Wow.... why am I actually having fun with a Rabbids game?
Grant Kirkhope is bringing my childhood back with this soundtrack too.
What DLC do you want to see for this game?
Wow.... why am I actually having fun with a Rabbids game?
Grant Kirkhope is bringing my childhood back with this soundtrack too.
What DLC do you want to see for this game?
>What DLC do you want to see for this game?
Games should be completed when they release.
The game is finished. Nothing was hacked off the game that makes it feel like an incomplete experience.
There isn't really much you can add besides new weapons and maps, maybe new characters. Rosalina and Rabbid Rosalina would be nice.
Then any post launch content should be free.
So the devs should just work for free after the game launches lol????
So should anti-consumer prices be encouraged lol????
Not DLC, but I want them to polish the game a bit more through patches. The occasional 1-2 second freezes during battle and the way characters snap back to their default pose during dialogue just before doing a special animation seems jarring.
>wow this is so fun guys I am reliving my childhood what dlc should we- I mean they make
500 replies in one hour
dumbest board on the site
Its pretty good. Just finished the first world, enjoying it alot.
Why do you have to be so fucking negative? People are enjoying this game.
I want to fuck rabbid peach
She's not impressed by your dick.
in all seriousness does anyone actually own it?
I think it would be more appropriate if it were a Luma Rabbid.
Yes. I get fucking angry when I accidentally choose the wrong target because the game doesn't ask for confirmation.
Would you?
I want to see Nabbit (but no rabbid Nabbit, just Nabbit) since I was hoping for him since reveal. And then Rosalina and rabbid r-
Actually Rosalina and Luma Rabbid because it makes so much sense.
Other than that? Start on a sequel. I'd love for this to be a thing they revisit every 2-3 years or atleast do other games x rabbids. Preferably Splatoon x Rabbids. (Feat. Callie, Marie, Sheldon, Spyke, and their counterparts)
Option to turn on confirmation for move and attacks and maybe more animation settings.
That's all this game really needs. For DLC, a whole new story.
that sentence is probably the saddest thing I have ever read. that you are that fucking stupid to believe it
More importantly, why aren't there people working on a humanized version of her?
Why is OP making it sound like there's no DLC planned?
Season pass has new story for 2018 which may or not expand on the Rabbids even further and either make new mid-bosses/bosses or expand on the already existing ones.
that's the only real problem with this game
I fucked up a handful of times and i wouldnt have with a confirmation
Having a blast so far. The world 2 dual bosses fucked my shit sideways.
All I'd like from the DLC would be some sort of level generator. There's a lot to do but most of it boils down to challenges and reruns for better score. A generator would make this game priceless.
They're doing some kind of story DLC in 2018, I'm hoping it's Wario and Waluigi end up meeting the two Rabbids of them we meet in-game and going on an adventure
But we all know it's going to senselessly shoe-horn in Ray-Man
I think the game could have also let you move characters in the overhead view or retain enemy/ally movement range indicators after locking it in the overhead view and going back to standard view.
I've also seen enemies on higher elevations shoot my guys through the floor, but the game doesn't seem to let me always do the same. I'm not sure what determines if that can be done or not.
>level generator
Let's take that up a notch and make a level creator.
why not both
Because it's Nintendo/Ubisoft and they'll only pick one, if they're even based enough to pick either
I think the game should let you have a party of 4 and not force you to pick mario.
I get the 1 mushroom kingdom and 1 rabbid min being enforced, but it's weird that they're is more that double the characters i can use at once yet am forced to use one at all times.
i change up my characters regularly and i think players should by the way it's designed but when it forces me to play mario, i have a problem
ha ha
>That second spoiler
Uh, didn't they confirm the Rabbids universe and the Rayman universe to be two different things now?
Is it possible to enjoy this game if I find rabbids really REALLY annoying? I mean crazy frog levels of annoying?
>That spoiler
Uh, you don't get to bring friends___________________________
>Crazy frog levels of annoying
Having witnessed both these at their prime, nothing will ever come close to me as being as annoying as the Annoying Thing. And that includes the Rabbids.
They might be annoying but at least they can still be cute from time to time.
It's really good, it's like an expanded sequel to Codename: S.T.E.A.M just with Mario and Rabbids.
This game is so good bros, I just unlocked Rabbid Mario he seems good but I've been rolling with Mario + Luigi + Rabbid Luigi for a while now not sure who I'd drop for him.
Mario and Luigi both having the ability to attack outside their turn is so strong and Rabbid Luigi's vampire dash is the shit.
I expect the DLC to expand on the aftermath of the game
Basically the Rabbids don't leave the mushroom kingdom and now both worlds live together, I expect the dlc to kinda make you return every rabbid home
There's always the co-op stages for 4 characters.
I'm also surprised at how much I'm liking it. At world 1-6 right now after playing for a bit yesterday. On docked mode there are slowdowns during the attack animations but none that could be seen when playing handheld. This seems to be a common issue with the switch.
Attack confirmation is not a damper for me, but I do mix my RL and ZrZl buttons every once in a while.
I wish you could love overhead view for attacking, but I'm enjoying the game more than I imagined.
What, my lads, did he, this user, mean by this?
>That feel when DLC comes to expand the story, but Rabbids never actually return back home, only Beep-O for its creator
>Your face when Rabbids made canon
Rabbid Mario and Princess Peach are beasts. I just wish you could replace Mario himself with a different party member.
I like Rabbid Luigi's focus on status effects and slide-tackling, but they tend to backfire when you need them most so I stopped using him. Most bosses are immune to status effects and can't be slide-tackled, which screwed me twice in a row before I finally replaced him.
The only reason you're enjoying the game is there hasn't been a single major release since march. It'll be dead once the fall lineup begins. September 19th is the first one
>he only has one console
wew lad
>Wow.... why am I actually having fun with a Rabbids game?
Your livelihood depends on it.
Excited to play. Ordered on amazon for the discount but it won't be here til sept 5th
>actually wanting DLC instead of free content
Devs please stop shilling.
Name one good title since BotW or Horizon or P5?
Ah good to know.
I love this game and I also love Sonic mania and splatoon 2
I know it's hard to believe but this game is actually good
you're the one that focuuses purely on AAA games then wonders why there's nothing good
>wow tacos again
>does this taco stand only sell hot dogs
>what a shit
DLC literally means "Downloadable Content", that's it. It doesn't specifically imply that it has a fee.
Nintendo let Ubisoft get away with some adult jokes and toilet humor that normally wouldn't fly in a Mario game.
Yeah except any Indie game I've played recently lasted maybe 6 hours tops? Shovel Knight, Terraria and Darkest Dungeon being the only exceptions. Sorry if I enjoy a longer experience. Only thing coming close so far is Path of Exile.
looks like minu8 to me.
Rabbids look very happy to be in the mushroom kingdom, to be hones they aren't out of plave there.
>name one good example of this besides [list of good examples]!
Try pic related. Takes around 35 hours to beat and 100+ to 100%.
Yeah, whenever animated defused and in their normal state, they seem pretty chill. Even the one who was on top of the Piranha Plant for instance was simply sleeping on top of it (not sure HOW it got there, let's leave that into speculation). The ones that came back simply built things for better access to the overworld and other things. Like what the fuck. These little shits are wounding up more productive than ever before.
I guess they were severely limited on Earth and find themselves more comfortable on Mushroom Kingdom? They had this thing about going to the Moon, maybe this is what they intended? Is it to create their own utopia for themselves?
I would. She's even hotter than Peach Rabbid.
I agree but DLC can actually add to a game and the experience. Selling the game half done and selling the rest as DLC is bullshit.
This isn't EA we're talking about.
Try Rabi-Ribi, Rain World, Hollow Knight, The End is Nigh, Hyper Light Drifter, Enter the Gungeon, VA-11 HALL-A, Dustforce, Salt and Sanctuary, Slime-San, Wuppo, etc
Hope we get some Rule34 soon.
I want Wario and the Wabbid to be party members.
Also some kind of "Nightmare Mode" with impossible levels of difficulty and all the enemies and bosses can have alternate colors like Rabbid Kong being brown and stuff.
How Ubisoft manage to get this pass Nintendo Customs is beyond me.
>thinking these thots are superior to Lava Queen
reminder that Rabbids are an all male species making the "female" Rabbids trans
In all seriousness, I think this game might usher a new age for Nintendo. A Nintendo that's more open to other companies handle their properties and willing to be more experimental and I mean more then usual.
Has anyone used Easy Mode yet? I just did because I wasn't quite at chapters end at one point and my characters health ranged from 10 to 70 so I just did it for the heal. There's no downside to doing it so you might as well if you're not looking for a bit of a challenge.
why does a Ubisoft game have the best Nintendo soundtrack of the last decade?
>Wow.... why am I actually having fun with a Rabbids game?
Because you are pretendo year old.
Well, having Grant Kirkhope of B-K fame on board might be a factor.
you spend the majority of the game killing them so it might actually be less annoying in a way
Does anyone else like doing team jumps and going through pipes even when you're going to an area that's easily accessible without them? I love doing it just because the presentation is so charming in this game and it's just so much fun looking at the characters flip around.
because it's Grant fuckin' Kirkhope.
Also for a game with so many bwahs, the soundtrack blows the NSMB score out of the water.
>It's anti-consumer to sell things.
You're retarded and don't know studio work flows work. I work in a AA studio and we do the same thing.
A studio proposes a project to work on, they get a team and they funding. In the proposal they give details of a timeline and expected completion. Working together with the producers, teams complete projects before an expected deadline. Once that project is finished, it is shipped out/published.
Now, DLC would be proposed as a separate project and not part of the original proposal, do you understand? DLC follows a separate proposal and time line. You think everyone works like capcom, but that's simply not true.
>I work in an AA studio
C-can you get me a job? Please? i've been trying all summer since graduating
Errr probably not, you're gonna have to climb the ladder I'm afraid. What's your training? What do you do?
I can see what I can do, we are hiring for some low level positions at the moment! Email [email protected] with your resume and credentials and I can see what I can do :)!
Is there literally any point to waiting a month or two before buying this?
Even a 5% chance of a sale somewhere?
Fuck enjoyment. This is Sup Forums. Only hatred allowed here
>what's your training? what do you do
Production Assistant on major feature films
D-damn, yo-you're trolling me
Its nintendo, so sales never ever
Anyway, how long is the game? Does it have any extras/ng+?
Im seriously considering getting it but i need something that lasts at least more than 20 hours.
On on hand, it's an Ubisoft game.
On the other hand, it has Mario.
I have no idea if it's going to price drop. However, don't worry about the launch edition dlc because it's just weapons. that'll be outdated after the first world.
dude, you don't just post your email on Sup Forums and not expect someone to spam you.
get Amazon Prime and buy it within the next two weeks. That's the cheapest you'll get most Nintendo games for a year or two years after launch.
Prime doesn't do that anymore. It's only for preorders now.
Best Buy GCU is still king.
You're a director at Naughty Dog?
Why the fuck are you looking for a job then?
>>what's your training? what do you do
>Production Assistant on major feature films
Interesting, what calls you to gaming? I do think there's room for cross-over from film to games btw. You should be fine.
what does GCU get you?
That said, do you think one of the meme companies that makes playable movies would look at a film student
I'm about to start a film program at a local community college and plan on going into PAing and other film work when I graduate (not from the community college), how has your experience been?
david wise > grant kirkhope
20% off on all non-preowned games (except Black Friday deals) and 2x reward points for two years for $30. Best Buy also has free release day shipping for preordered games as long as the total is $35+ or you're an elite member.
If you're good at networking/have at least one person you know in the industry, skip film school and just study whatever you want, or at worst, something broad like Communication Arts like I did
My experience was fantastic but probably just lucky, the production secretary on one of the films was telling me how the POC paid PAs pretty much top dollar compared to industry standard and treated us like people. I'm having difficulty finding a job now though, mostly because I can't feasibly commit to 12-hour-days in the city, I'm just not physically healthy enough for it.
PA work is like a master key though, and gives you access to pretty much every department in film-making. All it takes is a few jobs worth of doing good work (PAing is easy grunt shit, so all you need to do is not be a lazy ass) and people will bend over backwards giving you contacts.
I've only been on two films so far and one was a middling success and the other won awards at some of the major festivals, and I'm hoping them being on my resume will help.
Last suggestion: make your own shit, literally anything. Learn to write screenplays. I know this is Sup Forums and le plebbit boogeyman and shit, but check out /r/screenwriting, which is a decent community as long as you don't act like an entitled moron. Sup Forums has /fmg/ and /swg/ threads once in a blue moon as well.
>asking this in what's most likely a shill threa
is this game half as funny as Superstar Saga was? Or is it lolsorandum BAW SCREAMS XD dumb bullshit?
One of my favorite moments in SSS was Luigi taking a hammer and pounding an NPC into the ground and then giving a thumbs up
sounds like a good deal, might have to check it out after my Amazon Prime ends (which may be never because every time they fuck up an order, they extend it by one months and it's been extended by almost a year now)
>what calls you to gaming
It's been my dream since I was a child to always make games, and I've wondered about transitioning into, at the very least, the cinematic/story-telling based side of the industry for a while.
How do I get them to give me shit? They've fucked up four of my orders this month, and all I get are assholes that don't want to do anything.
Decent humour to bring a smile. So far my only chuckle is them not knowing who Luigi is and fuckign up his name. That never gets old
>Beep-O clearly refers to Rabbid Luigi as Rabbid Luigi
>Calls real Luigi "Louis"
Fucking robot prick just pulling Luigi's legs to make him upset