Nindies Showcase Summer 2017

So what do we think?

The games featured were.

Super Meat Boy Forever
Shovel Knight King of Cards
Mom Hid My Game
Golf Story
Floor Kids
Poly Bridge
Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition
Earth Atlantis
Next Up Hero
SteamWorld Dig 2
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Dragon Marked For Death
Battle Chef Brigade
Morphies Law
Sausage Sports Club
Light Fingers
Nine Parchments
Travis Strikes Again

Other urls found in this thread:



mostly filler, some good looking stuff here and there, TSANMH was a nice surprise.

Still waiting for Mario Odyssey to drop.

I didn't mean to imply that we should have the same opinions or anything. That'd be trash. I just wanted to hear what people thought of it.

Most of the games looked like utterly awful but there were some good looking games there.

This looks really good, I don't know why people hire these fuckers to make 2.5D shit.

Shovel Knight's cool, Golf Story looks fun, Dragon Marked For Death looks fun, and hot diggedy I would like some more Travis Touchdown in my life. I hope they bring his voice actor back though. The guy in the trailer sounded off.

King Knight.
SteamWorld Dig 2.
Golf Story.
Dragon Marked For Death.
No More Heroes.

These look like they were the games of note.
Bonus point to that Yuno game for having a cute Elephant though.

>No More Heroes is demoted to indie trash
Lel, apt because it's a shit wagglemashing minigame collection with like 5 boss battles.

Wow, sounds like you sure played the first two.

Actually I only played the first one.


Eh, it was alright. The only things that really interested though were
>Shovel Knight King of Cards
>Golf Story
>Steamworld Dig 2
>Morphies Law (Looks pretty dumb but I like the idea)
>Travis Strikes Again
I'm pretty mad that Super Meat Boy has devolved into an infinite runner though.

This. I really have no idea why. It's kind of sad.
I admit that I can't stand Mighty No. 9, and all while it looks like Bloodstained controls/plays just right, it still looks pretty damn ugly.

But after each new 2D game of Inti Creates I play I seem to become more and more a fan. They make pretty great games actually. I love Gunvolt and just recently Mighty Gunvolt Burst was pretty awesome too and I still had lots of fun with Blaster Master.
Mighty No. Shit really doesn't do them justice.

I am looking forward to Marked for Death. It looks great.

Probably because there has been a lot of SMB type games releaed recently. No point in over saturating the market and ruin the genre with more of the same gameplay.

I liked Golf Story, that Inti game, King Knight, Earth Atlantis, Dig 2 and the elephant game
Mom hid my game is the game of the fucking century
And I can't believe we got a new NMH game of all things

Morphies Law has a dumb but cool concept. I just wish they would get rid of the stupid meme skull art style.

Yeah, it really doesn't add anything and doesn't make much sense either. Looks pretty fun though.

You damn well know unlocking more skins is most likely one of features of playing the game.
Golf Story really is meant to be a spiritual successor to Mario Golf from when Mario Golf was still good, right? That's not just a misinterpretation on my part is it?

If that is what it is trying to be then I really hope that it succeeds. Those games were incredible.


Q: What will it be?

Glorified mobileshit that's shoved onto consoles for extra shekels.

Anyone know what that Away game is? I had never heard of it before this.

When I first saw it in the Nindies teaser
it looked pretty bad. Not particularly good. But after finding the full trailer on Nintendo's channel
it doesn't actually look all that bad. Unlike the first teaser this trailer does a much better job at conveying the size of the world(s) and how you traverse them. And it actually shows you interacting with characters and objects and stuff.

But it's a dungeon crawler of sorts? Perhaps not. But it looks like there is at the very least some effort behind it. Initially I was almost convinced that there were none. As of now I think I am intrigued.

>Q: What will it be?
Looks like a ripoff of Mario Run.

Dragon Marked For Death looks good
Need to see gameplay for the new NMH game first

surprisingly i liked nine parchments as well, reminded me of the old magicka games before they went to shit.

Oh boy can't wait to play more BING BING WAHOO games.

All I know is it looked like shovelware in the nindies teaser, but then looked alright in the actual showcase.

(you) picked the wrong thread.

So is that No More Heroes thing, going to be a non-indie game using a bunch of indie properties?
Or are they somehow indie?

I honestly don't care whether or not it's indie. Can't fathom how it really matters. But I am still a bit confused. I did not expect No More Heroes at an indie showcase.

Fun fact, Megaman Zero and Megaman ZX developers are working on this game.

And it's a Switch exclusive! Is Nintendo "funding" it? That wouldn't make it an indie, if that's the case

The story involves Travis going to video game worlds, most of the worlds are based off indie games

Pretty much kingdom hearts but with indie games and Travis fucking shit up. All that's missing is Travis singing under the sea

There were some other games that had trailers which weren't in the video.
Super Beat Sports looks like the Rhythm Heaven Endless games mixed with a sports theme and multiplayer.
And Runner3 looks great.

I really need this if it's true. I wonder what the 6 worlds will be though. Jeez, First Mario+Rabbids, then this.

>yfw Nintendo lets Suda use Fatal Frame for a world

>Travis meets Yuri from Fatal Frame V
>He tries to fuck her

That would make my day, holy shit.

Felt like there was a lot of samey shit, but there's a few games I'm hype for.

Was expecting a hype announcement and "you can download this after the presentation" moment

>King of Cards
>it's a prequel
>it features a card minigame

I didn't see that coming

No game is going to do that, especially right after MarioRabbid was just released. Indie games sell best when there is a lull and you need something to play in between big releases.

>No mention of Tiny Metal or its release date

I just found out about that game 2 days ago, and it looks sweet, I want it.

>>it features a card minigame

Thanks for this. Looks great. Been wanting a AW-Like for a while now

I don't play indietrash.

which of these are exclusive?

Travis Strikes again
Golf Story

Dragon Marked for Death too.


>Golf Story releases this Summer. Stay tuned for details.
So Q2~ 2018?

I remember seeing about half an hour of gameplay of it a few months ago. The gameplay seemed a bit lacking, but I don't remember exactly why.

It's cool that that Inti got the MegaMan Zero artist on board, especially since a lot of the other staff are supposedly working on this


Who is the Level Designer?


I think it's Ryota.

What did he do



What does it mean?

Well going by , he was the director for the Zero series, the ZX series, as well as Megaman 9 and 10.
But I am no expert so I know no details.




Is Kentucky Route Zero any good? Sounds kinda neat. In fact most of this stuff sounds pretty cool, gonna have to invest in a decent microSD at some point.

SMBF, Golf Story, PolyBridge, Steamworld Dig 2, Mulaka, Yono, Sausage Sports Club and Travis Strikes Again all looked fun.

everything else was meh


I expected pretty much nothing. But there were several games I think I'll enjoy.
And I would have never expected No More Heroes. I am still not entirely sure why it was even featured. Are they really indie?

It looks neat, and I'm fine with the Dia de los Muertos aesthetic, but for fucks sake, I hope they don't stick with the stock UE4 player model. Like if all I gotta do to sell a game is change some rulesets, textures, and slap a couple maps together, I'll have a new UE4 Switch game done within the month.

>Steam world dig 2
Fuuuuck that game was torture and yet somehow fun for one playthrough

Also, what's is this? I haven't seen a Indie game tidal wave since the launch of PS4. This is unreal.

What's weird is there's a bunch of other shit that's been announced but wasn't touched on at all with the direct.

Stardew Valley, The Fall pt. 2, Pocket Fighter, Wargroove, Hollow, Hollow Knight, Rocket League and Shakedown: Hawaii were missing.

Every time someone looks at simplistic art and says "I could have done this," I have only one reply:
Then why didn't you?

I'm surprised we didn't see more of this yet

It's not an indie game, but yeah, it's weird we haven't seen anything about this at all since the reveal.
What the hell SE?

Probably because everyone knows about them already. They want to showcase the lesser known ones, to give all the indie game a chance to shine. I mean, I would have never heard of Yono if not for this.

Wargroove and Hollow Knight were in this direct.

I am working on a little side UE4 project for fun, but I didn't think you could just reskin the dummy model that comes with the engine and sell it as a game. More power to them, honestly. More money for less effort is the way to go. Like I said, I like the idea, I'm just a little surprised.

For what it's worth. The shoddy player characters of the game is why I am leaning towards not buying it. Didn't even know they were default UE4 assets.
And if I was to go on a tangent. Perhaps I am just not big enough of a gun nut, but I can't help but feel like it's kind of weird that the guns look like real guns. Considering the effects of shooting people appears to be stealing their mass rather than blasting their skulls open or whatnot. Point being the effect of the guns doesn't seem like the effects of real guns. But as far as looks are concerned they still look like real guns.

It's odd. I think I like the concept of the game though. So it's a real shame.

Rocket league already gave relevant info at E3. Crossplay and has everything the other consoles already have. It's quite impressive how good Nintendo has taken care of porting the bigger 3rd party games. Big shots like Rocket league and minecraft are huge for the switch. Combining he ultimate comfort games with a comfy device like the switch is utter genius.

Well maybe this is just super pre-alpha, but if that were the case, I wouldn't expect it to be featured by Nintendo yet. And I agree with the gun point. I mean at the end of the day, if it's fun to play, it's fun to play. Im just jaded because of the knowledge that what they showed seems like something a competent dev team could make in a week, or even less. But like I said, more power to them, because I'm still interested in it.

>8 games im 100% getting

Also not on the direct im gonna get

>Shakedown Hawaii
>Worms WMD
>Stardew Valley
>Pocket Rumble

>Mfw Switch is a decent indie shit system

Shovel knight was the only exiting one. Super meat boy and no more heroes looks cool if you liked those games, yono looks adorable as all fuck and morphies law looks interesting.

Everything else was shit

It's missing one

Yooka Laylee devs being behind on everything? What a surprise

Morphies law
Travis Strikes again
Golf story Release date
Steamworld dig 2 release date
Sausage sports club
Light fingers
Battle chef brigade
poly bridge
That yoko ono elephant game
Away: Journey to the unexpected.

Pretty damn good indie games for a handheld

The new NMH game is a prequel to NMH3. Travis has a scar on the right eye that he never got on NMH2. This is a hint, that we will find out in NMH3.

I was kinda hoping to see some of that Fear Effect remake in action. Oh well.

How come Golf Story is looking so good?
It looks like a different type of RPG, pretty damn cool.

It looks like Mario Golf Advance Tour. That game is amazing though.

>Away: Journey to the unexpected
Is this done by the French. It has the Faux anime feel like wakifu.

Why was the new No More Heroes revealed in a fucking indie direct? It's the quintessential AA game.

also, is that his hair or is it a hat

Do I have to play steam world dig 1 to play the 2nd one?

Yeah it's by a french studio, and I think it might be a wig.

Whoa user, you shouldn't crop your pics like that

It reminds me of both Mario Golf and Mario Tennis for the Game Boy Color, the latter of which had light RPG elements. If it's like that, I am stoked.

I didn't watch the direct, but TSANMH was a welcome surprise.

Bunch of shovelware shit

>Mom Hid My Game

Just like my Flash point-and-click games from 2005!
