means legally
Seems Like you never played daoc
>Yakuza 0
>Persona 5
>The Last Guardian
>Gravity Rush 2
>Ratchet & Clank
Nice cherrypicking, retard
ps4 games sell more in general e.g. gta v (the most popular multiplat on both) sold twice as many on ps4.
This would put PUBG at 18 million if it was released on ps4 and it was as popular as it is on pc (which there is no reason it wouldn't be).
It's gonna surpass uncharted 4 tho, and uc4 was bundled everywhere in the uk
Where do you think you are?
They do have a lot of similarities though.
>Over-the-shoulder third person
>Usually a shooter with stealth elements
>Great focus on scripted scenes, realistic graphics and story
>Minimalistic UI
It may not be a genre but they are filled with modern trends. It's not exclusive to Sony exclusives but it's clearly what the company wants the PS image to be, thats why they keep funding them.
Nah not 18 million. Pubg has sold approx 8.5million early access so far on PC (at early access price).
PUBG isn't going to sell more than GTAV if it was released on PS4 dude.
There's zero reason to expect it wouldn't. That would make it the top seller (just as it is on pc), but it's not absolutely ridiculous.
UC4 was heavily bundled with PS4's & has been out for a year, it's also retail vs digital, PUBG is digital only
The fact PUBG has sold 8mil vs UC4's bundled 9mil is insane
*retail & digital
I also expect PUBG to do millions on Xbone, i reckon by end of 2018 it's gonna push past 20mil on PC & Xbone
Yeah right who needs fucking shit Bloodborne if you can play glorious PUBG and other masterpieces like Dota 2.
>Dark Souls
>PS3 Port
>PS3 Port
so uuhhhhhh Nioh...
I have a PS4 and I am still a bit upset that these games are exclusive since it means I would need to use analog for aiming. They don't even offer the option for gyro even though the controller should support it. As far as I know, Gravity Rush is the only game that actually takes advantage of gyro further proving that Kat is the best girl and should be Sony's mascot.
Pretty unfair to lump Horizon in with those other games. It barely has cutscenes and is for the most part very videogamey rather than cinematic.
GTAV has sold 15mil on PS4 in 2 years, PUBG in over half a year has pulled 8mil as a digital only release
PUBG is gonna past 15mil on PC in 6 months, retail release will give it a nice boost also
Most ps4 owners believe this unironically
No. PUBG wouldn't just sell twice as much on console. PUBG is a PC game for the most part, and GTAV is a console game for the most part.
There is no reason to think that you can linearly scale the sales to a platform like playstation.
PUBG is popular among the PC crowd, and there is no reason why that wouldn't overlap with the same crowd on PS4.
In other words the people on the PS4 platform also have a PC they can play PUBG on.
Uncharted 4 cost full price. Pubg cost much less.
Should've have asked your mom for a PS4 user.
>The Last Guardian
we have shitty third-person games on PC too user.
How are those real-time strategy games coming along on playstation?
>Uncharted 4 cost full price. Pubg cost much less.
It also costs less to make, retard. If you are talking money, don't forget that. And the huge marketing gap.
>PUBG wouldn't just sell twice as much on console
M8 most games do sell twice as well on ps4.
It's realistically going to go past 10 mil in 4 weeks tops, and should easily reach 15-20 on pc in a year. Even if it sells just as well on ps4 as on pc it will still get there.
Anyway you'll get to see when it gets ported to the xbone where it will completely btfo everything.
do you ACTUALLY believe if you asked the average ps4 owner what would they prefer, PUBG or bloodborne they'd say bloodborne?
>How are those real-time strategy games coming along on playstation?
How are they coming along on PC, nerd?
But we have access to it.
Of course not, I, as a PS4 owner, would rather play Hearsthone, PUBG and... I don't know fucking Pac-Man in a browser. I mean it's also better to buy a 1500$ PC than a PS4 to play all the new games for a year because it won't handle anything that will be released in 2-3 years? Moreover, PC master race can finally experience Demon's Souls on a PS3 emulator in wonderful 15 FPS
Guess that's why everyone bought it sweetie
>in 2-3 years
No question mark, fix'd
yeah it's niche but it didn't even make the top 20 PS4 games for January according to the Sony blog:
>its the closest thing on PC.