What are some games where the main character can use steroids?

What are some games where the main character can use steroids?

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I'm more interested in games where I can die from mundane things like getting a hair cut.

I guess in pokemon you can pump your team full of "vitamins".


Body builders are insanely insecure, how do you justify wasting the entirety of your wakeful life on fanatically micromanaging your appearance so people will like how you look

It can't even be construed as a health/fitness thing because these people are EXTREMELY unhealthy, they cannot breathe properly due to the HGH-enlarged organs and the layers of gut muscle blocking their diaphragm. Their joints lose all ligament by 40 years. Their hearts give out by 50 from the testosterone. Their testes shrivel up and cease to work.

All this so that women will look at them and, they think, be impressed. But really women want effete faggish men like Justin Bieber so they don't even actually have that.

Bodybuilders are basically trannies. Bullied, abused people with self-image problems who mutilate their bodies in a futile bid to gain the attention and praise they never got in childhood.

Manlet nolift detected.

Duke Nukem 3D.
Coincidentally part of a dead franchise.

i bet if i jump on his back he wont be able to grab me


what a hurtful pasta. bodybuilding if anything seems to be for men's enjoyment of their own image. it's highly narcissistic so I doubt anyone into it really cares if women approve.

lmao kys beta male

DEX always beats STR

What are some games where i can fall in a coma?

This is some Twilight Zone shit, what is he even doing?

Anyone who takes any hobby to the extreme has some kind of mental problems.

pretty sure at the point of rich piana(peace and many scoops be upon him) it's just pure unfiltered autism
it's the same as building a 100:1 scale replica of the enterprise out of lego except it makes you huge

Yeahhhh you really don't want to go too far past David statue physique.

i gave my poliwrath 11 vials of "protein" in a row and he fainted and never recovered
wat do?

Give him at least 3 more scoops. You wanna get big, you gotta eat big.


When all your life is about muscle mass, you do nothing but flex, what other point is there in getting that huge? It's a boring existence really.

You get paid to lift and diet. Ez life

Rip in piss piano man, pour one out for my man Rich.

Fallout series has buffout


he looks mentally ill

Half Life 2 Episode 2


You can leave humanity behind.

>TFW there is a /fit/ man inside of you trying to burst free

Here's me wrecking some skinnyfat ghouls.

Man on the right looks like he's got stomach cancer, some people shouldn't lift.

>tfw no YEP

It's from massive doses of human growth hormone.

Roid Rage 5

I bet he was more mobile than you are

Manlets will do anything to get tall. Skull implants are pretty pathetic.


Here's my cycle, how am I doing fellas?

Good goy! If you have time for taking your hobby to extreme, then it is better spent giving me shekels!

You are retarded. People like Piana are exception and not the rule.


A bit of a weird argument since Jews own every vendor of hobby equipment.

>He looked

You don't need fancy jew equipment to become strong: go outside and start lifting fucking rocks and trees.

5% club kiddo. something i guess you arent part of


You're going to need tens of thousands of dollars of injections every year to be an 'extreme' bodybuilder.

Blitz: the league

just a heads up. i have no objection to what you're doing. but you could get 3x the results in the same time if you just bought a gym membership. calisthenics works, but it's slow and inefficient. it's not about whether you can work yourself tired but targettign muscles accurately so you don't overlap and equipment designed for that helps tons.

eat and sleep

the only way to win the last arm wrestling contest in the witcher 2 is with steroids

Mother Russia Bleed

>start lifting fucking rocks and trees.

yes because i can lift a rooted tree just like everyone else

fucking retard, bet you weigh 20 stone

Something tells me that Socrates' idea of a physically healthy man wasn't a person macrodosing testosterone and HGH until his balls turn to dust, ballooning up globally so that he can't breathe, then dying at the ripe age of 47 due to his steroid abuse.

The strongest human specimens in Socrates' age would not be impressive to look at today, and they didn't spend their life, or even a significant portion of it, on aesthetics training.

Yeah, Socrates didn't have video games.


Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain

lmao that gut shows that he's just a bloated mass of hgh muscle

Calisthenics is not lifting rocks and trees. Then you may as well join a gym.

Using your own body in a practical way to build muscle. That is calisthenics. Not using gym machines that are designed to isolate muscle groups that couldn't possible work on their own without those machines.

You don't know shit, cookie cutter.

I figure it's a hobby like reading, video games, drawing, sports, anything really. Some people are more dedicated to their hobby than others.

>athleten back then did not train every second of their life

mate they hate nothing back then their life was so shit all they did was train eat and fuck and die young because the average person died with 50-60

Why aren't you just punching people to establish your physical dominance? Also, where's your psycho? Helps develop lean mass and a deep cut.

If you need aids to even lift, then you're worse than a liftless. They at least don't try what they know they can't do.

RIP in peace piano

nobody serious about lifting uses machines

It's not the muscle mass that scares people off -- he actually acts like a fucking autist. Jesus christ, that was painful to watch.

>that bloated HGH stomach


They didn't have steroids or other shit nor gym machines that isolate muscle groups so no they wouldn't look anything close to the OP but you can bet your ass they were nevertheless functionally strong. If they died younger back then it's because of a lack of medical interventions compared to what we have now. The point isn't living longer anyway, it's living a quality life. Have fun living to 90 with Alzheimer's and incontinence.

>muscles are disgusting
>why doesnt he look like my 6pack twink body builders on ieat.cum ?

Reading, video games, and drawing are all hobbies which are personally gratifying. There is nothing personally gratifying about bodybuilding. It's all external gratification from other people. You may think when you look in the mirror it's personal gratification, but it really isn't. The reason you feel gratified looking in the mirror is because other people exist and you're fantasizing about what they'll think of you.

Bodybuilding is entirely a vain pursuit, one focused on attracting attention and praise. It's unhealthy in any case, but when you get to the stage where your testicles aren't working, your diaphragm is crushing your lungs, your knees are bone on bone, your heart is palpitating, and you're STILL spending your entire day, all waking moments of it, on this vain self-destructive horse shit, it stops being pathetic and becomes sad instead.

Please do not confuse what I'm saying with "fitness is bad". Bodybuilding is not fitness and it's not healthy. You can run a mile each day and be fit. If you're sitting on your ass for your whole life you will be healthier than Rich Piana was.

porn of people like this man?

I'm all for people enjoying bodybuilding but I think there are definitely limits and you should only really do it for yourself I believe. If you're trying to do it to impress or some shit don't even bother. I don't know why people even think those bodybuilder bods are aesthetic in any way. I think the more natural "tree trunk" strength body looks more pleasing and is more functional.

>lean body > bloated stomach

Arnold said it best: the general public admired bodybuilders when they were still cultivating their bodies based on aesthetics, rather than overall size.

Thin waist and big upper body. But you can't take HGH and get that body, so no one bothers.


Arnold had very neat pectoral shape. They look like narrowed brow ridges on his chest.

>everyone has the same genetics

i weight lift and i have the "hgh stomach bloat" even though ive never done steroids or hgh. its a meme. not everyone has a flat stomach,even pro bodybuilders

In your case it's just called being fat. If you drink a lot you'll get it no matter what, liver damage ensures it.

Visceral fat.

Why does every single fucking modern competitive bodybuilder have that ugly ass gut?

Roids enlarges the intestines.

>fat lad trying to feel a little less guilty

now they don't mind it on competitions. back in the day they did vacuums to hold the roidguts just so they wouldn't look like that.

People today don't care because they can win with it anyways.

the only reason i managed to overcome depression is because i started lifting

the combination of physical satisfaciton from exercise and seeing your own personal growth is incredibly gratifying

i do agree that cases like the piano man in OP, that suffer from body dismorphia and abuse drugs beyond considering personal health, are self harming

Your abdomen is surrounded by muscles. When you do a certain amount of steroids, and do full body workouts, those muscles become bigger. The sheer amount of muscle mass in that area becomes enlarged. The guys in strongman competitions might look fat as fuck, but if you feel their stomachs, they are hard as a rock.

HGH grows your organs, all of them. This is the reason. It has nothing to do with muscles.

>Bodybuilding is not fitness and it's not healthy.
i'm pretty sure you don't have to even take roids to do bodybuilding, it's just training for aesthetics

you could even go for the perfect ottermode twink or some shit

its not just roid and ab work, 80s bodybuilders were roided to the gills as well and they dont have the gut

it's because of Insulin and HGH usage that causes their intestines to grow bigger as well