Only have a PC

>only have a PC
>literally fucking nothing to play aside from garbage like Overwatch, PUBG and trash like that

Fucking hell.

buy a console

>only have a ps4
>literally nothing to play apart from the odd exclusive every 6 months

>Destiny 2 out in 6 days

Should of buyed actual toys

>buy a console
>literally nothing to play

best 2 grand you ever spent huh?

And most PC exclusives like Rising Storm can't even keep a playable online population. Truly a dead platform unless you play mobashit like League or PUBG

If you only play exclusives then you'll find that's the case with pretty much any platform.

What games do you even like to play.

Pc literally has 99% of all games ever made on it.
So if its that hard to find games for it for you then stop playing games you spoiled retard.

You can atleast play old consoles/handhelds on your pc....

play good games like elite dangerous instead

>tfw online game I've been playing for the past few months has the average daily peak of 10 concurrent players

RS2 has 14000 people playing it right now
Not a huge amount but plenty to be able to find a good match
Consoles games die way faster than pc games. There are still tens of thousands of people playing counterstrike and tf2

You have access to 99.99% of all games ever released on PC and most console games if you're willing to tackle emulation. Shut the fuck up Sony/Microsoft shill.

>Not playing XCOM 2 WOTC
>Not playing R6 Siege
>Not playing 30 years worth of PC vidya

What city is this? Looks quite comfy

I mean 1400 people

multiplayer killed the pc market. you know Im right.

So none of you fags are going to speak about the webm?

>more games than any platform
>exclusive genres that aren't on any other platform
>nothing to play but overwatch and pubg

What? Do you only play Resistance on your PlayStation?

watching a girl puke is kinda hot

>girl being disgusting
nothing new

Fuck off newf*g

I already have the source so Idgaf

>not playing Titanfall 2


No, we're discussing video games

I can see cuter girl's puking their guts up if I felt like walking for 5 minutes.

You're the only nigga here falling for that bait, of if you're the OP, you used shitty bait friendo.

If you insist on discussing it, I was mildly surprised it wasn't porn, I guess.

who gives a shit

I'm in your boat. Wish more PC multiplat games had even half the playerbases consoles do. But I've been holding up with playing older shit like Mafia 2 and such. Never played the DLC's of them before. Thankfully I have my PS4, I'd be fucked without it. Can't wait for Destiny 2.

>destiny 2


the game will be dead in a couple of months, it will be like the next Division. actually, i think even Division is better than destiny.

Gonna be funny to see it compete with Warframe.

1400 people is plenty, the only problem is how incestuous the servers get, where your ID actually means something. the less people that play the worse the metafaggotry gets.

>Literally thousands of games
>Only list two of the most modern, popular ones

What games do you play on console that are dead on pc?

Learn how to like stuff you faguette. And then you have thousands of games to play.

>Have access to thousands upon thousands of titles
>LITERALLY nothing to play aside from *subjective qualifier* WAAAHHHH
Unfortunately too many people already took your filthy Sonybro bait.

>watching a girl puke is kinda hot

that's only hot because the girl in question is kinda hot to begin with.

looks kinda czech to me

what's her name? i remember another webm where she's on the floor and pisses

What about watching her poop...? Haha, just kidding guys.

I want proofs user

>the 5 or 6 worthwhile console exclusives are the only good games!!

Great shill thread but no.

>literally the biggest library of any gaming platform, complete with emulation of just about every console
>nothing to play
You're clearly retarded.

user there are thousands of games to play. You are just burnt out, take some time away from Vidya until the urge actually comes back.

Consoles don't have the games either. Only game so far barely worth playing on console this gen was FO4.

You could play Fallout 4 or Skyrim remastered.
These games have hundreds of hours of fun in them.
And even have endlessly generated quests that let you play the game forever.
And they also feature amazingly crafted DLC.

Prolly some eurotrash domain that'll get blown up by Antifa tomorrow. Not comfy if you ask me.

>just puking all over the fucking floor
Socialism at work, people.

>Consoles don't have the games either
i don't agree
also i'm having much more time with ps4 than with pc, can't explain it

>doesn't puke
stop posting

much more fun*
i'm tired

Fuck you. PC has too many choices. There are games pre-2016

im enjoying the Destiny 2 beta with my girlfriend, we're gonna buy it on release

>posting worst girl

t.Casualfag too much of pleb to play actually good games.


I've seen worst things in the internet

Not really.
It's ancient.

Multiplayer multiplats generally. Fighting and sports games are all I have going for me at the moment until AAA season, which is around the corner. Already beat all the single player shit when they came out. Been a pretty slow year for multiplayer games though. Destiny 2 is gonna take up most of my time though. If I had only a PS4 or only a PC this year, I'm certain I'd have long periods of nothing to play. Always a good thing to have both.

admit pc exclusives are meh and just play console ports and emulate.

although I'm also emulating Dark Cloud 2 on top of XCOM2. Something the PS4 can't do.

I'm not one for the kinky stuff but I want to see her getting fucked while puking

>Thousands of games to play
Kill yourself

wheres the sauce?

teens today are such degenerate scum

did she died?

This generation was a stillborn. Hopefully next gen is better but I doubt it.

As opposed to the teens 50 years ago that did psychedelic drugs and had unprotected sex with strangers?

don't talk like this about your mother

>he plays singleplayer games

The multiplayers game I play are made of cardboard and plastic, and have real social interactions instead of being autist country.

>Nothing to play
I fucking bet you have more than 1 game without being played on your steam library.

>PC has no games
>Consoles have no games
What the fuck has video games then

Nothing. Thats why we shitpost on Sup Forums all day.

Joe and Alex look straight up asian, what app does this?

how do this?

There's a metric assload of good strategy, shooting, action, RPG, etc. games for PC including a shitload of exclusives that are way too complicated or difficult for console babbies

Don't buy a gaming PC if you want to fucking play Mario

what's the with PCfag superiority complex and the consolefag bargaining? you're all fighting over which jew fucks you in the ass the least.

Play DotA 2
Thank me later for ruining your life :)

why don't you just play Deus Ex.

Why is Dota 2 such a good game to waste time? I swear you can play that game for four hours and not even realize you kill your whole day

>PC is 10 years old
>no money for anything better

because the games are 1 hour long you retard

9yo pc here, still can play pretty good stuff, what's your specs?